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Jonathan B. Hook Bio
Home: 2805 FM 543 McKinney, Texas 75071
Phone: 469-450-1374
Citizen of the Cherokee Nation
- Research Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religion, University of North Texas, 10/2009
- Inaugural Director of International Indigenous and American Indian Initiatives (IIAII), University of North Texas, 01-08/ 2009
Responsible for building the first American Indian program at a Texas university, guided by this statement: “The vision of the UNT International Indigenous and American Indian Initiatives program (IIAII) is to effect UNT institutional and indigenous community growth through listening and responding collaboratively and non-paternalistically to domestic and international Native communities.”
Sample Personal Accomplishments with IIAII:
Drafted vision statement * Drafted strategic plan * Created indigenous Advisory Council * Identified Native students and created student organization * Planned and led ceremonial grand opening * Conducted 3rd International Indigenous Student Videoconference on Culture and Environment * Assisted in creating a College of Education American Indian projects committee * Chaired UNT committee on SACNAS national conference * Presented at NCAI mid-year conference on proposed conference addressing archeology from a Native perspective * Met with administrators at five Russian universities to begin formation of an American-Russian indigenous-serving coalition * Met with a Mansi Indigenous community in northern Siberia at request of U.S. Consulate * Created group of international Indigenous delegates for conference to discuss Indigenous Environmental Philosophy
- Inaugural Director of the Office of Environmental Justice and Tribal Affairs (OEJTA), U.S. EPA Region 6 (Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Arkansas, 65 tribes), 2003-2008
Responsible for managing $8 million annual budget * Staff development * Strategic planning * Program implementation * Responding to community concerns * Developing collaborations * Coordinating with D.C. offices * Crafting policy * Co-chairing regular meetings between tribal leadership and EPA leadership * Participating on the EPA Region 6 executive team (comprising the deputy regional administrator, the senior policy analyst, and eight directors) * Senior management liaison with EPA Native employees * Cross-cultural conflict resolution
Sample Personal Accomplishments at EPA:
Assisted in resolving issues raised by Tribes with Harvard University * Built Environmental Justice into the National Emergency Response Plan * Initiated international Indigenous projects * Added OEJTA staff at a time of EPA reductions * Transformed office culture to one of advocacy * Brought water to a Cherokee ceremonial ground
- Inaugural President of the American Indian Resource Center (AIRC), Houston and San Antonio, Texas, 1997-2003
Responsible for establishing and directing 501(c)3 Non-profit Center * Meeting with School Districts and media regarding depiction of American Indians * Teaching Indian History courses * Working for the creation of a Texas Indian Commission * Assisting Tribes with administrative issues * Working with incarcerated Indians * Chairing powwow committees * Fundraising * Holding weekly community gatherings * Working with hospitals on Native issues * Working with the cities of Houston and San Antonio on diversity issues
Sample Personal Accomplishments at AIRC:
Eliminated Indian mascots from two School Districts * Chaired four powwows * Assisted Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas in administrative transition * Elevated community awareness of Indigenous issues * Provided small scholarship * Established strong working relationship with area Tribes * Built effective relationship with DOJ mediators
- 2009 – Present
University of North Texas (Department of Philosophy and Religion)
Program Director/Research Professor
Diversity Education Cadre
- 2000 – 2003
University of Northern Iowa (in San Antonio)
Instructor (undergraduate/graduate level)
American Indian History
- 1982 – 2003
Houston Community College District, Angelina College (on the Alabama-Coushatta Indian Reservation)
Instructor (undergraduate/graduate level)
U.S. History & Western Civilization
University of Houston
Instructor (undergraduate/graduate level)
Speech Communication
Lee College (Satellite Campuses, including Texas Prison Unit) and the University of Texas at San Antonio
Instructor (undergraduate/graduate level)
English Composition
- Ph.D. American Indian/African /European History (1996)
University of Houston
- M.A. Communications- Cross-Cultural Emphasis (1982)
Wheaton College, Illinois
- B.A. History (1977)
Wheaton College, Illinois
- Interviewed former political prisoner in Lithuania (set up by underground), 1980
- Taught and Coached in German and American communities in Bonn and Cologne, Germany, 1980-81
- MA studies in England, Holland and Germany, 1980-81
- Visited African (ANC), “Coloured”, Asian, Afrikaner and English communities in South Africa during State of Emergency, 1985
- Researched South African Resistance Press and European Imperialism and Colonialism at University of Houston Ph.D. program, 1985-1992
- Founding Board Member for Project Nicaragua Medical Relief Project- partnered with Houston Community College, 1993-1995
- Founder and President of the American Indian Resource Center, Education and Advocacy Non-profit, 1996-2003
- Consultant to the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas in their political renaissance, Eagle Pass, Texas and Nacimiento, Mexico 2002
- Conference Lecturer and Environmental Liaison at the University of Malayia and indigenous communities in Sarawak, Malaysia
- Planner, host and guide for the Open World program of Russian environmentalists, 2005
- Met with Jewish, Muslim (Tatar and Baskiri), Methodist and Orthodox communities and leaders in and near Ekaterinburg, Russia, 2006
- Co-facilitator with Piyachat Terrell, White House Initiative on Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders, on landfill issue. Participants included LDEQ, Louisiana Environmental Action Network, Sierra Club, City Council of New Orleans, New Orleans Mayor’s office, Chef Highway Vietnamese community, Waste Management, Inc., July 2006
- Chaperone and Program facilitator for two Kiowa students meeting and camping with indigenous Altai students in Siberia, July 2007
- Planner, host and guide for Siberian indigenous leaders tour of Oklahoma and New Mexico Native communities- meetings with tribal political, cultural and spiritual leaders, October 2007
- Planner and facilitator for International Indigenous Student Videoconference on the Environment, in collaboration with the U.S. State Department, U.S. Consulate in Ekaterinburg, Russia, the US Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the Kialegee Tribal Town, Wetumka, Oklahoma, and the Anadarko School Indian Program, Oklahoma, 2007; in 2008 the University of North Texas hosted the U.S. portion and Uganda joined the videoconference
- Book:
The Alabama-Coushatta Indians, Texas A&M University Press, November 1997 East Texas Historical Association, Ottis Lock Endowment Award, Best Book category Honorable Mention, September, 1998
- Reference:
“The Alabama-Coushatta Indians of Texas” in Houghton Mifflin’s Encyclopedia of American Indians, Fall 1996
- Reviews:
“The Caddo Indians: Tribes at the Convergence of Empires, 1542-1854,” Gulf South Historical Review, Spring 1999
“Makers of Nigerian Press: An Historical Analysis” in The African Book Publishing Record, Fall 1990
- Articles:
“Toward a Worldwide Indigenous Network” in E-journal and hard copy, Summer 2009
“Nurturing Tribal Partnerships: The Intersection of History, Culture, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Indian Program” in Journal of Indigenous Studies, University of Malaya, July 2005
- Essays/Poetry:
Freelance material for Harcourt Educational Measurement Examinations (S.A.T. etc.), 2000
- Other:
Kickapoo Elders Interviews, Documentation used by the Interior Department to recognize the newly elected Texas Kickapoo Tribal Council, Nacimiento, Mexico, 2002
Cherokee Nation Constitution, Delegate to the Cherokee Nation Constitution Convention in Tahlequah, 1999
Explanatory Script and audio tape of the Texas mandated Essential Knowledge and Skills for public schools for distribution to Texas public school teachers: Region VI Education Service Center, October, 1997
- Advisory Board Member of the Haskell Indian Nations University RED (research, evaluation, and dissemination) Center, current
- Advisory Council Member of the University of Texas and New Mexico State Universities Southwest Partnership Center, Schools of Nursing project targeting Hispanic and Native American populations, 2004-2007
- Member of the Texas Department of Health “Prevention of Violence Against Women Advisory Committee,” 2003
- Member of the Interreligious Council of San Antonio, 2001-2003
- Member of the Mayor’s United San Antonio Commission, 2001-2002
- Co-coordinator and Host for the first All-Texas Indian Meeting, mediated by the U.S. Justice Department, San Antonio, October 2002
- Organizer of the American Indian Resource Center “Celebrating Our Peacekeepers” Fall Festival and Contest Powwow (Wordcraft Circle Writers and Storytellers Conference, Art Contest and Powwow), San Antonio, September 2001 and September 2002
- Negotiator with San Antonio School Administrators regarding the removal of Indian mascots, 1999-2002
- Master of Ceremonies for St. Edwards University Annual Powwow, 2000, and Alabama-Coushatta Benefit Powwow, 1996
- Coordinator and Moderator for the Inaugural Assembly of the Grand Council of American Indians in Southeast Texas, 1999
- Delegate, Panelist and Discussion Leader at the U.S. Census Bureau’s Tribal Leadership Conference in Charlotte, N.C., 1999
- Delegate to the Cherokee Nation Constitution Convention (the first such convention since 1839), Tahlequah, Oklahoma, 1999
- Member of the Houston Coalition for Criminal Justice Reform (with LULAC, Asian Bar Association, etc.), 1998-1999
- Advisory Board Member of the “Social Studies Center for Educator Development” sponsored by the Texas Education Agency, Texas A&M University and Region VI Education Service Center, 1997
- Presenter for Faculty Cultural Awareness in-services, Region VI Education Service Center 1993-1995; Fort Bend I.S.D., 1998
- Facilitator for American Indian Ceremonies in county and private jails, Texas prisons and federal penitentiary, 1998-present
- Judge for the American Indian Science and Engineering Society National Essay Contest, 1998
- Founding Board Member of “Project Nicaragua” medical relief ( with Chinandega hospital and Sutiaba and Miskito Indians),1993-97
- Powwow Committee Chair and University Liaison, American Indian Science and Engineering Society National Conference, Houston, 1997
- Cultural Display Consultant: Stephen F. Austin State University, 1997
- HIV/AIDS Prevention Instructor (Red Cross) at Alabama-Coushatta United National Indian Tribal Youth Conference, 1995
- Organizer and Advisor for Native American Student Council, 1994, and Student Activities Coordinator, 1993-1994, Central College
- Interviewer and Planning Committee for Texas Rehabilitation Commission Project with Northern Arizona University, interviewing
- Disabled American Indians in the Houston area regarding access to health care resources, 1993
- Board Member of the Intertribal Council of Houston and Coordinator of the Karankawa Burial Site Protest Project, 1992
- Lecturer about Apartheid and South Africa (subsequent to meeting with African National Congress members and Bishop Desmond Tutu’s family in Soweto, South Africa, and personal investigative tour) at various churches, schools and meetings, 1985-1990
- Journalist’s Assistant and Interpreter (German) for Underground Interview of former Soviet prisoner in Lithuania, 1981
- “American Indian Stereotypes in Art and Mass Media,” with UNT President Gretchen Bataille at the Chief Executives Roundtable retreat, Park City, Utah, June 2008
- “Climate Change and Indian Country,” Panel Co-moderator at the Oklahoma Supreme Court Sovereignty Symposium that included the Oklahoma, Attorney general, former BIA director, Native American Rights Fund speaker, and others, Oklahoma City, June, 2008
- “Ga-Du-Gi: Working as Community,” commencement address to Ph.D. graduates, University of North Texas, May, 2008
- “Urban Indians and the Environment,” at the Haskell Indian Nations RED Center First Research Summit, Lawrence, KS, April 2008
- “Are Justice and Equality Necessary Preconditions for Reconciliation?” at the University of North Texas panel discussion on Race and Reconciliation, April 2008
- “Working Effectively in Native Communities,” at the Texas Diversity and Leadership Conference and University of North Texas Diversity Conference, Dallas, 2006 and 2007
- “EPA and the Transportation Bill Rider affecting Oklahoma Tribes,” at the Western States Water Council, Denver, February 2006
- “Potential Environmental Projects,” discussions with Russians, Bashkiris, Tatars and Chechens about potential environmental programs, Ekaterinburg, Russia, January 2006
- “Environmental Justice and Hurricane Response,” Urban Planning class, UT Arlington, November 2005, and LSU Law School, March 2006
- “Nurturing Tribal Partnerships: The Intersection of History, Culture, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Indian Program,” plenary speaker at the International Conference on the Indigenous, “Eurocentric and Indigenous Cultural Paradigms: Protecting the Sacred in Academic Contexts,” University of Malaya, “Issues in the Contemporary American Indian Community,” Islamic Arts Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; additional presentations and community visits in Melaka and Kuching (Borneo), July 2005
- “Critical Links: EPA Employees and the Communities they Represent,” training for the EPA Human Resources Council, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2005
- “Building a Foundation: Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality and the Louisiana Tribes,” presentation at the inaugural LDEQ-Tribes meeting , Baton Rouge, Louisiana, March, 2005
- “The need for Cross-Cultural Competency,” presentation at New Mexico Environmental Department senior staff Environmental Justice training, Santa Fe, New Mexico, December 2004
- “Tribes: Our Valued Partners,” presentation at EPA 2004 National Grants Management Training Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, November 2004
- “Bridging the Cultural Gap,” training for EPA national Tribal Science Council members, Duluth, Minnesota, November 2004
- “Cross Cultural Communications for Indian Special Emphasis Program Managers,” training at annual EPA American Indian SEPM conference, Ft. Lauderdale, October 2004
- “Native Elders as Environmental Resources,” Aging Americans Conference, EPA ORD, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, August 2004
- “Tribes and the Federal Government: Toward Effective Consultation,” panel chair and presenter, Oklahoma Supreme Court’s “Sovereignty Symposium,” Oklahoma City, June 2004
- “Collaboration and Proposed Projects,” overview for Tar Creek area Intertribal Council, Miami,, Oklahoma, May 2004
- “Working In Indian Country,” presentation to Harvard University School of Public Health faculty and graduate students, Boston, April, 2004
- “The Problem with Indian Mascots,” Bethel College, Kansas, September 2003 and Jourdanton, Texas I.S.D. School Board meeting, Jourdanton, Texas, May 2001
- “Proposed Native American Liaison Legislation: Health and Education Issues,” testimony before the Texas House Committee on Border Affairs hearing, Austin, May 2003
- “Contemporary Texas Indians,” videotaped interview for a Texas Education Agency documentary, February, 2003
- “Kickapoos: Democracy in South Texas,” Keynote Speaker, Native American Observance, Ft. Hood, Texas, November 2002
- “The Impact of Indian Identity Issues,” State Bar of Texas annual meeting, American Indian Law Section session, Dallas, June 2002
- “The Case for Re-establishing a Texas Indian Commission: Historical Overview and Summary of Indian Education in Texas,” at the University of Texas at El Paso, January, 2002, and Necessity of a Texas Indian Commission and Proposed T.I.C.
- Structure, San Antonio, April 2002, testimony before the Texas Senate Subcommittee hearing on Native American Affairs “Determining Our Own Identity,” Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers and Storytellers Core Gathering, “Celebrating Our Peacekeepers” conference organizer, moderator, and panel chair, St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas, September 2001
- “Contemporary Issues and the American Indian College Student,” College of Education Cadre Conference, University of Northern Iowa, April 2001
- “Addressing the Past: American Indian Perspectives on Reparations,” President’s Council on Peace, St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas, March 2001
- “Contemporary Muscogee Creek Culture and Gynecologic Medical Malpractice: The Linda Harjo Case,” panel organizer and
- chair, National Association of Native American Studies national convention, Houston, Texas, February 2000, and; expert witness, legal deposition for cultural component of Harjo medical malpractice case, San Antonio, Texas, October 1999
- “Intolerance and Race-related Crimes Against American Indians in Southeast Texas,” testimony before Acting Assistant U.S. Attorney General Bill Lann Lee, at meeting convened by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Houston, July 1998
- “Racism and the Dynamic Nature of American Indian Identity,” Hosaga Seminar on Racism, Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts, January 1998
- “The Missionary as Culture Broker: Presbyterians and the Alabama-Coushatta Indians of Texas,” East Texas Historical Association Conference, Nacogdoches, Texas, October 1996
- “Contemporary Issues in the Southeast Texas Native American Community,” Region Six Education Service Center Special Populations Conference, Huntsville, Texas, April 1995
- American Indian Youth Issues Resource Panelist, Houston Regional Conference on the Minority Male Initiative, convened by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Louis W. Sullivan, October 1992
- “Inter-Organizational Conflict in Cultural Texts: The South African Native Representative Council Boycott Controversy as recorded in Inkululeko and Guardian,” Panel Organizer and Chair, Southwest Historical Association, Ft. Worth, Texas, 1990
- “South African Schools of Communication: Site of Cultural Struggle,” Union for Democratic Communications, Ottawa, Canada, 1988
- Computer Hardware and Software Consultant, Football Coach (Junior High School: Katy, Texas; High School: San Antonio, Texas and Bonn, Germany;
- Professional: San Antonio and Austin, Texas; and Cologne, Germany, Professional Football Player (San Antonio Charros, Austin Texans, and Cologne, Germany Crocodiles), Freelance Photographer, Choral Instructor/singer, member of the Cherokee Cultural Society of Houston 1993-2000, member of the Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers and Storytellers 1998-2003, and member of the American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Texas 1993-2000
- Invited Guest of the NASA Education Symposium honoring shuttle mission STS 113 and John Herrington, 1st American Indian Tribal member astronaut and co-founder of the American Indian Resource Center, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, November 2002, and launch of space shuttle mission STS 93, Eileen Collins, Commander, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, July 1999 (selected because of our American Indian education-related efforts which further NASA’s mission)
- Guest Speaker and Honoree for the City of Nacogdoches, Texas, celebration honoring its American Indian heritage, December, 1998
- Newberry Library Fellowships (NEH Grant), “Maps” (August 1992) and “Leadership and Identity” (January 1994), D’Arcy McNickle Center for the History of the American Indian, Chicago
West Point Glee Club, San Antonio Symphony Mastersingers, Houston Symphony Chorus, West Point Football, Wheaton Football, travel (Canada, Mexico, Eastern and Western Europe, Southern Africa, Central America, Malaysia), golf, camping, fishing, Indian stickball