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Welcome to the Center for Spanish Language Media Website at the University of North Texas!
The Center has a three-fold mission of providing education, conducting and disseminating research, and offering professional development workshops.  The Center sponsors many activities in pursuit of this mission, and our website contains information about our projects and initiatives.  We encourage you to bookmark this page on your browser, and check back regularly on the areas that interest you most.

Likewise, we would welcome your ideas, feedback, and suggestions on how to help the
Center achieve its goals or areas of collaboration.  You may email us at 

Dr. Alan B. Albarran
Center Director
(940) 565-CSLM (2756)









Web site last updated or revised: Questions or comments about this web site, contact paswan@unt.edu
contact us: 1155 Union Circle #310589, Denton, TX 76203; Tel.940-565-2756