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  • Alzheimer's disease

    From dancing to drugs, research on Alzheimer's disease is moving apace. Because of our improved understanding of the role that amyloid-β has, we are uncovering new ways to treat and perhaps prevent the disease. Imaging the brain is improving diagnosis, and better biomarkers to track disease progression are being sought. Could we soon banish the spectre of Alzheimer's disease?

    Image credit: Nik Spencer


    View the free Nature Outlook on Alzheimer's disease

  • Dynamics of the cell

    Advances in optical imaging have given researchers an unprecedented view of the inner workings of cells. Cellular processes are now known to be much more dynamic than previously imagined. This Insight explores some of the most exciting developments in cell biology, including how cells might perceive and interpret mechanical forces from the external environment, how RNA and protein can be transported between the nucleus and cytoplasm, how one molecule can influence a cell's phenotype and how molecular 'chaperones' assist in the crucial process of protein folding to maintain cellular homeostasis.

    Image credit: Nik Spencer


    View the Nature Insight on dynamics of the cell

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