Network Connections

Policy number: 
Policy description: 

UNT's data communications network is a critical resource shared by all campus units: it provides the means to communicate both within the University and via the Internet to the rest of the world. The introduction of communications devices that might affect the behavior or performance of the network without proper planning for security and performance requirements has the potential of resulting in disruption of services to everyone on campus. Similarly, the addition of high-bandwidth servers to the network can degrade the performance of every device on UNT's internal network. This policy is intended to define a procedure that insures secure, reliable, and sufficient network capacity to all campus units through a review of communications devices and high-bandwidth servers prior to their deployment on UNT's network.

See full policy (PDF): 
PDF icon Network Connections
Policy owner: Senior VP for Finance and Administration
Policy contact: 
Allen Clark
AVP for University Information Services
Division of Finance and Administration
Applies to: 
Faculty, Staff, Students, All University
Date Issued: 
Sunday, August 1, 2004

Last updated: 

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