The following is a calendar listing all events leading up to Earth Day. All events are located in the Environmental Education, Science and Technology Building (EESAT) on the University of North Texas campus (Bldg. 62), which is located on the corner of Avenue C and Hickory. The date, time, room number, contact person and number, along with a brief description of the event are listed. For further information or questions please call Kimberly Vetter at (940) 369-7576 or e-mail her at .

Saturday, April 17

"Eco-EclEctika," Environmental Fashion Show - At 8 p.m. in the atrium of the EESAT Building, models will strut down a catwalk wearing fashions from second-hand and consignment shops, along with fashions by UNT design students. Audience members will learn where to buy recycled clothing and where to recycle their own textiles. Contact - Jana Hawley, UNT Merchandising Department, (940) 565-7832. Good Photo Opportunity!

19th Heidegger Conference - At 3 p.m. in room 110 of the EESAT Building, keynote speaker, Robert Mugerauer from the University of Texas in Austin and specialist in environmental architecture, will discuss how environmental architecture applies to Heideggerian philosophy in his theories of place and living space. Contact - Gene Hargrove, UNT Environmental Philosophy and Religion Studies, (940) 565-2727.

Sky Theater Shows - At 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. the Sky Theater will be showing the planetarium show "Cowboy Astronomer" for $1 off the normal ticket price in honor of Earth Week. A list of normal ticket prices is enclosed. Contact - Ron DiIulio (Starman), UNT Sky Theater, (940) 369-7655.

UNT Recycling Drive - From 2 to 8 p.m. the public can drop off their recyclable goods (paper, glass, aluminum and textiles) in bins located in the back parking lot of the EESAT Building. Contact - Kimberly Vetter, UNT Center for Community and Environmental Journalism, (940) 369-7576.


Sunday, April 18

Sky Theater Shows - At 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. the Sky Theater in the EESAT Building will be showing the planetarium show "Cowboy Astronomer" for $1 off the normal ticket price in honor of Earth Week. A list of normal ticket prices is enclosed. Contact - Ron DiIulio (Starman), UNT Sky Theater, (940) 369-7655.

UNT Recycling Drive - From 2 to 5 p.m. the public can drop off their recyclable goods (paper, glass, aluminum and textiles) in bins located in the back parking lot of the EESAT Building. Contact - Kimberly Vetter, UNT Center for Community and Environmental Journalism, (940) 369-7576.


Monday, April 19

Backyard Wildlife Habitat Workshop - At 7:30 p.m. in room 130 of the EESAT Building, Kathy Scott from the Denton Nature Center and Debbie Hipp from Wild Birds Unlimited, will discuss how to provide the essential elements of habitat. They will provide specific examples of food, water and shelter as well as an overview of appropriate native plants to use in the landscape. Products will be on display. Contact - Kathy Scott, Denton Nature Center, (940) 484-9492 ext. 123 or Debbie Hipp, Wild Birds Unlimited, (972) 315-2473. Good Photo Opportunity!

UNT Recycling Drive - From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. the public can drop off their recyclable goods (paper, glass, aluminum and textiles) in bins located in the back parking lot of the EESAT Building. Contact - Kimberly Vetter, UNT Center for Community and Environmental Journalism, (940) 369-7576.


Tuesday, April 20

Aldo Leopold and the Environmental Movement - At 4 p.m. in room 110 of the EESAT Building, Baird Callicott from the UNT Department of Philosophy & Religion Studies, will discuss Aldo Leopold's A Sand County Almanac, the bible of the contemporary environmental movement, and his land ethic. At 5 p.m., the dedication of EESAT Building room 180 to Aldo Leopold will follow the lecture Contact - Dr. Callicott, Department of Philosophy & Religion Studies, (940) 565-4846.

Organic Pest Control - At 10:30 a.m. in the EESAT Building in room 163, Howard Garrett, Doctor Dirt, a landscape architect and organic horticulturist, will discuss the truth behind pesticides and how to avoid using them. Garrett writes a column for the Dallas Morning News and hosts a radio talk show called "The Natural Way" on WBAP 820 in Dallas. Contact - Howard Garrett's office at (214) 365-0606.

Sustainability of Agriculture Systems - At 2:15 p.m. in the EESAT Building (room to be announced), Kent McGregor, UNT Geography Department, will present a lecture on the sustainability of agricultural systems. He will examine methods of farming from ancient cultures and ask how their lessons can be applied to modern society. Contact - Kent McGregor, UNT Geography Department, (940) 565-2380.

UNT Recycling Drive - From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. the public can drop off their recyclable goods (paper, glass, aluminum and textiles) in bins located in the back parking lot of the EESAT Building. Contact - Kimberly Vetter, UNT Center for Community and Environmental Journalism, (940) 369-7576.


Wednesday, April 21

A Deconstruction of Earth Day - At 3 p.m. in room 125 of the EESAT Building, Vernon Martin, UNT Department of Philosophy & Religion Studies, will discuss the message content typically conveyed during contemporary Earth Day celebrations. He will also look at mass media coverage of environmental issues and will show how both allow global-scale environmental destruction to continue. Contact - Vernon Martin, Department of Philosophy & Religion Studies, (940) 565-2256.

Rachel Carson and the Environmental Movement - At 4 p.m. in room 110 of the EESAT Building, Farida Saleh, UNT Institute of Applied Sciences, and Dr. Henrietta Shirk, UNT English Department, will discuss the impact of Rachel Carson's famous publication Silent Spring. At 5 p.m. the dedication of room 178 to Rachel Carson will follow the lecture. Contact - Farida Saleh, Institute of Applied Sciences, (940) 565-2983.

UNT Recycling Drive - From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. the public can drop off their recyclable goods (paper, glass, aluminum and textiles) in bins located in the back parking lot of the EESAT Building.Contact - Kimberly Vetter, UNT Center for Community and Environmental Journalism, (940) 369-7576.

Earth Day Celebration

Earth Day Schedule

Send corrections to Kimberly Vetter at (940) 369-7576 or e-mail her at