Strategic Plan



PURPOSE:  Transform lives in order to improve the lives of others.

VISION:      Be an extraordinary team committed to excellence and unafraid to challenge conventional wisdom.

MISSION:   Create solutions for a healthier community by developing patient centered pharmacy professionals, promoting team healthcare, and optimizing health through discovery.


Serve others first:  Encourage growth, wellbeing and success of each other and people we serve

Integrity:                 Uphold the highest ethical standards

Respect:                 Treat everyone with dignity and compassion

Collaboration:        Work together to achieve shared goals

Be visionary:          Create innovative solutions in the pursuit of excellence

MOTTO:   “We make healthcare better”

Our motto reflects the increasing contribution to healthcare that can be provided by pharmacists trained in the highly inter-professional and primary care environment present at the UNTHSC.  This also extends to the contribution that our faculty and graduates will make to develop new and more effective pharmacotherapy.


  1. To produce highly competent pharmacy professionals for the provision of pharmacist-delivered patient care, including comprehensive medication therapy management services, the advancement of the practice of pharmacy and its contributions to society.
  2. To produce pharmacy professionals who fully understand the contributions to health care of other health professionals, who embrace and can function in a team approach to health care, and who can serve as effective partners in providing primary care services to improve the health and wellbeing of their
  3. To conduct and disseminate research and other scholarly activity that improves the maintenance of health and delivery of health care in Texas and
  4. To prepare graduates with life-long learning skills so they continue to extend their competence through accredited continuing professional education, evidence-based learning and utilizing clinical guidelines in their
  5. To create a culture of assessment wherein education, research, practice and outreach are continually examined for optimization of



INDICATORS we are fulfilling our mission and accomplishing our goals include:

  • Graduates and residents are exemplary, confident and essential team healthcare members.
  • Benchmarks for team healthcare are elevated.
  • UNTHSC-based enterprises are transformed and expanded through integration of pharmacists into team healthcare delivery.
  • Faculty, trainees and graduates proactively forge strategic partnerships to advance healthcare.
  • Publications, presentations, patents, and documented improvements in education, practice, therapy and outcomes (economic, clinical, humanistic and scientific)
  • Entrepreneurial activity of the College to promote sustainability.

ACTIONS to facilitate fulfilling our mission and accomplishing our goals include:

  • Promoting and living our values-based culture.
  • Developing all team members to excel as professionals, educators, clinicians and scholars by maximizing their skills, abilities and impact.
  • Delivering effective and innovative educational programs.
  • Capitalizing on unique opportunities of the Health Science Center for inter-professional education.
  • Advancing our research agenda.
  • Creating and implementing innovative health care delivery models.
  • Developing partnerships, collaborations and strategic alliances.


Strategic Initiatives are major internal or external challenges or opportunities that must be addressed in order for the College to achieve its Mission.

Strategic Directions (SDs) are broad, directional statements of strategic intent.  They provide a framework for more detailed planning but do not determine the specific ways to get there.  They must be challenging but also realistic and achievable.

Yearly Objectives (Obj) are SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented and time-bound.



Strategic Initiative 1:      How do we continuously improve and integrate innovation into our educational programs and promote the scholarship of education? 

Current Situation:  The College will graduate its first class in 2017. Although faculty have developed a well-constructed curriculum that is “state of the art,” they also firmly believe that ongoing assessment is necessary for continuous quality improvement. Education of the next generation of pharmacists requires use of the most effective and efficient educational pedagogies that will not only be agents of change, but also molders of that change.  They must be entrepreneurial and lifelong learners embracing technology and innovation while forging partnerships to develop and optimize an interprofessional health care delivery environment. The UNTHSC focus on becoming a national leader in interprofessional education, coupled with its past research publication and funding successes, has created an environment for the College to support educational research and scholarship as it implements innovational pedagogies, assessments, and technologies to accomplish its ambitious goals.

SD 1.1       Ensure continuous quality improvement of the curriculum to enhance student learning

SD 1.2       Enhance interprofessional education (IPE) in the PharmD curriculum

SD 1.3       Expand the CE offerings and opportunities initiated by the College

SD 1.4       Enhance enrollment management to provide needed resources

SD 1.5       Strategically build and develop faculty and staff to fulfill the educational mission


Strategic Initiative 2:      How do we demonstrate the value of pharmacists in team healthcare?

Current Situation: As an integral part of the UNT Health Sciences Center, the College has extraordinary opportunities to innovate sustainable clinical pharmacy models of practice throughout the DFW metro area. Examples of partnerships are:

  • A joint effort of UNTHSC’s Pharmacy ambulatory care faculty and family and internal medicine physicians to provide medication therapy management under the CMS 1115 Waiver programs.
  • Employment of a Pharmacy ambulatory care faculty member by the Baylor Health Enterprise clinics to provide services to the underserved community.
  • Agreements between UNTHSC and the John Peter Smith (JPS) Health Network to provide a novel pathway for JPS clinical pharmacy specialists to serve as faculty members to precept students during the IPPE and APPE rotations, facilitate delivery of the didactic curriculum, and contribute to clinical and scholarly research.
  • Engagement of community and health-system pharmacies in collaborative efforts to enhance and expand practice models by strategically situating College faculty with specific areas of expertise into their service programs.
  • Conducting a Teaching and Learning Program for the DFW metro health-system pharmacy programs thereby supporting post-graduate residency education in general and a pharmacy administration PGY2 residency program in particular.

Diverse opportunities to partner and collaborate with the wider community and health-system pharmacy programs have created an exceptional environment in which to integrate pedagogical and inter-professional education, improve patient care and health outcomes and promote scholarly endeavors that ultimately optimize health care resources.


SD 2.1       Continue to develop clinical pharmacy practice and education models. 

SD 2.2       Enhance medication management in the community setting

SD 2.3       Foster team healthcare in the ambulatory care setting 

SD 2.4       Develop pharmacy residency programs in the DFW area

SD 2.5       Support the development of the patient safety initiatives at the UNTHSC


Strategic Initiative 3:      How do we increase our research competitiveness and grow the UNTHSC research enterprise? 

Current Situation: The College of Pharmacy has been strategically positioning itself among the top research-intensive schools of pharmacy in the nation. Research initiatives and areas of concentration are closely aligned with the research strengths of the UNT Health Science Center. In addition the HSC is reorganizing to an Academies/Institutes model whereby faculty with extensive research obligations will have joint appointments in Institutes.  By carefully planned expansion, establishment of a strong research infrastructure and an enthusiastic culture of collaboration with Institutes, the faculty will continue to develop solutions to improve health care via basic and translational research.  Areas of increased focus are therapeutic targeted discovery, medicinal chemistry, drug delivery, regenerative medicine, preclinical pharmacology and toxicology and therapeutic outcome research.  Accomplishing each of the Strategic Directives will require close collaborations between the Dean, College Chairs and Institute Directors.

SD 3.1       Establish and support strategic collaborations within the College, across the HSC Institutes and beyond

SD 3.2       Support increased research investment in infrastructure 

SD 3.3       Support faculty development of grantsmanship and entrepreneurship skills 

SD 3.4       Market research capabilities and accomplishments

SD 3.5       Hire strategically to add unique research capabilities and build on existing strengths 


Strategic Initiative 4:      How do we ensure we recruit and retain the resources for our strategic growth and long-term financial sustainability?

Current Situation:  To ensure the College develops into and retains the ability to be leaders in innovation it must have exceptional people, excellent physical facilities and funds to support basic missions and special initiatives. Exceptional people must be identified, recruited, hired, provided with the environment that allows them to reach their highest potential, rewarded for their success and retained.  A new College of Pharmacy has the opportunity to select its faculty and staff for a culture of cooperation and collegiality that facilitates accomplishment of its multi-fold mission. Carefully designed existing physical facilities, and the recent approval of a new building, provide an environment attractive to exceptional faculty and students and permit design for optimum functionality and productivity.

In addition to basic support provided by tuition and state funding, entrepreneurial activities in research, practice and education provide the resources necessary for special initiatives and demonstration projects to advance missions.  Construction of a new building will provide a naming opportunity for substantial donors for the building itself and also for the individual rooms and areas within the building.  The addition of the MD school to the UNTHSC, in collaboration with TCU, increases the visibility of all programs within the HSC and should thereby facilitate advancement programs and philanthropic donations for the College of Pharmacy.  Finally, to assist in the recruiting of a diverse and talented pool of students, funds will be sought and secured to provide financial support for needy and exceptionally qualified applicants.

SD 4.1       Cultivate potential donors in order to generate resources through philanthropy

SD 4.2       Enhance faculty and staff development by expanding career and professional growth opportunities to increase investment and engagement in the College.

SD 4.3       Create and maintain a work environment that enhances productivity, maximizes effectiveness and increases the job satisfaction and retention of faculty and staff.  

SD 4.4       Work closely with UNTHSC to contribute to the development of an efficient, effective, productive and pleasant design of the new College of Pharmacy.

SD 4.5       Recruit sufficient faculty & staff in new specialties to accomplish missions across all areas.

This page was last modified on May 24, 2018