CAARI dates
Welcome Letter

Important Dates

The organizers would like to welcome everyone to the 21st International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry. The conference is being hosted by the University of North Texas and Sandia National Laboratories. The Conference Co-chairs and the Topic Editors are working closely with the Session Chairs to develop sessions and obtain speakers that complement what CAARI is all about.

CAARI brings together scientists from all over the world who use particle accelerators in their research and industrial applications. The topics selected for CAARI 2010 are:
Accelerator Technology & Applications Medical Applications and Radioisotopes
Atomic Physics Nuclear Based Analysis
Early Career Hot Topics Nuclear Physics
Environmental/Earth Sciences and Advanced Energy Plenary
Focused Ion Beams and Nanofabrication Radiation Effects
Ion Beam Analysis Safety, Security and Contraband Detection
Ion Beam Modifications Teaching with Accelerators

The publisher of the proceedings will be AIP Publishing.

As with previous meetings in this series, the conference will comprise a mixture of plenary, invited review, invited technical, contributed talks and poster presentations. Again, this year we will be giving awards for the best student posters; one poster, that is considered the best quality and best presented, will be chosen in each of the four poster sessions. Keep checking back at this web site for uptodate information and new events happening in 2010.

We hope that all of you enjoy this conference, and find it intellectually stimulating. There are several opportunities to enjoy your friends at the various conference events scheduled throughout the week. If there is anything we can do to make your conference experience and stay in Fort Worth, Texas, more enjoyable, just ask us: Del, Barney, Margaret and Karen.

CAARI 2010 Conference Co-Chairs
Del McDaniel and Barney Doyle