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Survey Results

The Gallup Engagement Survey measures engagement through 12 key elements of engagement. To protect the confidentiality of participants, employee survey responses are reported only for departments that had 4 or more respondents. Those with fewer than 4 respondents will need to use the results from the next most relevant level.

Survey Results (2019)

Survey Results (2018)

Survey Results (2017)

Pulse Survey Results (2017)

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Gets a Report?

  1. Managers with four or more direct reports who completed the survey will receive a report. Gallup refers to these team members as “respondents.” Please note, managers themselves do not count toward the four respondent total. If you have three team members, plus yourself, you will not receive a report.
  2. Managers with less than four direct reports who have four or more team members in their reporting structure who complete the survey.

Jane is a director with two direct reports, Sam and Amy, who are both managers. Amy has four people on her team, and Sam has two. This means Jane has eight people total on her team.
Jane and Amy are both eligible to receive reports if enough team members respond. Amy’s will include her team members who responded. Jane’s will include Sam, Amy, and all of their direct reports who responded.
This structure gives Jane a better perspective on her team’s overall engagement, beyond her own direct reports.

Example visual of Jane's org chart.

Why do some reports include a Net Promoter Score (NPS) score and/or Engagement Index, and others do not?

  1. NPS: Managers who had 10 or more respondents will receive a Net Promoter Score (NPS). This was based on Question 13 which asked how likely a faculty or staff member would be to recommend their campus as a place to work.
  2. Engagement Index: Managers who had 30 or more respondents will receive an Engagement Index. This number reflects the percentage of actively engaged, not engaged, and actively disengaged faculty and staff members on their team.
    Please note, it is possible that a manager with more than 30 reports received an Engagement Index or NPS score in 2018, but did not receive one in 2019 based on number of respondents.

Where are the responses to the open-ended questions published?
The answers to the open-ended questions on this year’s survey are not going to be released. Those responses will be summarized and presented at the Fall BOR meeting.

What has changed between the 2017/2018 survey and the 2019 survey?
This year the survey includes an Overall Satisfaction question, three open-ended questions, and the reporting is now available to teams of four or more rather than the previous year’s cut-off at ten or more.

Are the Grand Mean and Q12 Mean the same?
Yes. Grand Mean is the terminology we used on previous reports for the sum of all of the Q12 questions. Grand Mean and Q12 Mean are synonymous.

Why can’t I see my Engagement Index?
If you have fewer than 30 respondents, the data for your Engagement Index is suppressed.

What is the Database: Function – Teacher (Post-Secondary/Faculty) composed of?
This database is a subset of the Education Database which we have used in past years. The Education Database includes K-12, Secondary Schools, Post-Secondary Schools, and testing facilities. The subset we selected is for higher education only. Depending on how other institutions participated, we are being compared to staff & faculty or just faculty at other Higher Ed institutions.

I had an NPS Score last year, why don’t I have one this year?
If you have fewer than 4 respondents, you will not receive your NPS Score.

I have a new supervisor. Why is my former supervisor listed on the report?
Your Gallup results are a snapshot of our engagement at the date and time of the survey. The supervisor listed on your report would be the supervisor who was over the department during that time.

Will there be training available on Employee Engagement for my team?
yes. Please see our Engagement Resources page for more information.

I have a question I do not see answered here. Who do I go to?
If you have any questions on your Gallup Survey results, please contact your Campus HR Team: