Limited Submission Opportunities

NOTE: While the Faculty Research Support Team makes every effort to list all limited submission programs on this website, and to allow the maximum allowed time of 60 days prior to sponsor deadline, programs may exist that are limited but not in our list to meet these deadlines. To maintain workable deadlines all faculty and staff should report any new program not listed on the website to for immediate communication to all researchers. If there is insufficient time for an internal competition to take place, an administrative decision may be made regarding which, if any, proposal(s) should be submitted.

Early Clinical Investigator Award
The Early Clinical Investigator Award is designed to provide support for the career development of very promising early-career physicians with specialty training relevant to delivery of cancer care, including therapeutic intervention, early detection, and prevention. Candidates are expected to demonstrate the talent, interest, and commitment to ask questions of patients regarding their diseases and their responses to an intervention that would provide new information about the patients malignancy and, if the intervention worked, why, or more important, if it did not, why not.
Sponsor: Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT)
UNTHSC Internal Deadline: December 6
UNTHSC Limited Proposal Submission |
Sponsor Deadline: January 15

High-Impact/High-Risk Research Awards (HIHR)
CPRIT High-Impact/High-Risk (HIHR) Research Awards seek to provide short-term funding to explore the feasibility of high-risk projects that, if successful, would contribute major new insights into the etiology, diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of cancers. Because HIHR Research Awards are designed to support new ideas, preliminary data are not required. Using this mechanism, CPRIT intends to support innovative, developmental projects that focus on exceptionally promising topics that are not yet sufficiently mature to compete successfully for more conventional funding. The HIHR Research Awards are expected to provide the foundation for individual or multiple investigator awards upon completion.
Sponsor: Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT)
UNTHSC Internal Deadline: December 6
UNTHSC Limited Proposal Submission |
Sponsor Deadline: January 15

Overall Process

1.  Announcement

Limited Submission opportunities will be announced by the Faculty Research Support Team through the Limited Submissions Website, email and the Daily News. Information will include:

  • Name of sponsor and title of program
  • Internal deadline for submission of limited submission pre-proposals (no later than 60 days prior to sponsor deadline)
  • Sponsor deadline
  • Description of submission limitation
  • Link to program guidelines

Investigators are encouraged to contact the Faculty Research Support Team to discuss their interest in a program. Please send information by email to

2.  Preparation of Pre-Proposal and Review by Limited Submission Committee

For each competition, principal investigators are required to submit a limited submission pre-proposal by the internal deadline specified in the announcement. The pre-proposal should address the sponsoring agency’s priorities as outlined in the announcement.

The pre-proposal should be no more than 3 pages in length in 11-point font with 0.5” margins and must contain the following information:

  • Proposal title
  • Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator(s), Department and College
  • Proposed start date and duration of the project
  • Estimated (total) budget for the entire performance period
  • Summary of the project (main body of the document)

The pre-proposal should submitted using the UNTHSC Limited Proposal Submission link provided above.

The limited submission committee will convene to review the pre-proposals following review guidelines. The committee will provide a recommendation to the Vice President of Research who makes the final decision regarding the internal competition.

3.  Notification of Decision to Internal Competitors

Once the VPR approves the nominee(s), the PI and their Dean/Director as well as the Office of Sponsored Programs will be notified by email by the Faculty Research Support Team. PI’s whose projects were not selected will be notified as well.

4.  Submission of Final Proposal to Sponsor

The PI selected to apply for a limited submission opportunity has the responsibility to submit the application in a timely manner.

Should the candidate wish to decline the nomination, they need to do so in writing within 5 business days of selection notification to

This page was last modified on November 20, 2019