What's New

2012 Scholar/ Artist
Josie Metal-Corbin is the recipient of the 2012 Scholar/Artist Award given by the National Dance Association. More >>
New NDA Resolutions
Resolutions approved by the NDA board and members, June 1, 2011. More >>
NEA Chairman Rocco Landesman Announces Inaugural Our Town Grants
More than $6.5 million to be invested in 51 communities that are supporting the arts as part of a community revitalization strategy More >>
Job openings with Alvin Ailey
This includes full time, part-time, internships, and volunteer work. More >>
Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services
IMLS releases grant guidelines for Learning Labs in libraries and museums. More >>
Wolf Trap Dance Master Classes
Master Classes offered for the summer of 2011 at Wolf trap. More >>

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