The Department of Information, Technology and Decision Sciences

Why should you apply to the College of Business?

In the words of Professor Leon Kappelman, Chair of the ITDS Department, "we do magic here."

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Video Transcript
Hi I'm Leon kaplan I've been a professor here since 19 90 and now I'm chairman of the information technology and decision sciences. The print only way. I can explain what we do is. We do magic. We take eighteen to 20 year olds through the course of three or four years. We turn them into young professionals who can go out and earn an average graduating serif 62 or 63000 dollars to me that's magic and the Department of information technology and decision challenges. We offer both undergraduate and master's degrees in information technology and business analytic. We also currently teach number of courses in big data and data mining which is really where a lot of Business is going we're one of the very few business schools that actually teach their kids. How to program, which that job, market is Red hot right now the program that we have molds us in away that we're ready to meet the expectations and meet the demand of the market out there. I am the first place winner of matches the main stream from North America and I'm also the first female winner to ever win this competition data is the new natural resource and knowing how to interpret and make decisions with it will be keeping Future I'm part of a research study that's been ongoing for number of years and for the last proximate Lee nine years the number one expenditure of it departments among company survey was investments in business. Analytics get a uh business intelligence. The exact type of schools that we're teaching learning information systems it's important because it helps you create not just creative solution but also innovative solutions to the business problems with my supervisors, like the fact that I No, why I'm doing what I'm doing why the company should increase the budget on on the projects. I've been working the goal is to prepare the students to manage technology and data in the business world. I wasn't a huge analytical thinker and it's something that the professors here are very great music by that only it chill for the rest of your life, our Department is very unique in the fact that if you have valuable experience and will also uh at the packing edge off the resources that that we do remain focused on Phoenix class and ensuring that that we're not so wrapped up in the research that we forget about um student, who's currently one of the, if not the most important stakeholder and car Department, the networking that one set up but they also teach you about how to network you know what to look out for when networking you know how to talk to people who, how did you know down the shaking hands and things like that um. They feel, like I said they take a really big interest in each and every student find set. You up for success. I feel confident that I will find a job when I graduate The Department does a phenomenal job of cultivating relationships with employers in the area and I feel, like I will be presented with many opportunities. This is the people and it's not going on right now is the perfect time or the student who be able to get at the interface of computing and also analytics as we thought it an matty. Those stupid and this program provides a great blend of that. If you're interested in our Information technology and business and family and encourage you to check us out and join us if you're so inclined. Thank you