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Christoph Hammer

Early Music


Christoph Hammer, born in 1966, won First Prize in the nationwide “Jugend musiziert” competition in 1983 for his performance on the organ. He subsequently studied organ at the Academy of Music and Theater in Munich (Hochschule für Musik und Theater), also attending courses and workshops with renowned specialists for historic keyboard instruments. In addition, he studied German Literature and Musicology at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich and at UCLA. He was a scholarship winner of the Stiftung Maximilianeum and the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes.

Since 1989, Hammer has focused on playing historical keyboard instruments, especially the Hammerklavier / fortepiano. He has achieved an international reputation as a soloist and Lied accompanist as well as in chamber music. Numerous recordings document his success. Newest publication is a CD with Piano Works by Carl Cerny (ORF Edition). In addition to the established concert repertoire, Hammer dedicates his time to the rediscovery of little-known composers as well as researching and editing their works. From 2002-2008 he was teaching an oratorio class at the Academy of Music and Theater in Munich. 2009 he was appointed as an associate professor for hatpsichord and fortepiano at the University of North Texas. Christoph Hammer has been invited to teach masterclasses at numerous important institutions such as Czech State Music Academy (Prague), Tchaikovsky Conservatory (Moskau), State Music Academy (Minsk) and others. He performed at numerous international festivals such as Mozart-Festival Wuerzburg, Festival de piano Roques d’Antheron, Festwochen fuer Alte Musik Innsbruck, Tage alter Musik Herne, La folles journee Nantes, Tonhalle Zuerich, Konzerthaus Wien, Alte Oper Frankfurt, Munich State Opera Festival, Beethovenhaus Bonn and others. Christoph Hammer has played as a soloist with orchestras such as Concerto Cologne, Nederlands Kammerorchest, Los Angeles Baroue Orchestra, Prague Chamber Orchestra a.o.

Christoph Hammer has founded and directed the Munich-based baroque orchestra "NEUE HOFKAPELLE MÜNCHEN” since 1996 and is increasingly being engaged as a conductor. In July 2002, he was awarded the prestigious Culture Prize of the State of Bavaria for his wide range of activities in the field of Early Music and in 2004 he received an award from the Bavarian Volksstiftung for his research and performance work in Bavarian music history. In 2003, he founded the “Residenzwoche München”, acting as the festival’s artistic director. A recording of Giovanni Ferrandini's opera Catone in Utica, which was performed during the festival on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the opening of the famous theatre , has appeared with Oehms-Classics. Christoph Hammer also worked with lots of renowned Orchestras as “Badische Staatskapelle”, “Munich Symphonic Orchestra”, “Bruckner-Orchester Linz” , “Bremer Philharmonisches Orchester” and others. Hammer conducted Opera and Oratorio Productions by Monteverdi, Haendel, Carissimi, Cavalli, Steffani, Purcell, Conti, Keiser, Telemann, Ferrandini, Marcello, Leo and Mozart.