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RSS Mission Statement

The mission of the Research and Statistical Support (RSS) group at the University of North Texas (UNT) is to facilitate access to current research tools and statistical methodologies and to promote these methods to the research, instructional, and administrative communities at UNT; to encourage a collaborative research environment for researchers through the development and use of innovative computing technologies; to provide training and consultation in the appropriate use of  statistical methodologies and computer software; and to facilitate access to data collection and data management technologies.  RSS accomplishes these goals by:

  •     Collaborating with students, faculty, and staff on research projects through appointments, telephone, and email.  For further details on our consulting policy, please read this and the consulting and FAQ links to the right.
  •     Providing assistance with statistical theory and techniques, software, data management, and research design.
  •     Keeping current on new statistical computing methodologies and making these technologies available to the UNT community.
  •     Providing training to the UNT community through short course workshops.
  •     Providing opportunities for the professional development of the RSS staff.
Research and Statistical Support (RSS) is a division of Academic Computing and User Services (ACUS); which is a division of University Information Technology (UIT). RSS is located in Sage Hall, Suite 336. 

Contact Information

Richard Herrington, PhD



Jon Starkweather, PhD



Address any questions about this page to Jonathan.Starkweather@unt.edu