Extramural Funding Opportunities

UT Southwestern Medical Center – Center for Translational Medicine

The Center for Translational Medicine (CTM) at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) invites competitive applications from junior faculty and clinical research fellows from UTSW and partner institutions to participate in the 2019, two-year CTM Clinical and Translational Research Scholars Program (Program). This program is funded by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), CTSA grant number UL1TR001105.

The goal of the Program is to prepare junior investigators for a successful career in clinical and translational research. It is expected that Scholars will initiate a team-based clinical and translational research program leading to successful acquisition of an extramural grant as a faculty member in an academic medical center. We aim to produce successful junior investigators in clinical and translational research by providing critical resources and support to launch their research career.

For more information, contact Lisa Fleming, MPH, Manager, Center for Translational Medicine.  Lisa.Fleming@UTSouthwestern.edu

UT Southwestern Clinical Scholars Program

The Center for Translational Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) invites competitive applications from UNT Health Science Center for participation in the two-year Clinical Scholars Program. The Program is designed to provide intense research training and career development opportunities in a multidisciplinary setting that culminate in the submission of an extramural career development grant application.

Candidates with research or health professional doctoral degrees and a strong commitment to clinical and/or translational research are eligible and encouraged to apply. These include junior faculty and clinical research fellows who have protected time for research. Deliverables include a completed research project, publishable manuscript, and extramural grant application such as an NIH K award. Scholars will acquire competence in critical thinking, team science, leadership, biomedical statistics, and informatics.

Applications are due February 1, 2019. A link to the 2019 program RFA can be found here.                                                                 

For more information on the program and how to apply please visit the UTSW CTM Clinical Scholars Program page.


National Institute of Health (NIH) announces a new funding opportunity:

Research Using Biosamples and Subjects from Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Studies – Complications (DP3)

Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Number: RFA-DK-15-019 Purpose: This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications for studies on the complications of type 1 diabetes using subjects and/or samples from clinical studies on type 1 diabetes.

For key dates and more detailed application information, please visit the original opportunity posting here: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-DK-15-019.html

This page was last modified on November 29, 2018