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University of North Texas

  Discover the Power of Green...

 ...Discover Plant Science at UNT  

  Plant Science Page Plant Science Research Courses Biology CAS UNT  

Brian Ayre
Kent Chapman
Rebecca Dickstein
Robert Pirtle
Jyoti Shah
Don Smith
Kevin Stevens
Juan Gonzalez
Camelia Maier
Magaly Rincon-Zachary
UNT BIOL Seminars
Noble Foundation
Why study plants?
Plants and algae are the primary producers on earth.  They convert solar energy to chemical-bond energy by assimilating carbon dioxide into consumable sugars, produce oxygen required for aerobic respiration, and participate in fixing atmospheric nitrogen to forms accessible to other organisms.  They stabilize and restore environments, create habitats, and cleanse the air of pollutants and greenhouse gases.  Plants influence every aspect of our lives: They provide the food we eat, the clothes we wear, medicines for our health, and our shelter from the elements.
 Photographs by Will Wiant (UNT MSc) 
Plant Science at UNT
Mission:  Consistent with the mission of the Department of Biological Sciences, the UNT plant science consortium promotes the discovery, advancement, and dissemination of basic and applied knowledge in the life and environment sciences.
Research:  Research summaries for each faculty member specializing in plant science
Courses:  Course summaries of undergraduate and graduate courses in plant science
Resources and facilities:  selected resources and facilities to support plant science research
Undergraduate Programs and Graduate Pograms in the Department of Biological Sciences at UNT

New Course, Fall 2008!
BIOL 4005/5005. PLANT INTERACTION WITH THE ENVIRONMENT. 3 hours. (3;0) Plant interaction with pathogens, insects, heat, cold, salinity, water excess and deficit and heavy metals. Prerequisites: A course in plant biology and a course in biochemistry.
Instructor: Dr. Jyoti Shah (Undergrad Catalog / Grad Catalog).

News Worthy:
The Department of Biological Science at the University of North Texas welcomes Dr. Jyoti Shah to our Faculty as Associate Professor. Dr. Shah joins us with a well established laboratory and extensive publication list. Research Interests: Molecular genetics of defense responses in plants; hormonal signaling in plant defense.
Featured Course:
BIOL 4280 / 5280. Aquatic Botany.
3 hours. (2;3) Ecology, identification and management of aquatic plants and algae. Special emphasis on the role of aquatic plants in reservoir and river ecosystems. Prerequisite(s): 8 hours of biology.
(Undergrad Catalog / Grad Catalog)
UNT has implemented a scholarship program for first-year biology, biochemistry, and chemistry students. The program, FOCUS (Fostering Outstanding Cohorts in Undergraduate Sciences) was developed by Dr. Diana Mason, Chemistry, and Dr. Lee Hughes, Biology, and will be supported by a five-year, $600,000 grant from the National Science Foundation. (Read more here)
Featured Course:
4503 / 5503. Plant Physiology. 3 hours. Plant physiology from the molecular to organismal level with ecosystem considerations. Topics include nutrient acquisition and distribution, biochemistry and metabolism, growth and development. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1710/1730 and 1720/1740; CHEM 2370/3210.
(Undergrad Catalog / Grad Catalog)

UNT President Gretchen M. Bataille announced an investment of at least $25 million in collaborative research with the development of six collaborative research clusters. One cluster, Signaling Mechanisms in Plants will study the molecular signals of plants that control growth, crop yield, defense against pathogens and responses to stress. (Full Story)


Questions or comments concerning this page should be addressed to Brian Ayre
This page last updated:   September 16, 2008