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Materials Science 5010 - Bonding, Structure, and Crystallography

_______________________________________________________________ Lecture

Fall 2010

Thomas Scharf
Office Location: Discovery Park E-117
Office Hours: Wednesday 2 PM - 4 PM
Phone: (940) 891-6837
Email: scharf[at]

See the current class schedule for class time and location

During this course we will discuss how elements can be combined to produce noncrystalline and crystalline solids with specified properties in order to understand the links between chemical bonding, crystal structures and physical properties. We will also specify the defect structure, the microstructure, and the mesoscale structure of materials, such as metals, ceramics and polymers.

The Structure of Materials - An Introduction to Crystallography, Diffraction & Symmetry
By Marc De Graef and Michael McHenry
ISBN# 0-521-65151-4 Cambridge University Press

Supplementary Textbook
Structure and Bonding in Crystalline Materials
By Gregory S. Rohrer
ISBN# 0-521-66379-2 Cambridge University Press

The Instructor will supply additional handouts and references

Four homework sets will be assigned and graded. The purpose of the homework is to aid in learning the material. To this end, some collaboration among students in preparing the homework is acceptable. However, in the main, the work should be primarily yours. Because of this tight timeline, late homework will not be accepted.

There will be two examinations: midterm and a comprehensive final. There will be some separate questions for Undergraduates and Graduates.

Homework is 35%, Midterm is 30%, Final is 35%

___ Lecture Notes _______________________________________________________________

Course notes will be posted on the website:

___ Class Topics _______________________________________________________________

Aug 26
Introduction and Review of Simple Bonding Models  
Aug 31
Periodic Trends & Bonding Force/Energy  
Sept 2
Lennard-Jones Model  
Sept 7
Lennard-Jones Model (cond.)  
Sept 9
Born-Mayer-Huggins Model  
Sept 14
Crystal Lattice and Unit Cells Hwk 1 out
Sept 16
Metallic Crystal Structures  
Sept 21
Ceramic Bonding and Crystal Structures  
Sept 23
Ceramic Bonding and Crystal Structures (cond.) Hwk 1 in
Sept 28
Interstitial Compounds  
Sept 30
Introduction to Crystallography  
Oct 5
2D & 3D Bravais Lattices Hwk 2 out
Oct 7
Primitive and Basis Vectors in Crystal Structures  
Oct 12
No Class  
Oct 14
Basic Symmetry Operations, 2D Point & Plane Groups Hwk 2 in
Oct 19
Oct 21
3D Point Groups  
Oct 26
3D Point Groups (cond.)  
Oct 28
Neumann's Law and Tensor Properties  
Nov 2
3D Space Groups Hwk 3 out
Nov 4
3D Symmetry Elements in Crystalline Materials  
Nov 9
Relationships between planes and directions  
Nov 11
Introduction to XRD & Indexing Crystal Systems Hwk 3 in
Nov 16
Structure Factors  
Nov 18
XRD Intensity Calculations  
Nov 23
Texture Determination and Pole Figures  
Nov 25
No class - Thanksgiving Hwk 4 out
Nov 30
Stereographic Projection and Texture/Anisotropy  
Dec 2
Structure of Non-crystalline (amorphous) Solids  
Dec 7
Microstructural Case Studies  Hwk 4 in
Dec 9
Review for Final Exam  
Dec 14
Final Exam 5:00 - 7:00 pm  

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University of North TexasCollege of Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering