Graduate Catalog

2010-11 Academic Year

Art Education and Art History

Art Education and Art History, AEAH

AEAH 5750. Theory and Practice of Teaching Elementary and Secondary Art. 3 hours. Examines how educational and art educational theory inform contemporary art education practice in both elementary and secondary art classrooms. In addition to scheduled class meetings, students are required to complete 55 hours (half in an elementary art classroom, half in a secondary art classroom) of observation at an assigned location. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MA program in art education (Option III). Students must contact instructor prior to registration to arrange for observation assignments and to complete required paperwork/criminal history forms.

AEAH 5753. Contemporary Trends in Art Education. 3 hours. The relation between theory and practice in art education is introduced and examined through analysis of topics currently affecting the field. Prerequisite(s): admission to a graduate program in art education or consent of instructor.

AEAH 5757. History and Philosophy of Art Education. 3 hours. Seminar explores the history and philosophy of education in relationship to the teaching of art in public schools and higher education. Prerequisite(s): admission to the graduate program in art education or consent of instructor.

AEAH 5760. Seminar in Art Education. 3 hours. Selected problems in art education, theory and practice. Prerequisite(s): admission to the graduate program in art education or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5763. Theories in Criticism and Aesthetics. 3 hours. Examination of aesthetics in the visual arts through visual discrimination and critical thinking in relationship to the historical and socio-political influences. Application of the theories of aesthetics and criticism to curriculum development. Prerequisite(s): AEAH 5750 or consent of instructor.

AEAH 5767. Issues and Applications of Technology in Art Education. 3 hours. Historical and philosophical issues related to the use of technology and digital imagery in the art classroom as well as advanced application of technology to enhance the acquisition of and manipulation of knowledge and imagery. Prerequisite(s): AEAH 5750 or consent of instructor.

AEAH 5773. Curriculum and Assessment in Art Education. 3 hours. Processes for developing and sequencing the curriculum and methodologies for the assessment of educational programs and student learning in art for elementary and secondary public schools and higher education.

AEAH 5777. Politics and Advocacy I. 3 hours. Introduces students to the importance of effective advocacy and political action in relation to the arts with a focus on the local level, e.g., local arts agencies, school boards and city government. Students examine important issues in the arts and arts education worthy of advocacy and political action at this level; review the literature, print and electronic, related to advocacy and political action; and identify exemplary advocacy efforts in the arts and arts education by local groups. Students develop skills in identifying and analyzing issues and public policy in the arts, understanding constituencies with whom advocates must work and developing advocacy plans. Prerequisite(s): admission to the graduate program in art education or consent of instructor.

AEAH 5778. Politics and Advocacy II. 3 hours. (0;0;3) Builds on Politics and Advocacy I, continuing to involve students in effective advocacy and political action in relation to the arts with an emphasis on state and federal groups. Students continue to examine important issues in the arts and arts education, especially those with a state or national focus that are worthy of advocacy and political action. Students review the literature, print and electronic, related to advocacy and political action at the state and national levels and identify exemplary advocacy efforts in the arts and arts education by state and national groups. Students develop skills in tracking legislation, identifying and analyzing issues and public policy in the arts, understanding constituencies with whom advocates must work, grant writing, and developing advocacy plans and accompanying tool kits. Prerequisite(s): AEAH 5777 or consent of instructor.

AEAH 5780. Seminar in Art Education Reform. 3 hours. The demand for educational reform in today’s schools powerfully affects art education. Current reform initiatives are examined through the lenses of theory development, program implementation and the human dynamic. Prerequisite(s): admission to the graduate program in art education or consent of instructor.

AEAH 5787. Introduction to Research in Art Education. 3 hours. Study of research techniques and their applications in the field of art education; preparation of a prospectus. Prerequisite(s): admission to a graduate program in art education or consent of instructor.

AEAH 5788. Advanced Research Methods in Art Education. 3 hours. Students conduct an in-depth investigation of a research methodology used by art education and education researchers, including epistemological, methodological, and ethical issues and debates that surround it. Prerequisite(s): AEAH 5787. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5790. Art Institute. 1–3 hours. For students accepted by the university as participants in special institute programs.

AEAH 5800. Methodologies of Art History and Visual Culture. 3 hours. Examination of methodologies associated with art history and visual culture studies. Taught as a seminar, with emphasis on readings, oral presentations, and written assignments. Required of MA art history students. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MA in art history. May not be repeated.

AEAH 5801. Topics in Art History. 3 hours. Research and study in selected topical areas in art history. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5805. Seminar in Medieval Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in Medieval art. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5806. Seminar in Renaissance Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in Renaissance art. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5807. Seminar in Seventeenth-Century Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in 17th-century art. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5809. Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in 18th-century art. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5811. Seminar in Nineteenth-Century Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in 19th-century art. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5813. Seminar in Twentieth- and Twenty-First–Century Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in 20th- and 21st-century art. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5817. Seminar in American Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in American art. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5818. Seminar in Latin American Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in Latin American art. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5819. Seminar in Native American Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in native North American art. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5821. Seminar in Pre-Columbian Art. 3 hours. Arts of the Pre-Columbian cultures of Mesoamerica. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5824. Seminar in Asian Art. 3 hours. Selected problems in the arts of Asia. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5825. Seminar in Islamic and/or Middle Eastern Cultures. 3 hours. Selected problems in the arts of the Islamic and/or Middle Eastern cultures. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5840. History of Crafts. 3 hours. Ceramics, metalwork, weaving and other craft media from the Paleolithic era to the present.

AEAH 5842. History of Graphic Design. 3 hours. Provides economic, political, social and technological perspectives on the work that has been created and disseminated by designers of visual communications, particularly over the course of the last 125 years, in a manner that makes their endeavors relevant to the design world of today and to contemporary society. Students gain an understanding of the major movements, styles and figures in the world of visual communication design that have emerged around the world since the latter portion of the 19th century.

AEAH 5843. History of Photography. 3 hours. Selected problems in the history of photography. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5844. History of Prints. 3 hours. Selected problems in the history of prints. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5848. Seminar in Art History. 3 hours. Research and study in selected topical areas of art history. For art history majors only. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AEAH 5849. Research Project. 6 hours. Research and writing on a significant problem in the field of art history, art education or museum education. Course open to MA students in art history or art education. Prerequisite(s): for art history students: successful completion of AEAH 5800, successful completion of at least 21 hours of master’s degree program courses, department language requirement satisfied; for art education students: successful completion of AEAH 5787, completion of all other master’s degree program courses.

AEAH 5935. Proseminar in Art Education and Art History. 1.5 hours. Study of correspondence in the histories, methodologies, theories and practices of art education and art history, with an emphasis on visiting lecturers, readings, discussion, and individual and collaborative presentations and written assignments. Course topic changes annually. May not be repeated. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MA in either art education or art history, the doctoral program in art education, or consent of instructor.

AEAH 5940. Seminar in Art Museum. 3 hours. Study of the functions of an art museum collection, preservation, exhibitions, research and interpretation of art objects. Visits to North Texas museums required.

AEAH 5942. Seminar in Art Museum Education I. 3 hours. Applied study of the practice of art museum education. Emphasis on teaching, writing and program development for multiple audiences in the art museum. Prerequisite(s): admission to an art graduate degree and museum certification program, or consent of instructor.

AEAH 5945. Seminar in Art Museum Education II. 3 hours. Study of contemporary and historical issues regarding the educational function of art museums. Concentration on object-based learning, pedagogical theory and audience identification. Prerequisite(s): AEAH 5942, or consent of instructor.

AEAH 6700. Orientation to Graduate Studies in Art Education. 3 hours. Orientation to both the research and professional skills necessary for students of art education to proceed through their graduate studies. Required course for doctoral students in art education.

AEAH 6750. Issues in Pre-Service Art Education. 1–3 hours. Investigation of issues relevant to pre-service education in art at the university level. Prerequisite(s): admission to the doctoral program in art education or consent of instructor.

AEAH 6783. Multimedia: Theory and Practice in the Arts. 3 hours. Explores new media in the arts, both in theory and in practice, particularly as it can be used in arts leadership. Prerequisite(s): admission to the doctoral program in art education, or consent of instructor.

Graduate Admissions

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