Department of Biological Sciences

Teaching Certificate in Biology


Becoming a Teacher


Biology majors can become prepared for Life Science Certification for teaching in grades 8-12 by completing one of the following options:


Undergraduate Option:

Complete a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Biology, including undergraduate certification courses in education (includes student teaching).


Post-baccalaureate Option:

Complete a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Biology. Following graduation, enter the post-baccalaureate on-line certification program in education (includes teaching internship).


Master's Degree Option:

Complete a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Biology. Following graduation, enter the master's degree program "Teaching in Life Sciences" which combines the post-baccalaureate certification courses in education with graduate-level biology courses in a 36-hour non-thesis master's degree.


For more information on these options, please contact the department's representative for the UNT Science Teaching Program, Lee Hughes or Rudi Thompson.


Other important links for this program:


For further information, contact an advisor, or e-mail