Graduate Catalog

2008-09 Academic Year

Department of English

Main Departmental Office
Auditorium Building, Room 112
Mailing address:
1155 Union Circle #311307
Denton, TX 76203-5017

Web site:

David Holdeman, Chair

Graduate Faculty: Armintor, Baird, Bataille, Benet, Bond, Curran, Duban, Finseth, Foertsch, Friedman, Hawkins, Heard, Holdeman, Horowitz, Marks, McCutchan, Muyumba, Peters, Pettit, Rodman, Simpkins, Smith, Tait, Tanner, Upchurch, Vanhoutte, Velarde.


The faculty of the Department of English is a dynamic one devoted to English literature (literary and cultural studies) and creative writing. The department offers a range of courses in British, American, and world literature from the earliest periods to the present day. Courses in literary criticism and theory educate students in orthodox and postmodern modes of analysis, and various special topics courses offer students the opportunity to study literature and culture across the conventional boundaries of period and discipline. The department prides itself not only on the quality of its teaching but also on its international scholarly reputation. Professors publish their work in top academic journals and in monographs and editions published by university presses. The department also sponsors the literature journal Studies in the Novel.

The creative writing faculty features several nationally recognized writers whose books have been published by Harper Collins, BOA Editions, University of Illinois Press, LSU Press, and Oxford University Press among others. Stories, essays, and poems by the faculty also appear in publications such as The Paris Review, The Yale Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, The New York Times, Image, Ploughshares, Denver Quarterly, TriQuarterly, The Threepenny Review, Best American Poetry, and Best American Spiritual Writing. One distinctive strength of graduate creative writing is that students have the opportunity to work closely with both the creative writing and literature faculties, and to explore ways in which knowledge of literary traditions develops craft. Creative writing students take workshops in fiction, poetry, and/or creative nonfiction alongside a range of literature courses. To complete the degree, students write either a creative thesis (for the MA with a major in creative writing) or a creative dissertation with a critical preface (for the PhD in English). Each year the department sponsors a Visiting Writer Series that brings distinguished writers to campus to give readings and meet with students in Q&A sessions. Students also have opportunities to pursue editorial positions with the department’s national literary journal, American Literary Review, and with the local student-run journal, North Texas Review.

Degree Programs

The Department of English offers the following degrees:

Master of Arts with a Major in Creative Writing or English

Admission Requirements and Procedures

Applicants must first meet the qualifications for admission set by the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies. To be eligible for admission to the MA with a major in English or creative writing, applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA on the last 60 hours of undergraduate semester credit hours prior to receiving a bachelor’s degree or a 2.8 GPA on all undergraduate work. The applicant must also submit scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Applicants accepted into the MA program have presented verbal scores ranging from the 50th to the 98th percentile and analytical writing scores ranging from 3.0 to 6.0. Applicants whose native language is not English must also submit a score on the TOEFL examination. Scores on the computer-based TOEFL examination have ranged from 231 to 255. TOEFL scores are not accepted in lieu of GRE scores.

Applicants for the MA program must also meet the departmental qualifications for admission by having completed up to 24 hours of undergraduate course work in English. Applicants with fewer than 24 hours of undergraduate course work in English may be admitted to the program, and the chair of graduate studies will determine the prerequisite course work based on an applicant’s educational background and area of scholarly interest.

Financial Support

Beginning full-time students who meet all qualifications may apply for financial assistance in the form of an academic assistantship or a graduate assistantship; those who have already completed 18 graduate hours in an area offered by the Department of English may apply for a teaching fellowship. Applications for both may be picked up in Auditorium Building, Room 116 or downloaded from the department web site at

Foreign Language Requirement

All candidates pursuing a master’s degree in the Department of English must have a reading knowledge of at least one foreign language. As evidence of such foreign language, a student may present the results of a standardized examination or have completed the sophomore year of a foreign language (or the equivalent), provided that the grade point average on all language courses is 2.75 or higher. A student who has permission to write a thesis or to enroll in ENGL 5920-5930 will not be allowed to register for the courses until the foreign language requirement has been met.

Degree Plan Requirement

During the second term/semester of graduate work toward the master’s degree, the student is required to file a degree plan in the office of the chair of graduate studies in English. Students should obtain an appointment with the graduate advisor as soon as possible after the registration period during their second term/semester’s work.

Comprehensive Examination

MA candidates must pass the master’s comprehensive examination. This examination is administered by the Department of English and is given every February, June and October. Students must register for this examination at the appropriate time in the office of the chair of graduate studies in English. Students should consult with the graduate advisor early in their programs to learn of the specific nature of the comprehensive examination. The comprehensive examination may be taken twice. If the candidate fails the examination on both occasions, then permission for any retake of the examination must be granted by the graduate committee. Students must first pass the comprehensive examination in order to register for thesis hours.

Application Deadlines

Application Checklist

All Applicants

All applicants for the MA program should send the following materials directly to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies:

1. A completed Graduate Studies Application form with the intended major (creative writing or English) indicated in the appropriate blank.

2. Official Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores sent from the Educational Testing Service. Applicants must take the GRE verbal and analytical writing sections.

3. Official scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) for students whose native language is not English.

4. Official transcripts for all previous undergraduate and graduate academic work.

Applicants for the MA with a Major in Creative Writing

Applicants for the MA with a major in creative writing should send the following materials directly to the department’s Graduate Studies in English Office:

1. a 300–500 word personal statement describing the applicant’s interests, career plans, and purpose in working toward an MA;

2. a writing sample (10 pages of poetry or 15–25 pages of fiction); and

3. two letters of recommendation that assess the candidate’s potential for pursuing graduate-level work in creative writing.

Applicants for the MA with a Major in English

Applicants for the MA with a major in English should send the following materials directly to the department’s Graduate Studies in English Office:

1. a 300–500 word personal statement describing the applicant’s literary interests, career plans, and purpose in working toward an MA;

2. a sample of critical, literary analysis and interpretation (10–15 pages); and

3. two letters of recommendation that assess the candidate’s potential for pursuing graduate level work in English literature. Please note that there is no form that must accompany the letters.

Applicants for Academic and/or Graduate Assistantships

All applicants should send their application materials directly to the Graduate Studies in English Office.

Master of Arts with a Major in English

Course Requirements

Required Courses

Master of Arts with a Major in Creative Writing

Course Requirements

All students must complete 36 hours of course work as follows:

Core Areas

3 hours:

6–12 hours:

3 hours:

Allied Areas

9–15 hours:

Cognate Area

0–3 hours:


6 hours:

Thesis Requirement

The candidate for the MA with a major in creative writing must write a thesis. No student will be allowed to register for thesis hours until the foreign language requirement has been met and the MA comprehensive examination has been passed.

Doctor of Philosophy with a Major in English

Admission Requirements and Procedures

Applicants must meet the qualifications for admission set by the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies as well as departmental admission requirements. Applicants may pursue a PhD in English by writing a literature dissertation or a creative dissertation. Admission to the doctoral program in English is competitive.

All applicants must meet the following minimum standards.

1. Academic record. The applicant must have at least a 3.5 overall GPA on all undergraduate semester credit hours of work prior to receiving the bachelor’s degree. An applicant who has completed any graduate-level work must have at least a 3.5 overall GPA on such graduate work.

2. Graduate Record Examination. Applicants must submit scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) verbal and analytical sections. Applicants accepted have presented verbal scores ranging from the 69th to the 99th percentile and analytical writing scores ranging from 4.0 to 6.0. The student must also meet GRE requirements established by the Graduate Council and must comply with general regulations concerning the GRE in relevant sections of this bulletin.

3. TOEFL. Applicants whose native language is not English must also submit TOEFL scores. Applicants accepted have presented TOEFL computer-based test scores ranging from 233 to 293. TOEFL scores are not accepted in lieu of GRE scores.

Application Deadlines

Application Checklist

Applicants should send the following materials directly to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies:

1. A completed Graduate Studies Application form with the intended major (creative writing or literature) indicated in the appropriate blank.

2. Official transcripts for all previous undergraduate and graduate academic work.

3. Official Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores sent from the Educational Testing Service. Candidates applying for the PhD program must take the GRE verbal and analytical writing sections.

4. Official scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) examination for students whose native language is not English.

Applicants should send the following materials directly to the Graduate Studies in English Office of the Department of English:

1. Letter of intent. The letter should describe the applicant’s scholarly or creative interests, and should explain why the applicant wants to work toward a Doctor of Philosophy with a major in English.

2. Writing Sample(s). All applicants must submit one substantial example of critical writing (12–20 pages). Those interested in pursuing a creative dissertation must also submit a sample of their creative writing (10 pages of poetry or 15–25 pages of fiction).

3. Three confidential letters of reference that assess the applicant’s potential contribution to the discipline. Please note that there is no separate form that must accompany the letters.

If you have questions about the degree or application process, please contact the Graduate Studies in English Office at 940-565-2114.

Financial Assistance

Full-time students who meet all qualifications for both the doctoral program and for instructional positions can apply for employment as graders, academic assistants, graduate assistants, or teaching fellows in the Department of English, thus receiving financial support for a five-year period in the pursuit of the doctoral degree. Financial support will normally not be awarded beyond the fifth year of graduate studies. Students are not required to perform any instructional services if they do not want to receive this form of financial aid. Part-time students will normally be employed elsewhere, but, if qualified, they are not precluded from performing instructional services at some time during their studies.

Scholarships may be awarded to incoming graduate students who show unusual promise as indicated by their application credentials. These will normally be one-year scholarships for students not yet eligible to be teaching fellows.


The student must meet the doctoral residence requirement described in the Doctoral Degree Requirements section of this catalog.

Foreign Language Requirement

Students must demonstrate a reading knowledge of at least one foreign language other than his or her own native language. The student will work with his or her major advisor to decide what foreign language is most appropriate for his or her graduate program and scholarly interests. Some advisors may require additional foreign language work. The student’s advisor may also set specific requirements based on individual and scholarly needs. The student may demonstrate reading knowledge of a single foreign language in any of the following ways: (1) by showing proof of completion of 12 hours (through the sophomore level) of a single foreign language at the undergraduate level or graduate level with a minimum GPA of 3.0 via transcript(s) or (2) by passing the appropriate competency test as administered by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at UNT.

Admission to Candidacy

After admission to PhD study, a graduate student will be accepted for candidacy for the PhD after accomplishing all of the following:

1. successful completion of all required courses, including foundation and distribution requirements, and elective courses;

2. successful completion of foreign language requirements; and

3. successful completion of the PhD examination.


All students in the doctoral program must complete 90 semester credit hours of graduate work beyond the bachelor’s degree. Students must select a faculty advisor and determine a degree focus within the first 27 hours of course work.

Students will take courses in the following areas:

Required Courses (30 hours total)

Students will satisfy the required courses by taking foundation courses and distributed requirements. Students must take foundation courses within the first three terms/semesters.

Foundation Courses (12 hours)
Distributed Requirements (18 hours)
Electives (36 hours)

Students take 36 hours of elective courses (from within the Department of English). Students are limited to two Special Problems courses, except by permission of the chair of graduate studies in English and the student’s major advisor.

Directed Research (12 hours)

The student must take 12 hours of Directed Research (ENGL 6941, 6942, and 6944). With permission of the student’s major advisor and the chair of graduate studies in English, the student may take up to 6 hours of organized classes in lieu of Directed Research. The student may not enroll in Directed Research until the PhD examination and the foreign language requirements have been met.

Dissertation (12 hours)

The student must take 12 hours of dissertation (ENGL 6950). The student may not enroll in dissertation hours until the PhD examination, the foreign language requirement, and the directed research requirements have been met.

PhD Qualifying Examination

Ideally, the student will take the PhD qualifying examination during the last term/semester of organized course work. The PhD examination will be administered by the student’s dissertation committee.

The PhD examination may be taken twice. If the student fails the examination on both occasions, then permission for any retake of the examination must be granted by the graduate committee.

The student must pass the following:

The student must pass these examinations before being permitted to register for directed research and dissertation hours.

The student’s major advisor and committee will determine the nature of the examinations and prepare and administer them. The student will be expected to have expert knowledge of the primary area and general comprehensive knowledge of the secondary area.

After the student passes the written comprehensive examinations in both the primary and the secondary area, the student will then take one two-hour oral examination that covers both areas.

Dissertation Prospectus

Each student is required to provide an extended and detailed dissertation prospectus to his or her dissertation committee. The prospectus, developed while the student is enrolled for ENGL 6941 and/or 6942, must be turned in to the dissertation committee after successfully completing the Qualifying Examinations.

The dissertation prospectus must be approved by all members of the student’s dissertation committee. The approved prospectus, along with a prospectus cover sheet and approval form, must be turned in to the chair of graduate studies. The faculty committee that approves the prospectus must be the same as the dissertation committee. Any changes in the constitution of the dissertation committee must be approved by the chair of graduate studies. Students may not enroll for dissertation until the prospectus has been approved by the dissertation committee and turned in to the chair of graduate studies.

Dissertation Requirement

1. A dissertation is required of all candidates for the doctorate. The dissertation must be a work of original research and writing justifying the awarding of the doctoral degree. Students can enroll for dissertation credit only when

2. Students enrolled for dissertation credit must comply with the continuous enrollment policy set forth in the Doctoral Degree Requirements section of this catalog.

3. The dissertation committee is composed of three faculty members. The dissertation will be directed by a qualified faculty member whose area of expertise is in the student’s major area. Two other faculty members from the Department of English constitute the rest of the dissertation committee. Area advisors and the chair of graduate studies will assist students in the selection of the dissertation committee.

4. When the dissertation is completed and has received the preliminary approval of the dissertation committee, the dissertation director will schedule the final comprehensive examination (dissertation defense) and notify the chair of graduate studies in English and the dean of the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies of the date and time of the examination. The dissertation will be submitted to the chair of graduate studies in English only after this examination has been passed. After the approval of the chair of graduate studies in English has been secured, the dissertation will then be transmitted to the graduate dean’s office and finally approved by the graduate dean.

5. Instructions for submitting the dissertation may be obtained from the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies. Students should consult the Academic Calendar at for deadlines.

Courses of Instruction

All Courses of Instruction are located in one section at the back of this catalog.

Course and Subject Guide

The “Course and Subject Guide,” found in the Courses of Instruction section of this book, serves as a table of contents and provides quick access to subject areas and prefixes.

Graduate Admissions

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