Department of Biological Sciences

David Tam, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

David Tam

Office: SRB 128
Phone: (940)565-3261

Personal Website

Computational Neuroscience Lab

Dr. Tam is a computational neuroscientist who develops mathematical and statistical tools to analyze theoretical and experimental models of the brain. His research focuses on developing brain theory and applying analytical tools to reveal the coding mechanisms of the brain.


He is currently developing a comprehensive theoretical model of the brain that addresses the underlying cognitive process in emotional development from neuronal to behavioral level, which is confirmed by experimental techniques in human.


Current projects include emotional cognition, neural spike train analysis, brain modeling and brain simulator. He plans to use fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) brain imaging. near-infrared spectroscopy imaging, adn EEG techniques to confirm his brain model on emotional processing in human.

Research Areas:

Emotion processing, ccomputational neuroscience, neurophysiology, behavioral psychology, neuropsychopharmacology



Principles of Biology, neuropsychopharmacology