Student Org FAQs



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As a student how do I reserve a room at the Union?

 You must be a member of a registered student organization. Student Organizations must register each long semester to be approved to reserve rooms on campus at no charge*with the Student Activities Office. To get registered for the fall or spring, organizations must (1) submit an updated org profile in Org Sync, and (2) have at least one officer (as indicated in its Org Sync profile) attend orientation. 

For more information regarding Org Sync registration please contact the Student Activities Office at 940-565-3807. The Student Activities Office sets the dates when Org Sync registration will re-open for the next semester. 

Link to Org Sync Listings: 

The event application is officially and only located on Org Sync. “To access the Event Application, go to the Organization Tool Menu in your organization's portal and select Events. In the top left corner, click on the blue "+ Create Event" button to get started. Note that you will only be able to see the button if you have been given permissions to the Events tool in your organization's portal. Organizations must be registered with Student Activities prior to filling out an application, or it will automatically be denied.” 

Please make certain the email addresses for your org president and org faculty/staff advisor are correct. They will each receive an email so they may approve the event. The President and Advisor will both get a review notification email from “UNT Student Activities OrgSync” asking them to approve/deny the Event Application. Have them check “Clutter” or “Junk” if they don’t see it in their Inbox. This email is going to go to their campus email address that is listed in their Profile in the Account section of their User Drawer. If they’ve entered a PREFERRED email address, then it will be sent to that email address. Once they click on the button in the email, they will be prompted to log-in before they can give a thumbs up or thumbs down. 

Then the on-line event application will go to a queue for the Union or to the reservation queue for the location you have chosen so the space you have indicated may be reserved. Please choose 3-4 alternate dates to choose from. Please list the title of the event and list the primary requested date of the event at the end of the title (on the same line). If you have any technical difficulties or questions or need to make edits on the Event Application, please contact Student Activities at 940-565-3807. 

Student Activities has created a number of tutorials about the Events tool (and the new platform in general) which you can check out yourself at their training webpage: 


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How much will a room for an event in the Union cost?

Rooms in the Union are provided to Student Organizations for 4 hours of event time (1 hour pre-event time/4 hours event time/1 hour after event time) at no charge. Events over the 4 hour limit are charged the Departmental Rate for 4 hours.  (Weekly/Series reservations are discussed below).

Usually the org is not charged for the Union Audio/Visual equipment but they are charged the fee for the Union Audio/Visual Technician.  If the event has “basic” A/V (data projector/screen) in a meeting room that is usually no charge.  The Union A/V Tech arrives a half hour before the event/sets up/leaves/comes back at the end of the event to lock up. If the event has “heavy” tech requirements the Union Tech Manager will alert me and tell me if we need to charge for a Tech to remain at the event.  If the event is in one of the ballrooms or the Lyceum a Tech (or 2 or 3) will assigned to the event.  When a Tech has to set up for 1 – 3 hours/remain at the event and then break the equipment down for 1 hour we must charge Tech Fees for those types of events.  The technician fee is $30 per hour.  The technician fee consists of the set up time, event time and the breakdown time for the event.

*Please follow this link the see the charges for each room in the Union for student events over the 4 hour limit: 

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I submitted an event app for my organization over two weeks ago. Why haven’t I received a reply? 

Around the week prior to classes beginning event apps start hitting the Union reservation mailbox at about 10 to 30 per day or more. There is only one Coordinator assigned to reserving the Union, Library Mall and the Main Auditorium for student org events. 

1. The top reason why an event app has not been processed is “no approvals”. The student org president must approve the event app. Also, the student org advisor must approve the event app as well. Until the event app is approved by both the org president and the org advisor the reservation process cannot proceed. 

2. The email for the org president or the org advisor has been entered incorrectly by the person who submitted the event app. Therefore the request for approval cannot reach the org president or the org advisor until the email address is corrected. Either the person who entered the event app may correct the email issue or the org rep may contact the Student Activities Office for assistance in updating the information in Org Sync. 

3. The emails are correct. The approvals are confirmed. The room is not available for the day/date and time listed. The Coordinator has left a message in Org Sync notes for the org president alerting him/her to the issue but has not received a reply. Please check the event app for notes from the reserving Coordinator and reply at your earliest opportunity regarding your event. 

4. The Union had been requested for an event, however, there are not any rooms available in the Union. If room is not available in the Union the Coordinator will refer the event request to the Student Activities Office for reservation in a classroom location so your event may proceed. 

5. *NO same day event requests. (*Other than tabling – possibly). 

6. Upon occasion a specific org member will be assigned the task of submitting an event app but the event app fails to be submitted. Check to see if the event app has actually been submitted. 

7. You are encouraged to check on your event and to take ownership for your event. Please call the Student Activities Office 940-565-3807 or Union Event Planning & Scheduling Services Office 940-565-3804 or email to check on the status of your event. 

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I submitted an event app for a classroom space… Sage Hall, Curry Hall, Wooten, BLB… Why did the Union deny my event app?

If your event app requested rooms other than in the Union the event app will be denied for the Union. The Union Coordinator only reserves Union rooms, Union tabling locations, Library Mall tabling locations and the Main Auditorium. The Union was listed on your event app just in case a classroom space was not available. To alert the classroom reservation Coordinator the Union will deny the event app and send that Coordinator a notification that your organization prefers a classroom location to be reserved. 

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If I’m not able to reserve in the Union what other locations on campus might be available? 

If rooms in the Union are not available the next option would be the Gateway Center ballrooms. They are not free to student orgs since student fees do not go to support the Gateway. Student orgs only receive a 25% discount on the rooms and on Audio/Visual equipment. The A/V technician fee is the same as the Union. 

Please follow this link the see the charges for each room in the Gateway Center: 

Locations, such as classrooms, are reserved for student organizations via Org Sync and the Student Activities Office. 

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I submitted an event app for a specific room in the Union and my event was reserved in a Union room I did not ask for. Why?

If a specific room is requested we try to honor that request and provide that specific room. If your event app requested a specific Union room and you were provided another room in the Union the answer us usually: 

1. The top reason why an alternate room has been assigned is because the room requested was already reserved by another group and was not available. 

2. The guest count listed was too large for the room or furnishing set up chosen. As a Coordinator a room is assigned based on guest count and how the room is furnished. Example: A room set up with theater seating (rows of chairs) will seat more guests than classroom seating (table with two chairs facing the front of the room). 

3. The room is not available due to a maintenance or repair issue. 

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Would it be possible for my organization to meet on a weekly or bi-weekly or monthly basis at the Union? 

Yes. To maximize usage by student organizations, starting at 5pm, meeting spaces are limited to 1.5 hours in length and no more than one meeting per week due to limited availability. This is following Union House Guidelines and guidelines provided by the Student Activities Office. Exceptions may be made, based on availability, after the student organization registration deadline. All student orgs receive the room at no charge. There is usually no Union A/V Technician fee as well if the group only requires a basic A/V package. We do offer student organization daytime reservations for Union rooms as well. Thank you. 

Please submit one event app for a “series” (consecutive dates) reservation. Please list all dates on one Org Sync Event Application. This will save you time and will save time for your Org Advisor who must approve the forms. This way multiple forms will not clog the system and it will not look like you have submitted duplicate forms for the same event. 

For a full list of room capacities of these meeting spaces, please visit: 

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I submitted an event app for a specific time frame or a specific date and my request was not accommodated. Why?

If a specific time frame or date is requested we try to honor that request. If the Union denied the request the answer us usually: 

1. The top reason why a specific time frame was not approved is because all rooms during the requested time frame were reserved and no space was available. 

2. The specific time frame requested was either before the Union officially opens or after it has officially closed. Any events requested prior to the Union opens or after it closes must be approved by Union Administration. There is a cost of $75 (Extended Hour Fee) per hour for each hour prior to the Union opening and after the Union closes. Staff must be re-assigned to work the early or late events. This is on a volunteer basis to request those who are interested and amenable to changing their assigned schedules. It takes time to gather approvals and to confirm all are on-board. Example: The Union opens at 12 Noon on Sundays but the group would like to hold a brunch event starting at 10 am. The group would pay the Extended Hour Fee of $75 per hour prior to the 12 Noon opening time. 

3. The date listed on the event app is a holiday, is during Spring Break, is during Reading days the week prior to finals or is during Finals. Events cannot be held during Pre-finals (Dead Week) or Finals Week as per the Dean of Students. Event requests during this time-frame must be reviewed by the Dean of Students. 

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Would it be possible for my organization to table inside the Union or outside on the Library Mall? 

Yes. As a student organization registered with the Student Activities Office in Org Sync for this semester. Please contact the Union Scheduling Office to request an Application for Solicitation form via email at 

When the form arrives in your email in-box please complete the attached Application for Solicitation. Please indicate if you wish to be inside the Union or outside on the Library Mall. The signatures of the student organization representative, student organization president and student organization faculty/staff advisor are required. You may have your Advisor and Organization President email his/her approval via his/her UNT email to in place of getting a “physical” signature on Solicitation form. Remember they must reply using their UNT email.

Please scan the completed form and send to You may also drop it off in-person at the Union Scheduling Services & Event Planning Office on the 4th level of the Union, Suite # 418. If you will be soliciting for donations please display a poster/sign indicating where the funds you collect will be donated. Tabling requests must be submitted 5 business days in advance. Thank you.

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I would like to speak with the Coordinator about the details of my event. Is that possible?

Yes. Please email the Coordinator and request a day(s)/date(s) and provide time ranges you would be available to meet on those day(s)/date9s. The Coordinator will get back to you with a meeting request and will schedule a meeting appointment with you. You may also call the Union Event Planning & Scheduling Services Office at 940-565-3804 and request an appointment via the Receptionist for the Coordinator. It is best to set an appointment because the Coordinator is usually reserving events daily and may have other appointments scheduled. If you would rather discuss your event on the phone the Coordinator will set up a phone appointment and will call you to determine the details of your event. 

1. If the Coordinator leaves a voicemail or an email regarding your event please reply at your earliest convenience. 

2. If you leave a voicemail or an email regarding your event the Coordinator will contact you as soon as she returns to the office. 

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Will a table be provided for my organization when we are reserved to table inside the Union? 

Yes. The day(s) of your event please stop in at the New Union Building to pick up a Solicitation Permit. Please come to the 4th Floor, Room 418 (Union Event Planning & Scheduling Services- across from the Meditation Space). You may also pick up a permit from the Student Activities Office suite 345. The permit desk it stationed to the right as you enter the suite. The Student Activities Office is open until 10 pm. For evening events please come by to pick up your permit before 4:30 pm in 418 or you may stop by the Student Activities suite 345 after 5 pm and until 10 pm. The Front Desk attendant in 418 or 345 will assist you. You will be required to provide an ID as a student to pick up a permit. Your ID will be held during your event. You will be provided a table and 2 chairs for your event each day. You will also be provided with directions to your tabling location as well as a map of the Union tabling locations. 

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I received a confirmation report for my Union event. Is it possible to receive assistance to pay for the event?

Yes. As Soon As Possible - STUDENT ORG EVENT FUNDING: If you require funding for your event please contact Eagle’s Nest in order to request funding for your event. They may be able to partially or fully fund your event.

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Will a table be provided for my organization when we are reserved to table outside on the Library Mall?

Yes and no. The day(s) of your event please stop in at the New Union Building to pick up a Solicitation Permit. Please come to the 4th Floor, Room 418 (Union Event Planning & Scheduling Services- across from the Meditation Space). You may also pick up a permit from the Student Activities Office suite 345. The permit desk it stationed to the right as you enter the suite. The Student Activities Office is open until 10 pm. For evening events please come by to pick up your permit before 4:30 pm in 418 or you may stop by the Student Activities suite 345 after 5 pm and until 10 pm. The Front Desk attendant will assist you. You will be required to provide an ID as a student to pick up a permit. Your ID will be held during your event. You will also be provided with directions to your tabling location as well as a map of the Union tabling locations. You will be provided a table and 2 chairs for your event each day, however, you or members of your organization will be responsible for getting the furnishings out to your assigned tabling area. Tables and chairs for tabling are located on the Union 3rd level at the staging hallway next to the 314 Ballroom. The Front Desk attendant in 418 or in 345 will direct you where the tables and chairs are located. The Front Desk Attendant will alert a staff member to meet you where the tables and chairs are stored. S/He will need to see your Solicitation Permit. You or members of your organization will be responsible for returning the table and chairs at the end of the day to the storage area by Union 314. You might wish to make sure you have another person from your organization to assist you.

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What is the Event Safety Committee and why do I need to meet with them?

The Event Safety Committee (ESC) is made up of the ESC Chair, the ESC Graduate Assistant, a member of Student Activities, UNT Police Department, representatives of the Risk Management Office, and the Coordinator for the location reserved for the event. The ESC Office may call you to set a time and date to meet in person or they may call to discuss your event over the phone. There are several things that could have flagged your event and sent it to the Event Safety Committee. Some, but not all, aspects that will trigger Event Safety are the following:

  1. Events with projected guest counts of over 100. Events with more than 10 off-campus guests.
  2. Minors being present (does not include TAMS/UNT students under 17).
  3. Events lasting past 12 a. m.
  4. Physical Activity.
  5. Presence of alcohol.
  6. Guest speaker(s) present.
  7. Ticket sales, fundraising.
  8. Hazardous materials (paint, henna, etc…)
  9. Film showing/filming.

For more information regarding the Event Safety Committee please use the following link:

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My instructor told I must table as part of a class project and not as a part of a registered Student Org. Is that possible and what do I need to do?

Yes. Tabling ONLY. As a student who is required to table as part of a class project for the semester. Please contact the Union Scheduling Office to request an Application for Solicitation Form – Class Project form via email at 

When the form arrives in your email in-box please complete the attached Application for Solicitation Form – Class Project. Please indicate if you wish to be inside the Union or outside on the Library Mall. The signatures of the student/you and faculty/instructor are required. You may have your instructor email his/her approval via his/her UNT email to my email in place of getting a “physical” signature on Solicitation form. Tabling requests must be submitted 5 business days in advance.

Please scan the completed form and send to You may also drop it off in-person at the Union Scheduling Services & Event Planning Office on the 4th level of the Union, Suite # 418. If you will be soliciting for donations please display a poster/sign indicating where the funds you collect will be donated. Remember the approval reply must be from your instructor’s UNT email. Thank you. 

The day(s) of your event please stop in at the New Union Building to pick up a Solicitation Permit. Please come to the 4th Floor, Room 418 (Union Event Planning & Scheduling Services- across from the Meditation Space). You may also pick up a permit from the Student Activities Office suite 345. The permit desk it stationed to the right as you enter the suite. The Student Activities Office is open until 10 pm. For evening events please come by to pick up your permit before 4:30 pm in 418 or you may stop by the Student Activities suite 345 after 5 pm and until 10 pm. The Front Desk attendant will assist you. You will be required to provide an ID as a student to pick up a permit. Your ID will be held during your event. You will also be provided with directions to your tabling location as well as a map of the Union tabling locations. You will be provided a table and 2 chairs for your event each day, however, you or members of your class will be responsible for getting the furnishings out to your assigned tabling area. Tables and chairs for tabling are located on the Union 3rd level at the staging hallway next to the 314 Ballroom. The Front Desk attendant in 418 or 345 will direct you where the tables and chairs are located. The Front Desk Attendant will alert a staff member to meet you where the tables and chairs are stored. S/He will need to see your Solicitation Permit. You or members of your class will be responsible for returning the table and chairs at the end of the day to the storage area by Union 314. You might wish to table with another member your class in order to be available to assist each other. 


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I’m a student but not a member of a registered student organization.  How do I reserve a room?

As a student who is not a member of a registered student organization you will not be provided the opportunity to reserve a room at no charge for 4 hours. You will not be provided the opportunity to reserve a series reservation to secure a room for you group to meet weekly or bi-weekly or monthly. You will only be able to reserve a room at community pricing for any events you wish to hold in the Union. Becoming a member of a registered student organization entitles you not only to reserving rooms in the Union but also classrooms across the campus. It also includes tabling inside and outside the Union and on the Library Mall. Please Note: Classroom locations are scheduled via the Student Activities Office.

Please follow this link the see the charges for each room in the Union for Community pricing:

For more details regarding the rules and regulations for the Union please follow the link below:

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How far in advance does an event request need to be submitted for an event in the Union?

An event app should be submitted at least 10 - 15 business days in advance. Approximately 10 days ahead for series meetings, one time meetings. More lead time is necessary for larger scale events such as dances, banquets, conferences, race – no matter the length of the course or the type of race, item search across the campus, car bash, dunk tank, pie throwing, water-balloon throwing, bouncy house, festival (15+ days). Lead time is necessary for event reservation processing including time for all approvals to be submitted. Larger events require a meeting with the Event Safety Committee and time must be allowed to hold the meeting prior to the event. Tabling (ONLY) requests for the Library Mall at least 5 business days in advance. Also, Student Organization events are scheduled like all other events, first submitted are first reserved. When submitting an event app please list up to four possible dates to hold your event. This way if the first two dates are already reserved for other events the Coordinator will be able to possibly reserve the third or fourth date choice.