SRC ® Semiconductor Research Corporation. Pioneers in Collaborative Research ®

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Research Programs

New Research Initiative

  • ERI ERI Energy Research Initiative

    Developing technology for improving energy efficiency, generation, storage, transmission and use. Focusing on photovoltaics and smart grids.

Emerging Research Initiatives

  • Bioelectronics

    Advancing technologies at the interface of biology and electronics for applications in medicine, food safety, forensics, security and environmental monitoring.

  • Sensors

    Sensors research will span the intersection of multiple science areas with semiconductor technology, as universities identify new sensor applications in sectors such as medicine, surveillance, environmental protection.

  • Cyber Security

    Cyber security will focus on innovations in security technology for the protection of cyberspace and cyber assets in an increasingly complex networked environment.

News & Press Releases

Research Funding Opportunities

Funding Opportunities

SRC funnels millions of dollars to research teams at universities worldwide. Visit our research funding opportunities page for up-to-date descriptions of research needs, solicitation schedules, and information on how you can join the SRC research community.

Education Alliance

Student researchers

A private
foundation, the Education Alliance
is committed to supporting a diversity of science and engineering students at various levels of education, encouraging them to pursue careers as innovators and technology leaders.

A Model of Success

Craig Barrett

“The programs of SRC are all a role model of what you can accomplish — how you can multiply the efforts of the individual by combining them at a precompetitive stage, and then moving the industry forward.”

Craig Barrett
Former Chairman of the Board, Intel Corporation

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