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Research Physiologist/Marine Biologist/

Senior Lecturer


  • B.A., San Diego State University
  • M.S., San Diego State University
  • Ph.D., UCSD - Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Research Interests:

  • Comparative physiology of fishes: Swimming and buoyancy adaptation, respiratory adaptations, and cardiovascular physiology.
  • The transition from water to land by modern and ancient fishes.

Courses Recently Taught:

  • SIO297: Marine Biology Seminar

Honors and Awards:

  • Invited speaker, Graduate Student Symposium U. British Columbia, 2009
  • Elected to Phi Beta Kappa (San Diego State University), 2001
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Research Fellowship, 1999
  • President, San Diego Chapter, Sigma Xi, 1990
  • John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, 1987
  • Most Distinguished Alumni, College of Sciences, San Diego State University, 1975


  • Jew, Corey (Undergrad; 2008-2009)
  • Marquez, Alexandra (Undergrad; 2008-2009)
  • Miller, Ashley (Undergrad; 2008-2009)
  • McKay, Charles (Undergrad; 2007-2008)
  • Nosal, Andrew (Graduate; 2006-)
  • Cartamil, Daniel (Graduate; 2003-2009)
  • Wegner, Nicholas (Graduate; 2003-2009)
  • Sepulveda, Chugey (Graduate; 2000-2005)
  • Lee, Heather (Graduate; 1999-2005)
  • Bernal, Diego (Graduate; 1996-2002)
  • Dewar, Heidi (Graduate; 1996-2000)
  • Aguilar, Nancy (Graduate; 1995-2000)
  • Fields, Peter (Post Doc; 1994-1995)
  • Korsmeyer, Keith (Graduate; 1992-1996)
  • Fields, Peter (Graduate; 1990-1994)
  • Lai, Ngai Chi (Graduate; 1983-1989)
  • Stockmann, Weiland (Post Doc; 1983-1984)
  • Dickson, Katherine (Graduate; 1979-1986)
  • Abel , Daniel (Graduate; 1891-1986)

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Home Department:

Mailing Address:
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla CA, 92093
Mail Code: 0202

Email: jgraham@ucsd.edu

Lab Website: http://mbrd.ucsd.edu/Research/labs/Graham/



Publications 1997-2008 J.B. Graham

PUBLICATIONS 1997-2008 111. Graham, J.B., Aguilar, N., Dudley, R., and Gans, C. (1997) The Late Paleozoic atmosphere and the ecological and evolutionary physiology of tetrapods. In: Amniote Origins: Completing the Transition to Land, Chap. 5, K. Martin and S. Sumida, eds. San Diego: Academic Press; pp. 141-167.

112. Lai, N.C., Korsmeyer, K.E., Katz, S., Holts, D.B., Laughlin, L.M., and Graham, J.B. (1997) Hemodynamics and blood properties of the shortfin mako shark, Isurus oxyrinchus. Copeia 1997:424-428.

113. Korsmeyer, K.E., Lai, N.C., Shadwick, R.E., and Graham, J.B. (1997) Heart rate and stroke volume contributions to cardiac output in swimming yellowfin tuna: response to exercise and temperature. J. Exp. Biol. 200:1975-1986.

114. Korsemeyer, K.E., Lai, N.C., Shadwick, R.E., and Graham, J.B. (1997) Oxygen transport and cardiovascular responses to exercise in the yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares. J. Exp. Biol. 200:1987-1997.

115. Graham, J.B. (1997) Air Breathing Fishes: Evolution, Diversity, and Adaptation. San Diego: Academic Press; 299 pp.

116. Lai, N.C., Graham, J.B., Dalton, N., Shabetai, R., and Bhargava, V. (1998) Echocardiographic and hemodynamic determinations of the ventricular filling pattern in some teleost fishes. Physiol. Zool. 71:157 167.

117. Graham, J.B. (1998). Book Review. Global Warming: Implications for Freshwater and Marine Fish. Fish. Oceanog. 7:171 173.

118. Graham, J.B. (1999) Comparative aspects of air breathing fish biology: An agenda for some Neotropical species. In. Biology of Tropical Fishes. A.L. Val and V.M.F. Almeida Val, eds. INPA, Manaus. pp 317 331.

119. Knower, T., Shadwick, R.E., Katz, S.L., Graham, J.B.,and Wardle, C.S. (1999). Red muscle activation patterns in yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) tunas during steady swimming. J. Exp. Biol. 202: 2127-2138.

120. Gans, C., Dudley, R., Aguilar, N.M., and Graham, J.B. (1999). Late Paleozoic atmospheres and biotic evolution. Historical Biology 13:199-219.

121. Gans, C., Dudley, R., Aguilar, N.M., and Graham, J.B. (1999). The Pre-Devonian carbon dioxide crash, the Late Paleozoic oxygen pulse, and associated shifts in ventilatory mechanisms. Pp. 31-43 In: A.K. Mittal, F.B. Eddy, and J.S. Datta Munshi (eds). Water/Air Transition in Biology. Oxford and IBH Publ. New Dehli.

122. Graham, J.B. and Dickson, K.A. (2000). The evolution of thunniform locomotion and heat conservation in scombrid fishes: New insights based on the morphology of Allothunnus fallai. Zoological Journal of the Linnaean Society: Zoological Society 129:419-466.

123. Graham, J.B. and Dickson, K. A. 2001, Anatomical and physiological specializations for endothermy. In: B. A. Block and E. D. Stevens (eds.). Tuna: Physiology, Ecology, and Evolution, Academic Press, San Diego. pp. 121-165.

124. Bernal, D., Dickson, K. A., Shadwick, R. E., and Graham, J. B., 2001, Review: Analysis of the evolutionary convergence for high performance swimming in lamnid sharks and tuna. Comp. Biochem. and Physiol. 129A: 695-726.

125. Head, B. P., Graham, J.B., Shabetai, R., and Lai, N.C., 2001. Regulation of cardiac function in the horn shark by changes in pericardial fluid volume mediated through the pericardioperitoneal canal. Fish Physiol. and Biochem. 24: 141-148.

126. Bernal, D., Sepulveda, C., and Graham, J.B. 2001. Water tunnel studies of heat balance in swimming mako sharks. J. Exp. Biol. 204:4043-4054.

127. Lee, Heather and Graham, J.B. 2002. Their game is mud. Natural History Magazine. 9/02:42-47.

128. Sepulveda, C.A., Dickson, K.A., and Graham, J.B. 2003. Swimming performance studies on the eastern Pacific bonito Sarda chiliensis, a close relative of the tunas (family Scombridae). I. Energetics. J. Exp. Biol. 206: 2739-2748.

129. Dowis, H.J., Sepulveda, C.A., Graham, J.B. and Dickson, K.A. 2003. Swimming performance studies on the eastern Pacific bonito Sarda chiliensis, a close relative of the tunas (family Scombridae). II Kinematics. J. Exp. Biol. 206:2749-2758.

130. Bernal, D., C. Sepulveda, O. Mathieu-Costello, and J. B. Graham. 2003. Comparative studies of high performance swimming in sharks. I. Red muscle morphometrics, vascularization, and ultrastructure. J. Exp. Biol. 206:2831-2843.

131. Bernal, D., Smith, D., Lopez, G., Weitz, D, Grimminger, T., Dickson, K. and Graham, J.B. 2003. Comparative studies of high performance swimming in sharks. II. Metabolic biochemistry of locomotor and myocardial muscle in endothermic and ectothermic sharks. J. Exp. Biol. 206:2845-2857.

132. Olson, K.R., Dewar, H., Graham, J.B., and Brill, R.W. 2003. Vascular anatomy of the gills in a high energy demand teleost, the skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis). J. Exp. Zool. 297A:17-31.

133. Lai, N. C., Dalton, N. Lai, Y. Y., Kwong, C. Rasmussen, R. Holts, D., and J.B. Graham. 2004. A comparative echocardiographic assessment of ventricular function in five species of sharks. Comp. Biochem. and Physiol. 137A:505-521.

134. Gregory, J.A., Graham, J.B., Cech, Jr. J.J., Dalton, N., Michaels, J. and Lai, N.C. 2004. Pericardial and pericardioperitoneal canal relationships to cardiac function in the white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus). Comp. Biochem. and Physiol. 138A:203-213.

135. Sepulveda, C. A., Kohin, S., Chan, C., Vetter, R. and Graham, J.B. 2004. Movement Patterns, Depth Preferences, and Stomach Temperatures of Free Swimming Juvenile Mako Sharks, Isurus oxyrinchus, in the Southern California Bight. Mar. Biol. 145:191-199.

136. Gordon, M.C., Graham, J.B., and Wang, T. 2004. Introduction to the Special Collection: Revisiting the Vertebrate Invasion of the Land. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 77:697-699.

137. Graham J.B. and Lee, H. J. 2004. Breathing Air in Air: In What Ways Might Extant Amphibious Fish Biology Relate to Prevailing Concepts About Early Tetrapods, the Evolution of Vertebrate Air Breathing, and the Vertebrate Land Transition? Physiol Zool. and Biochem 77:720-731.

138. Graham, J.B. and Dickson, K.A., 2004. Tuna comparative physiology. J. Exp. Biol. 207:4015-4024.

139. Dickson, K. A., and Graham, J. B., 2004. Evolution and consequences of endothermy in fishes. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 77:998-1018.

140. Graham J.B. and Lee, H. J. 2004. Breathing Air in Air: In What Ways Might Extant Amphibious Fish Biology Relate to Prevailing Concepts About Early Tetrapods, the Evolution of Vertebrate Air Breathing, and the Vertebrate Land Transition? Physiol Zool. and Biochem 77:720-731.

141. Lee, H..J., Martinez, C.A., Hertzberg, K.J., Hamilton, A.L., and Graham, J.B. 2005. Burrow air phase maintenance and respiration by the mudskipper Scartelaos histophorus (Gobiidae: Oxudercinae). J. Exp. Biol. 208: 169-177.

142. Graham, J. B. 2005. A chondrichthyan compendium. Book review, Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 419-420.

143. Sepulveda, C. A., Wegner, N.C., Bernal, D., and Graham, J.B.2005. The red muscle morphology of the thresher sharks (family Alopiidae). J. Exp. Biol. 208: 4255-4261.

144. Graham, J. B., 2006. Aquatic and Aerial Respiration, pp. 85-117, in The Physiology of Fishes, 3rd Edition. Evans, D.H. and Claiborne, J.B., eds. CRC Press.

145. Duong, C. A., Sepulveda, C. A., Graham, J.B., and Dickson, K. A., 2006. Mitochondrial proton leak rates in the slow, oxidative myotomal muscle and liver of the endothermic shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) and the ectothermic blue shark (Prionace glauca) and leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata). J. Exp. Biol. 209: 2678-2685.

146. Wegner, N.C., Sepulveda, C.A., and Graham, J.B., 2006. Gill specializations in high-performance pelagic teleosts, with reference to the striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) and wahoo (Acathocybium solandri). Bull. Mar. Science 79:747-759.

147. Hight, B.V., Holts, D, Graham, J.B., Kennedy, B.P., Taylor, V., Sepulveda, C., Bernal, D., Ramon, D., Rasmussen, R., and Lai, N.C., 2007. Plasma catecholamine levels as indicators of post-release survivorship of juvenile pelagic sharks caught on experimental drift longlines in the Southern California Bight. Marine and Freshwater Research 58:1-7.

148. Graham, J.B., Lee, H.J., and Wegner, N.C. 2007. Transition from water to land in an extant group of fishes: Air breathing and the acquisition sequence of adaptations for amphibious life in oxudercine gobies. In: Fernandes et al., eds., Fish Respiration and Environment. pp. 255-288.

149. Perry, C.N., Bernal, D. Sepulveda, C., Theilmann, R.J., Graham, J.B., and Frank, L.R. 2007. Quantification of red myotomal muscle volume and geometry in the shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) and the salmon shark (Lamna ditropis) using T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. J. Morphology 268:284-292,

150. Sepulveda, C.A., Dickson, K.A., Frank, L.R., and Graham, J.B. 2007. Cranial endothermy and a putative brain heater in the most basal tuna species, Allothunnus fallai J. Fish. Biol. 70:1720-1733.

151. Sepulveda, C.A., Graham, J.B., and Bernal, D. 2007. Aerobic metabolic rates of swimming juvenile mako sharks, Isurus oxyrinchus. Marine Biology

152. Fluck, M., Webster, K.A., Graham, J., Giomi, F., Gerlach, F., and Schmitz, A., 2007. Coping with cyclic oxygen availability: Evolutionary aspects. Integrative and Comparative Biology

153. Ishimatsu, A., Yoshida, Y., Itoki, N., Takeda, T., Lee, H.J., and Graham, J.B. 2007. Mudskippers brood their eggs in air but submerge them in for hatching. J. Exp. Biol.

Last Modified: Jun 29, 2009