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Materials Science 5020 - Mechanical Properties of Materials

_______________________________________________________________ Lecture

Spring 2010

Nandika D’Souza
Office Hours: Mon. & Wed. 10:30-11:30am and by appointment
Phone: 940-565-2979
Fax: 940-565-4824
E-mail: ndsouza[at]

See the current class schedule for class time and location

Not Available

Mechanical Behavior of Materials by Thomas Courtney, 2nd edition – ISBN 0-07013265-8

Homework......................... 10%
First exam......................... 20%
Second exam.................... 20%
Independent Project.......... 20%
Final.................................. 30%

Homework must be turned in during the class.
If you intend on missing a class, alert the instructor to not being able to turn a homework in BEFORE the due date.
The Final exam will be comprehensive.


___ Class Topics _______________________________________________________________

What you can expect and when:

Week Date Textbook Topic Covered
Week 1 Jan 20 Chapter 1 Quiz, syllabus
Week 2 Jan 25, 27 Chapter 1/2 Tension/Bending/Torsion/Elastic Matrix
Week 3 Feb 1, 3 Chapter 1/2 Elastic deformation in isotropic materials, Plane Stress, Plane Strain, Principal Stresses
Week 4 Feb 8, 10 Chapter 2/6 Stress-strain in anisotropic materials, Composites, Strengthening by fiber reinforcement
Week 5 Feb 15, 17 Chapter 6 Composites
Week 6 Feb 22, 24 Chapter 3 Deformation of metallic crystalline materials, Exam 1
Week 7 March 1, 3 Chapter 4

Deformation of metallic crystalline materials

Week 8 March 8, 10 Chapter 5 Strengthening crystalline materials
Week 9 March 22, 24 Chapter 5 Strengthening crystalline materials
Week 10 March 29, 31 Chapter 7 High temperature deformation of crystalline materials
Week 11 April 5, 7 Chapter 8 Deformation of non-crystalline materials, Exam 2
Week 12 April 12, 14 Chapter 8/9 Deformation of non-crystalline materials, Fracture Mechanics
Week 13 April 19, 21  Courtney Chapter 10  Fracture Mechanics, Toughening Mechanisms
Week 14 April 26, 28 Chapter 10, 11 Deformation of polymers/Toughening
Week 15 May 3, 5 Chapter 12 Fatigue
Week 16 May 10   Final exam (comprehensive) 1:30pm

*The University of North Texas Materials Science Department will make reasonable adjustments to ensure equal opportunity for qualified persons with disabilities to participate in all their programs and activities. Please see the instructor if special accommodations are required


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University of North TexasCollege of Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering