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About SPT

Biennial meeting



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The Society for Philosophy and Technology is an independent international organization that encourages, supports and facilitates philosophically significant considerations of technology. Founded in 1976, SPT maintains an association with the American Philosophical Association, and holds sessions at each of the APA's three annual regional meetings. Additionally, the Society convenes its own international conference biennially.

SPT publishes Techné (a scientific journal that apprears three times a year ), the proceedings of its international conferences, and the quarterly SPT Newsletter. The Society is dedicated to the pluralistic exploration of technology, and welcomes a variety of philosophical and other disciplinary approaches in both its conferences and its publications.

Membership in SPT is open to individuals whose work is in keeping with the interests of the Society?including those who have an advanced degree (typically but not necessarily in philosophy), those who are in a technological field, and students whose work includes philosophically significant considerations of technology.




















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