Fifth Summer School 

June 5-17, 2011       

NOTE: new rate for residence rooms: $27/night taxes incl.     

We are pleased to announce the Fifth University of Ottawa Summer School in Computational Neuroscience. There will be no tuition fee for academic participants, and there will be support for travel and accommodation based on need. The school is organized by the Center for Neural Dynamics at the University of Ottawa. It receives funding from NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) via an NSERC-CREATE Training Grant in Quantitative Biomedicine, from CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research) via a CIHR Training Grant in Neurophysics (U. Laval, McGill U. and U. Ottawa), and from CAMBAM (Center for applied Mathematics in Biology and Medicine at McGill University) which is funded by MITACS (Mathematics for Information Technology and Complex Systems, a Canadian Center of Excellence).

The course is directed at graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from the physical sciences (e.g. physics, applied mathematics, engineering, computer science) and the life sciences (e.g. neuroscience, biology, physiology, human kinetics) who wish to develop their skills in neural data analysis and in mathematical modeling of neural activity. The topics will range from cellular to systems neuroscience, with a focus on sensory and motor systems.

The course will consist of 3 hours of lectures in the mornings, followed by 3-hour MATLAB-based computer laboratories in the afternoons. Participants will pair up for these laboratories, and an effort will be made to pair someone from the life sciences with someone from the physical sciences. All classes and laboratories will be held on the main downtown campus of the University of Ottawa (Biosciences Complex). The School will be held in English, although many of the lecturers also speak French.

The course can also be taken for credit, since it is a University of Ottawa three-credit graduate course (NSC8104). The mark will be based on work done in the computer laboratories and a project (done in pairs). The project is presented orally by the team for approximately 15 minutes at the end of the school. All participants must do the project. Furthermore, those who are taking the course for credit must hand in a written report within a week after the school ends. The project is marked by the Faculty. All students receive a letter stating that they satisfactorily participated in the school, regardless of whether they take the course for credit. Those taking it for credit will receive their mark from the University of Ottawa Registrar's Office later in the summer.

The first day of the school (Sunday June 5th) will be a differential equation and probability refresher open to all participants, and will include an introduction to Matlab.

Enrollment in the course will be limited to 40 participants.


MATH PRE-REQUISITES: Calculus I and II, first-year university level Linear Algebra and Probability and Statistics.

LIFE SCIENCES PRE-REQUISITES: first-year university level life science courses for students in the physical sciences.


  • Prof. Maurice Chacron, Physiology, McGill University
  • Prof. John Lewis, Biology, University of Ottawa
  • Prof. Tim Lewis, Mathematics, University of California at Davis, USA
  • Prof. AndrĂ© Longtin, Physics, Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa
  • Prof. Len Maler, Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa
  • Prof. Jonathan Rubin, Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh, USA

TUITION: No tuition for academic participants (graduate students, postdocs, professors). $2500 for non-academic participants. The summer school course can also be taken for official University of Ottawa credits (3) by paying additionally the tuition fees corresponding to your situation (canadian or foreign fees). This can be determined from the webpage .



Accommodation will be available at the residences of the University of Ottawa, a few minutes walk away from the lecture hall and computer laboratory, as well as from cafeterias and restaurants. Accommodation consists of single rooms (single bed, desk and internet access), with communal kitchen and living area and shared bathroom. The cost is approximately $27 CAN per night per person, taxes included.


For those demonstrating the need, partial financial support for travel and accommodation will be available for students registered at canadian universities. There will be some support for meals for all participants. Support is provided by NSERC (CREATE training program in Quantitative Biomedicine, University of Ottawa) and CIHR (Neurophysics Training Grant, Universite Laval, McGIll University and University of Ottawa), as well as from MITACS (via the MITACS funded-McGill Center for Applied Mathematics in Biology and Medicine).


March 1st, 2011: Application due, including separate letter of reference sent to
March 10, 2011: Notification of acceptance and level of financial support.
March 20, 2011: Confirmation of acceptance and participation by the applicant.

Accommodation: as soon as possible after notification of acceptance, participants can reserve their accommodation online at or by phoning 1-888-564-4545.




  1. Introduction to Linear and Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
    • solutions of linear differential equations
    • qualitative analysis of nonlinear differential equations
  2. Single Neuron Models
    • ionic models
    • simplified deterministic models
    • stochastic models
  3. Neural Spike Train Analysis and Modeling
    • basic statistics
    • autocorrelation, spectrum
    • information theory toolbox
  4. Sensory Coding
    • artificial and naturalistic stimuli
    • modeling activity along the afferent pathways
    • modeling feedback
    • population coding and information theory
  5. Computational and Dynamical Approaches to Motor Control
    • posture control and equilibrium point approaches
    • movement adaptation to force fields
    • timing and rhythmic movements
    • computational approaches to movement pathologie
  6. Synaptic Plasticity
    • short term depression and facilitation
    • long term plasticity
    • implications for information processing
  7. Coupled Neurons
    • gap junction
    • excitatory and inhibitory synaptic coupling
    • effect of coupling on neural population behavior
  8. Waves of Activity in Neural Networks
    • neural field models
    • traveling waves
    • spiral waves




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Last updated: Monday, 07-Feb-2011 13:05:08 EST