

Setting Free...

A seedling it started
         in a garden of many hearts
               awaiting spring shower to arrive

                  to be germinated by the warmth of sunshine...


A bud it sprouted
        from the ground to the above
              left the roots behind before it got stuck
                    to long for the caress of sunlight with luck...
A flower it blossomed
    opening the arms of petal in full bloom
            revealing the pollen gems inside
                    to receive the hugs of the butterfly...
A nectar it became
    suckled by the sweet delight
            of the butterfly in flight
                    to kiss the juice of sweetness in sight...
A honey it transformed
        in the heart of another life-form
              where it lives with fun and thrill
                    to travel from flower to flower until...
A butterfly it metamorphosed
        from a chrysalis that it was
              without knowing it could fly away free
                    from the cocoon of its own safe haven indeed...
A journey it ventured
        from where the heart was captured
              not knowing what tomorrow will bring
                    with the hope that it will still be there next spring...
A rainbow it can see
        in its true colors from red to blue
              that shined in brilliant shades of hue
                    on the wings of the butterfly it set free...