Faculty/Staff Resources

"Don't Cancel That Class" Presentations

Before you consider canceling a class, please contact us. The Learning Center can help! Being pulled away for any reason – to attend a conference or host a symposium – is always a challenge. Consider these alternatives to allow your students to practice their skills while you step away for a day. 

LC Referral Resources

All students can benefit from academic support provided by the Learning Center! If you want to refer students to our programs using our informational materials, submit a quick request for "Come See Us" sticky notes or LC service brochures.

Visit the UNT Learning Center
The UNT Learning Center provides a variety of free academic support programs from tutoring and supplemental-instruction services to academic skills workshops and coaching. Contact Information: Phone: 940-369-7006 | Email: LearningCenter@unt.edu  | In-person: Monday through Friday, from 8a - 5p, Sage Hall, Room 170. For more information about the services provided, visit the LC online: learningcenter.unt.edu.