Justin Volentine

Justin Volentine

  • Title
    Assistant Director, Equipment Services
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Justin Volentine joined the North Texas Athletic Department in 2018.

Before coming to Denton, he was assistant equipment manager for the Texas A&M football program from July 2017 to May 2018, and was football assistant equipment manager at UT San Antonio from 2013 to 2017, overseeing ordering and maintenance of practice and game helmets, preparing jerseys, taking equipment to road games and supervising student managers.

Volentine was an intern in 2013 with the NBA's Utah Jazz, where he assisted during practices and home games, and prepared and packed equipment for road games.

He was a student equipment manager at Texas A&M from 2009 to 2012, and graduated from A&M with a bachelor's degree in sport management.

Volentine is originally from Waxahachie, Texas.