John Ishiyama
(Ph.D., Michigan State University)


Research interests: Democratization and political parties in post communist Russian, European and Eurasian and African (especially Ethiopian) politics; Ethnic conflict and ethnic politics; the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. He is the author or editor of four books (Ethnopolitics in the New Europe; Communist Successor Parties in Post Communist Politics; Communist Successor Parties in Central and Eastern Europe; and Assessment in Political Science) and author or coauthor of over 90 journal articles (in such journals as the American Political Science Review, Perspectives on Politics; PS: Political Science and Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Comparative Politics, Political Science Quarterly, Political Research Quarterly, Europe-Asia Studies, Party Politics and others) and book chapters on democratization, party politics, ethnic politics, and post communist Russian, European, and African politics. He has also written widely on curriculum development, educational opportunity, and educational assessment in political science. In addition, he is a Research Fellow at the University of Kansas’ Center for Russian and East European Studies. Currently, he serves as Editor-in-Chief (and was founding editor) of the Journal of Political Science Education, the journal of the APSA Political Science Education (formerly Undergraduate Education) section. He is also currently a member of the APSA Executive Council (2007-09) and a member of the Executive Board of Pi Sigma Alpha (the national political science honorary society) from 2008-2012.

He was selected as the 2004 Missouri Professor of the Year by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. He was named a 2003-2004 National Carnegie Foundation Scholar, and received the 2003 Allen Fellowship for Faculty Excellence, the 2003 Missouri Governor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, the 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 APSA/Pi Sigma Alpha Awards for Teaching in Political Science and the 1999 William O'Donnell Lee Award for academic advising.

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