[April 2011] AISI News Release: AISI Co-Sponsors Cold-Formed Steel Design Competition

"WASHINGTON, D.C., April 14, 2011 - The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) announced today that along with the National Science Foundation, it is co-sponsoring a Student Competition on Cold-Formed Steel Design at the University of North Texas (UNT). The competition was launched by UNT Professor Cheng Yu in early April and the projects are due on May 31, 2011." link to the news

[December 2010] Modern Steel Construction News Release: Seismic Research on Cold-formed Steel Construction

"The American Iron and Steel Institute Seismic Code Team is partnering with Johns Hopkins University and the University of North Texas on two research projects to improve the seismic performance of cold-formed steel for light-frame construction. The projects have received grants from the National Science Foundation. " link to the news


  [December 2010] AISI News Release: AISI to Participate in Cold-Formed Steel Seismic Design Research

"The American Iron and Steel Institute announced that its Seismic Code Team will partner with the Johns Hopkins University and the University of North Texas on two research projects that will advance the seismic design of cold-formed steel for light-frame construction. The projects have received grants from the National Science Foundation. The research results will advance the use of cold-formed steel in high seismic areas. " link to the news


  [November 2010] UNT News Release: UNT Researcher wind prestitigious NSF award to study building design

"DENTON (UNT), Texas -- New research studying cold-formed steel and its applications as a construction material could make buildings more structurally sound and less susceptible to damage brought by natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes. " link to the news


Last updated 4/25/11