Graduate Catalog

2008-09 Academic Year

Studio Art

Studio Art, ASTU

5000. Topics in Studio Art. 3 hours. (2;4) Variable topics course designed to explore concepts and processes in art-making that go beyond the normal curricular parameters of traditional studio disciplines. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5010. Professional Practices of the Studio Artist. 3 hours. (2;4) Study of theoretical and practical aspects of succeeding as a practicing artist outside the academy. Survey of the protocols and common practices expected of the artist as a productive member of the business community wherein fine art is the commodity.

5015. Creative Project. 3 hours. (2;4) Research and practice dealing with significant problems in the field of art. Should be taken with major professor. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.

5020. MFA Exhibition. 3 hours. (0;6) Professional practice in the planning and staging of an exhibition of creative works as a culmination of visual research. Should be taken with major professor. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.

5050. Ceramics Studio. 3 hours. (2;4) For students qualified to develop professional competence in special areas of studio work. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of art in the selected area and consent of college. May be repeated for credit.

5120. Fibers: Fabric Design Studio. 3 hours. (2;4) For students qualified to develop professional competence in special areas of studio work. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of art in the selected area and consent of college. May be repeated for credit.

5130. Fibers: Weaving Studio. 3 hours. (2;4) For students qualified to develop professional competence in special areas of studio work. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of art in the selected area and consent of college. May be repeated for credit.

5150. Metalworking and Jewelry Studio. 3 hours. (2;4) For students qualified to develop professional competence in special areas of studio work. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of art in the selected area and consent of college. May be repeated for credit.

5210. Painting Studio. 3 hours. (2;4) For students qualified to develop professional competence in special areas of studio work. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of art in the selected area and consent of college. May be repeated for credit.

5215. Drawing Studio. 3 hours. (2;4) For students qualified to develop professional competence in special areas of studio work. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of art in the selected area and consent of college. May be repeated for credit.

5250. Photography Studio. 3 hours. (2;4) For students qualified to develop professional competence in special areas of studio work. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of art in the selected area and consent of college. May be repeated for credit.

5300. Printmaking Studio. 3 hours. (2;4) For students qualified to develop professional competence in special areas of studio work. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of art in the selected area and consent of college. May be repeated for credit.

5305. Artist’s Bookmaking. 3 hours. (2;4) Design and creation of books as works of art at the master’s level. Utilization of techniques of book design and bookbinding to create personal artistic statements in a sequential form. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of art in the selected area and consent of college. May be repeated for credit.

5350. Sculpture Studio. 3 hours. (2;4) For students qualified to develop professional competence in special areas of studio work. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of art in the selected area and consent of college. May be repeated for credit.

5417. Watercolor Studio. 3 hours. (2;4) Historic and contemporary watercolor research through galleries, museums and text with practical applications toward a series of student-developed water media paintings. Prerequisite(s): BFA or consent of instructor.

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