Synergies Newsmagazine


CAS joins others in supporting U.S./Mexico Technology Summit 2010

The conference will provide an unparalleled opportunity for business leaders, policymakers, government officials, and technology advocates to exchange relevant and valuable information on Mexico’s advancing technology economy and methods to leverage our bi-national strengths to compete together in a global economy.

Faculty and staff members who are interested in creating partnerships with their colleagues at Mexican universities, as well as Mexican government officials and executives at companies operating in the U.S. and Mexico, are also invited to attend.


The Summit will focus on four major themes presented by panels of experts bringing the most current information and ideas to help your international technology business succeed.

* Leveraging Alliances for a Cross-border, Cross-Cultural Skilled Workforce

* Partnering for Success – Creating Cutting Edge Products and Services in Mexico

* Intellectual Property and Legal Compliance: Understanding the North American Free Trade Agreement

* Building a Competitive Mexican Framework for Binational Success

Invited guests and speakers will include members of the United States Congress, representatives of the United States Department of State, officials from the Mexican government, senior executives from companies currently operating in the US and Mexico, and experts on leveraging the benefits of binational product development.

Keynote speakers include:

•             Tom Leppert, mayor of the City of Dallas

•             Roberto Newell, Ph.D., CEO of the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO)

•             Kip Thompson, vice president at Dell

For more information and to register, go to:


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