Duane B. Huggett   




Assistant Professor

Department of Biology

Institute of Applied Sciences

University of North Texas

P.O. Box 310559

Denton, TX 76203

(T) 940-891-6956

(F) 940-565-4297






Ph.D. Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2001, University of Mississippi


M.S. Biological Sciences, 1998, University of Mississippi


B.S. Biological Sciences, 1996, Virginia Polytechnic and State University


Research Interests


My research interests are in four broad areas: 1) Pharmacology and Toxicology; 2) Bioconcentration and bioaccumulation of contaminants; 3) Computational toxicology and, 4) Comparative pharmacology and physiology.



·        2006-Present, Assistant Professor, University of North Texas

·        2003-2006, Principal Scientist, Pfizer Global Research and Development

·        2001-2003, Research Scientist, Pfizer Global Research and Development


Current and Past Funding



·        Alternative methodologies for bioconcentration testing in fish.  (2010-2012). European Chemical Industry Council (CEIC) and International Life Sciences Institute.  (Principal Investigator)


·        Cardiovascular parameters in fish influencing bioconcentration and bioaccumulation. (2007-2010). International Life Sciences Institute-Human and Environmental Sciences Institute (ILSI-HESI) (Principal Investigator)


·        Bioconcentration and Early Life Stage Toxicity of Selected Pharmaceuticals in Fish (2007-2010). Pfizer Global Research and Development (Principal Investigator)


·        Interaction of Nicotine and Menthol in Mice (2008-2009). (Principal Investigator)


·        In vitro and In vivo metabolism of clofibric acid. (2007-2008) Pfizer Global Research and Development (Principal Investigator)


·        In Vivo metabolism of propranolol (2007-2008) Pfizer Global Research and Development and AstraZeneca Brixham (Principal Investigator)


Laboratory Group


David Hala (Post-Doc)

Lene Peterson (Post-Doc)

Kati Stoddard (PhD)

Santos Garcia (PhD)

Wendy Pace (PhD)

Michael Foster (PHD)

Matt Overturf (Ph.D.)

Carmen Overturf (Ph.D.)

Jamie Stine (Undergraduate-McNair Scholar)

Dusten Snodgrass (Undergraduate-McNair Scholar)


Past Students

Cristi Gomez (Ph.D. in 2010)

Crystal Colbert (M.S. in 2010)



Selected Publications


P.Paulos, T. Runnels, J.P. Sumpter, G. Nallani, D.B. Huggett. (20010). Reproductive Responses in Fathead Minnow and Japanese Medaka Following Exposure to a synthetic progestin, Norethindrone.  Aquatic Toxicology. (In Press).


D. Hala, A. Amin, A. Mikler, D.B. Huggett. (20010). A Constraint based Stoichiometric Model of the Steroidogenic Network of Zebrafish.  Journal of Biological Systems. (In Press).


S.F. Owen, D.B. Huggett, T.H. Hutchinson, M.J. Hetheridge, L.B. Kinter, J.F. Ericson, J.P. Sumpter. (2008). Cardiovascular pharmaceutical uptake from water into trout plasma in vivo: changes in biometry and growth. Aquatic Toxicology 93:217-224.


G.T. Ankley, B.W. Brooks, D.B. Huggett, J.P. Sumpter.  (2007).  Repeating History: Pharmaceuticals in the Environment.  Environmental Science and Technology 41:8211-8217.


S.W.Kennedy, S.Euling, D.B.Huggett, W.De Coen, J.Snape, T.Zacharewski, J.Kanno.  (2007). The Development of Genomic-Based Screening Assays for Ecotoxicology.  In. G.Ankley (ed) SETAC Pellston Workshop: The Role of Ecotoxicogenomics in Ecological Risk Assessment.


J.L. Flippin, D.B. Huggett, C.M. Foran.  (2007).  Changes in the timing of reproduction following chronic exposure to ibuprofen in Japanese medaka. Aquatic Toxicology 83:73-78.


D.B. Huggett, W.H. Benson, K. Chipman, J.C. Cook, L.E. Gray, L.B. Kinter, R.D. Meyerhoff, V. Trudeau.  (2005). The Role of Mammalian Data in Determining Pharmaceutical Responses in Aquatic Organisms.  In R.T. Williams (ed)  SETAC Pellston Workshop: Pharmaceuticals in the Environment.


T.H. Hutchinson, S. Barrett, M. Busby, D. Constable, A. Hartman, E. Hayes, D. Huggett, R. Lange, A.D. Lillicrap, J.O. Straub, R.S. Thompson.  (2003) Proposed Reduction in Fish Acute Ecotoxicity Testing for Environmental Assessments of   Pharmaceuticals.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry      22:3031-3016.


D.B. Huggett, J.C. Cook, J.E. Ericson, R.T. Williams.  (2003)   Theoretical Model For Prioritizing Potential Impacts of Human Pharmaceuticals To Fish.  Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 9:1789-1799.


D.B. Huggett, C.M. Foran, B.W. Brooks, J. Weston, B.N. Peterson, E. Marsh, D.Schlenk.  (2003).  In Vitro and In Vivo Comparison of Municipal Effluent Estrogenicity.  Toxicological Sciences. 72:77-83.


D.B. Huggett, I. Khan, J.C. Allgood, C.M. Foran, D. Schlenk. (2003)  Determination of Beta-Adrenergic Receptor Blocking Pharmaceuticals in United States Wastewater Effluent.  Environmental Pollution. 121:199-205.


D.B. Huggett, B.W. Brooks, B. Peterson, C.M. Foran, D. Schlenk. (2002) Toxicity of Select Beta-Adrenergic Receptor Blocking Pharmaceuticals (B-Blockers) to Aquatic Organisms.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 43:229-235.


D.B. Huggett, D.Schlenk, B.R. Griffin.  (2001) Toxicity of Copper in an Oxic Stream Sediment Receiving Aquaculture Effluent.  Chemosphere 44: 361-367


D.B. Huggett, W.B. Gillespie, Jr.,and  J.H. Rodgers, Jr. (1999)  Copper Bioavailability in Steilacoom Lake Sediments.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 36:120-123.