Professional Development Workshops

Developing professional skills is an essential component of a graduate student's career. Whether it's speaking at a conference, learning how to network with other academics, or preparing your first vitae, we realize there's some essential skills that may not be taught in your discipline. We've put together our Professional Development Workshop Series to help you out.

The PREP Model

We've based our workshop selections around the PREP model, coined by Michigan State University. The acronym embodies four areas that we believe are essential for your success.

  • Planning
    Graduate school isn't easy. Proper planning however can dramatically reduce stress and anxiety and get you on the road to achieve your academic goals.
  • Resilience
    Being resilient is an important trait for managing both your personal and professional lives.
  • Engagement
    This is a must to be involved in the academic world around you, to take advantage of opportunities and attain your goals.
  • Professionalism
    This is a core competency of any graduate student.

Workshop Schedule

Below is a list of our upcoming workshops. We update the list frequently, so check back to see when the next workshop will be. 

To register for workshops hosted by the library, please go to

Workshop Resources

If you have any suggestions or feedback for workshop ideas, feel free to get in touch with us.

Workshop Resources

    Advanced Refworks - Citation Management Software
    August 1, 2011 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm
    Do you need some organization to your research? Do you want to learn how to craft bibliography and reference pages with a few clicks of a button? Let RefWorks work for you! This workshop will show you the benefits of using RefWorks citation management software (advanced level) throughout the research process, including importing citations from electronic databases and bibliographic composition in the most common writing styles (e.g., APA, MLA, etc.)
    New TA/TF Orientation (Registration Required)
    August 22, 2011 - 8:30am - 4:30pm

    The Toulouse Graduate School is excited to announce the UNT Teaching Excellence Seminar, a redesigned TA/TF Orientation that introduces new TA, TF and adjunct faculty to best practices in teaching and supportive resources.  Supported by the Office of the Provost, CLEAR, and the Council of Deans,  this one day workshop is mandatory for all new TAs and TFs as stated in the Graduate catalog.

    Developing Your Written Credentials: CV's and Letter of Interest
    September 20, 2011 - 4:00pm - 5:30pm
    A curriculum vita, CV or vita, this document is the academic equivalent of a resume and is a summary of your educational and professional history. The CV is used when applying for teaching and administrative positions in academia or for a fellowship or grant. Your CV is an important document in your job search. In developing your written credentials it is crucial to represent your professional experience, accomplishments, expertise, and qualities in the most impactful manner possible. This workshop is designed to help graduate and Ph.D.
    Developing a Resume, Cover Letter and How to Convert your CV into a Resume
    October 18, 2011 - 4:00pm - 5:30pm
    The most valuable thing about a resume is the process of writing it. As you write your resume (for many of you taking your curriculum vita and turning it into a resume), you develop greater self-knowledge and stronger convictions about your past accomplishments and ability to make future contributions. The process of choosing the experiences that are most pertinent for you to highlight and emphasize can be an enlightening and productive experience as you launch your search. This workshop is designed to help graduates and Ph.D.
    What’s Out There?: Identifying Non-Academic Options in the Masters and Ph.D. Job Market
    November 1, 2011 - 4:00pm - 5:30pm
    Employers from various industries such as business, government, sciences and/or non-profits will discuss employment opportunities for Masters and Ph.D. students. Discussion will include company information and skill sets each employer seeks in graduate students. Networking will be available with employers after the panel discussion.