david bithell
experimental music theater

david bithell (b. 1976), currently an Assistant Professor of Composition Studies at the University of North Texas, is devoted to the exploration of the intersection between experimental music and theater.  His use of live performance, video, staging, music technology, and improvisation create abstract narratives that balance between the tragic and comic.

He has performed his compositions throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia in a variety of settings.  Recently, his composition "The President Has His Photograph Taken" for solo trumpet, electronics, and video was ...read more...

image from The President Has His Photograph Taken (2005)


upcoming events
  • April 15, 2011 @ 8pm - David Bithell @ Unruly Music - A Theater of Sound: An Evening of Intermedia and Experimental Music Theater - Vogel Hall, Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee - Milwaukee, WI
  • January 21, 2011 @ 8pm - performance of YesNo at the Sonic Diasporas Alumni Festival - Conrad Prebys Music Center Theater, University of California, San Diego - La Jolla, CA
  • October 9, 2010 - performance of Caught.Catching with Ellie Leonhardt at the Texas Dance Improvisation Festival - Rice University - Saturday (8:00pm) - Houston, TX
  • October 2, 2010 @ 4:30pm - performance of YesNo at the 2010 SPARK Festival of Electronic Music and Art - Barker Center for Dance, University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, MN
  • September 24-26, 2010 - Saturday @ 6pm and Sunday @ 4pm - New York premiere of encapsulating as a part of the White Wave / DUMBO Dance Festival - John Ryan Theater - Brooklyn, NY
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recent projects

the liminal surface



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news and events
  • A paper, co-authored with Ali Momeni, that describes the technical background for our interactive table-top environment, the liminal surface, will be published in the upcoming preceedings of the 12th Biennial Symposium on Arts and Technology.
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