Connect Blog

Career Connect Service-Learning: Opening Doors for Social Justice

Author: Jordan Rogers and Dr. Özlem Altıok On November 13th, 2019, UNT Career Connect partnered with the Multicultural Center to co-host an event showcasing the work of students enrolled in the Gender and Globalization, a course offered by the Women’s and Gender Studies Program. The event was titled “Opening Doors for Social Justice.” Career Connect partners with faculty and staff across campus who engage students in high- impact and meaningful practices such as the service-learning that took... Read more

Career Connect Impacts Student Retention and Cumulative GPA!

Author: Scott Peecksen. UNT faculty and staff from 19 courses and programs across 51 sections had students participate in Career Connect during fall 2017 and spring 2018 and the evaluation results are exciting! Based on causal methodologies to assess treatment impacts on student retention, these students were 1.35% and 14.6% more likely to return to UNT the following semester, compared to students who did not participate. With Career Connect student participation doubling in year 2, we expect... Read more

Reflection Connection

Author: Jordan Rogers. Recently, the Connect team published a research manuscript in the peer reviewed Reflective Practice Journal for International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives. This journal is dedicated to documenting and disseminating research on reflective practices across fields and disciplines to promote learning and foster growth. Importantly, there are few reflection measures that exist in the literature that accurately capture the process of reflection and acknowledge the growth... Read more

Transformative Learning Conference (TLC)

Career Connect Staff Attend the TLC Author: Jordan Rogers. Members of the Career Connect team attended and presented at the Transformative Learning (TL) conference that occurred March 14 and 15th of 2019 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This conference has been a staple in the University of Central Oklahoma community since its inception seven years ago, and over the last few years the conference has expanded the conversation to include state, regional, national, and global partners. The mission of... Read more

Career Connect Success: IADS Capstone

An Outstanding Course Author: Marla Baltazar. In Fall 2018, Dr. Lauren Cross from the Interdisciplinary Art and Design Studies partnered with Career Connect to provide her students with a service learning project. Students enrolled in her Capstone course were tasked with planning and executing a symposium for the Denton community. The goal of the project was to help students understand how to market themselves in the arts and recognize through practice how their skills play a role in their own... Read more

High-Impact on Retention with HIPs

How High Impact Practices Are Benefiting Higher Education Author: Marla Baltazar. The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) and George Kuh recognize the following 11 educational activities as High-impact practices (HIPs) because they promote a deep learning experience for students, First year seminars and experiences                                   Common intellectual experiences Learning communities                                                            Writing... Read more

Highlights from Career Connect's First Year of Implementation!

The end of spring 2018 marked the end of the first full year of implementation for Career Connect, the SACSCOC Quality Enhancement Plan for the University of North Texas’s for the 2016-2026 school years. Based on the experiential learning framework of John Dewey (1916), Kolb (1984) and Kuh (2010), Connect works collaboratively with UNT faculty, staff, and other partners to enhance, assess, and showcase UNT students' marketable skills by engaging them in high-impact practices, experiential... Read more

The importance of reflection

Connecting learning with the real world through reflections in ePortfolio By Jordan Rogers & Rania Elmalky The ePortfolio is a digital tool that fosters connections between the classroom and real-world experiences for students. Embedded within the technology are guided reflection questions to engage students in further developing the valuable metacognitive tool of reflection. [RJ1]  Business Major It made me have a less harsh stance towards the world. I used to be of the mindset that... Read more

Faculty Development Grants awarded

Faculty Development Grants Awarded By Rania Elmalky Career Connect administered a four-week online summer program to the 22 UNT faculty recipients of the 2018 Connect Learning Grant and Course Development Program.  The selected faculty members, a group of enthusiastic educationists in diverse disciplines such as studio art, anthropology, fashion design, kinesiology and film, all had one goal in common: to help students connect the dots between their learning experiences and their career goals... Read more

What's the Difference Between a Resume and an ePortfolio?

Although the struggle was different in their day, our parents had it easy in the job hunt. I bet at least one adult has told you that age-old saying: “hit the pavement and ask for a job”. They will tell tales of walking from store to store, paper resume in hand, talking to manager after manager until something came up. Things are much different now, aren’t they? With technology, most managers will hardly speak to you, and if they do, they’ll say those three magic little words: it’s all online.... Read more
