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About ESTO



From space-borne instruments and components to data systems and modeling, the NASA Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) funds and develops a broad range of technologies for
the scientific observation and measurement of Earth. ESTO technologies are also used for NASA operations as well as practical applications that benefit society at large.

Toward New Measurements
ESTO investments are enabling many new Earth science measurements, including those outlined in the National Research Council's Decadal Survey
for Earth Science.
+ Learn more about technologies supporting the Decadal Survey


July 19, 2011
logo for the 2011 Earth Science Technology Forum
Attending IGARSS 2011? Don't miss the ESTO-chaired session on Thursday, July 28: TH4.T10, Earth Observation Sensor Web

July 6, 2011
logo for the 2011 Earth Science Technology Forum Link to the 2011 Earth Science Technology Forum website
The full proceedings from the 2011 Earth Science Technology Forum (held June 21-23 in Pasadena, CA) are now online. Visit the Forum website for more information.

June 14, 2011
The ESTO Technology Portfolio has been updated with new 2011 charts for active investments and recent graduates.

June 6, 2011
The online Potential Bidders Conference for the 2011 Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) Solicitation was held May 26. Presentation slides and notes from the conference are available here.
Link to the 2011 Earth Science Technology Forum website

Program Areas
go to observation technologies section

Observation Technologies:
The Power to See

The Advanced Sensors Group leads developments in remote sensing technologies through the Advanced Component Technologies and Instrument Incubator Programs.

go to information technology section

Information Technologies:
The Ability to Understand

The Advanced Information Systems Group pursues sensor webs, automation, interoperability, networking, communication protocols, and other technologies to enhance the production, collection, handling, transmission, analysis, and comprehension of data.

click here to go to the ESTO technology portfolio
FirstGov logo + Privacy Policy and Important Notices NASA Curator: Philip Larkin
NASA Official: George J. Komar
Site Map / Contact Information


ESTC2008 conference logo link link to story on Mars Lightning ESFL TEchnology Link Link to Scientific American Article Logo for ESTF2011 Conference Link to 2/11/11 Science Article Link to IGARSS2011 conference website