UNT Debate | Communication Studies

UNT Debate

The University of North Texas Debate Team is committed to excellence in public policy debate at the national and regional levels. The UNT Debate Team, directed by Brian Lain, participates actively in the NDT (National Debate Tournament) and CEDA (Cross-Examination Debate Association) and attends 15-20 tournaments each year, including: Wake Forest, Northwestern, Southern California, Central Oklahoma, Georgia State, West Georgia, and Baylor. Since 1983, North Texas has qualified for the NDT 24 times.

The North Texas Debate Team is engaged in several outreach programs designed to expand and support the academic debate community and foster argumentation education. These activities include a high school debate tournament, a college debate tournament and a summer workshop for high school students (the Mean Green Workshops).

Participation on the North Texas Debate Team is open to all undergraduate students in the university. The North Texas Debate Team is supported by Student Service Fees, the Department of Communication Studies and the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.

UNT Debate meets regularly at 4PM on Tuesdays in GAB 325.

If you are interested in joining the debate team please email our debate director at: brian.lain@unt.edu.

Debate Coaches:

  • Brian Lain- Director of Debate
  • Louis Petit- Associate Director of Debate
  • Colin Quinn- Debate Coach

Debate Graduate Assistants:

  • Gabrielle Tijerina
  • Jennifer San Miguel

Debate Team:

  • President- Joy Sandoval
  • Vice President- Alex Dickson
  • Scribe- James Renfroe

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