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Materials Science 5200 - Advanced Concepts of Metallurgical Science

_______________________________________________________________ Lecture

Fall 2010

Dr. Raj Banerjee
Office Location: Discovery Park E-110
Office Hours: E-mail to make an appointment or catch me in my office
Office Phone: (940) 891-6812
Email: banerjee[at]

See the current class schedule for class time and location

This course will provide the student with an understanding and working knowledge of metals as they are used today. The students will learn to appreciate the basic structure-property-processing relationships in metals and alloys. Starting with pure metals, we will examine the influence of: (i) deformation, (ii) temperature, and (iii) alloying on the structure and properties of metallic materials. We end with detailed discussions of Fe-C and other important alloy systems.

The student must be familiar with the Miller and Miller-Bravais Indices, crystal structure, bonding, and stereographic projections.

R.E. Reed-Hill and R. Abbaschian: Physical Metallurgy Principles, 3rd Edition, PWS Kent Publishing Company, 1992, ISBN 0-534-98236-0

Other References:
P.G. Shewmon: "Transformations in Metals", McGraw-Hill
M.C. Flemings: "Solidification Processing" McGraw-Hill
J.W. Christian: "Theory of Transformations in Metals and Alloys"
H.I. Aaronson (ed.): "Lectures on the Theory of Phase Transformations"
J.P. Hirth and J. Lothe, “Theory of Dislocations” 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons

There will be two midterms and one final exam. Homework (HW) and quizzes will be on the menu. Tentatively, the overall grading will be as follows.

Two, In-Class Midterms (30%+30%)...60%
Take Home Final Project......................40%
Term Paper (5200 students only).........20% (included in 40% total)

___ Lecture Notes _______________________________________________________________

See instructor for details on obtaining lecture notes.

___ Class Topics _______________________________________________________________

Introduction and background information
Introduction to Dislocations
Dislocations and Plastic Deformation
Elements of Grain Boundaries
First Midterm/Vacancies
Solid Solutions
Diffusion Process in Metals and Alloys
Melting and Solidification of Metals
Second Midterm
Nucleation and Growth Kinetics
Strengthening and Deformation Mechanisms
Non-ferrous Alloys
Ferrous Alloys
Student Presentations/Take Home Final Exam


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University of North TexasCollege of Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering