Undergraduate Catalog

2007-08 Academic Year

Department of Geography

Main Departmental Office
Environmental Education, Science and Technology Building, Room 210
P.O. Box 305279
Denton, TX 76203-5279
(940) 565-2091
Fax: (940) 369-7550

E-mail: geog@unt.edu

Web site: www.geog.unt.edu

Paul Hudak, Chair


Professors Acevedo, Ferring, Hudak. Associate Professors Lyons, McGregor, Nagaoka, Oppong, Williams. Assistant Professors Dong, Rice.


Geography is both an academic and an applied field, and our graduates enjoy highly successful careers in diverse parts of the job market. Majors are prepared for a broad range of employment, including geographic information systems, regional and urban planning, retail and industrial site location planning, transportation planning, parks and recreation planning, housing and community development, land and water resources management, environmental consulting and regulatory work, land surveying and cartography, archaeology and meteorology. Completion of the department’s programs also prepares students for graduate course work in geography, archaeology and environmental science.

The Department of Geography offers courses for students majoring in geography or other fields. Students in the colleges of arts and sciences, business administration, education, and public affairs and community service will find that geography provides excellent support for their majors. Students majoring in any field may minor in geography, geology or archaeology (all offered through this department); complete courses to fill core requirements; obtain the department’s certificate in geographic information systems; or take courses for general interest.

Geography courses are divided into two subfields: regional science and earth science. Regional science involves the study of the organization of human activity (particularly, the economic, socio-political and cultural dimensions) across space as they affect and in turn respond to the world about us. Earth science courses explore physical processes that operate inside the earth, at its surface and in the atmosphere, and interactions between humans and the physical environment. The earth science courses are under both physical geography and geology headings.

Students planning to transfer to another institution to pursue a geology major should consult with the undergraduate adviser.

Programs of Study

The department offers two undergraduate programs and a graduate program in the following areas:

Concentrations at the undergraduate level are available in earth science and regional science.

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Geography

Degree Requirements

1. Hours Required and General/College Requirements: A minimum of 128 semester hours, of which 42 must be advanced, and fulfillment of degree requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree as specified in the “General University Requirements” in the Academics section of this catalog and the College of Arts and Sciences requirements.

2. Major Requirements: 37 hours including completion of GEOG 1170 or 1200, GEOL 1610 or GEOG 1710, GEOG 3190 and 4800; three techniques courses from GEOG 4050, 4060, 4170, 4400, 4500, 4520, 4550 and 4560; and five advanced topics courses selected from Groups A and B. At least two courses must be selected from each group.

GEOG 4900 and 4920 can be applied to the techniques group, topics Group A or topics Group B.

Group A: Earth Science. GEOG 4030 (6 hours: counts as one course in Group A and one course in Group B), 4240, 4250, 4350 and 4750; GEOL 3000, 3020, 4630, 4650, 4710 and 4850.

Group B: Regional Science. GEOG 3010, 3100, 3750, 3800, 4030 (6 hours: counts as one course in Group A and one course in Group B), 4040 (6 hours: counts as two courses in Group B), 4120, 4210, 4220, 4410 and 4420.

3. Other Course Requirements: None.

4. Minor: Optional.

5. Electives: See four-year plan.

BA with a Major in Geography

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see their adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment. Students are responsible for meeting all course prerequisites.

Freshman Year

Fall Semester
Course Hours
ENGL 1310, College Writing I* 3
GEOG 1170, Culture, Environment and Society, or GEOG 1200, World Regional Geography 3
MATH (above College Algebra, except 1350)** 3
PSCI 1040, American Government* 3
Elective 3
Total 15
Spring Semester
Course Hours
ENGL 1320, College Writing II* 3
GEOG 1710, Earth Science, or GEOL 1610, Introductory Physical Geology** 4
PSCI 1050, American Government* 3
Communication** 3
Cross-Cultural, Diversity and Global Studies* (GEOG 1200, World Regional Geography, recommended) 3
Total 16

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester
Course Hours
HIST 2610, United States History to 1865* 3
LANG 2040, Foreign Language (intermediate)* 3
Physical Science** 4
Social and Behavioral Sciences* (GEOG 1170, Culture, Environment and Society, recommended) 3
Wellness* 3
Total 16
Spring Semester
Course Hours
HIST 2620, United States History Since 1865* 3
LANG 2050, Foreign Language (intermediate)* 3
Geography Group A (advanced) 3
Humanities* 3
Natural Sciences* 4
Total 16

Junior Year

Fall Semester
Course Hours
GEOG 3190, Quantitative Methods in Geography 3
Geography Techniques (advanced) 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Total 15
Spring Semester
Course Hours
Geography Group A or B (advanced) 3
Geography Group B (advanced) 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Elective 3
Visual and Performing Arts* 3
Total 15

Senior Year

Fall Semester
Course Hours
Geography Group A (advanced) 3
Geography Techniques (advanced) 3
Geography Techniques (advanced) 3
Elective (advanced) 4
Literature** 3
Total 16
Spring Semester
Course Hours
GEOG 4800, Applied Geography 3
Geography Group B (advanced) 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Elective 3
Elective 4
Total 19

*See the University Core Curriculum section of this catalog for approved list of course options.
** See Arts and Sciences degree requirements section of this catalog for approved list of course options.

Actual degree plans/audits may vary depending on availability of courses in a given semester.
Some courses may require prerequisites not listed.
Students may wish to use opportunities for electives to complete a minor of their choice.

Bachelor of Science with a Major in Geography

Degree Requirements

1. Hours Required and General/College Requirements: A minimum of 128 semester hours, of which 42 must be advanced, and fulfillment of degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree as specified in the “General University Requirements” in the Academics section of this catalog and the College of Arts and Sciences requirements.

2. Major Requirements: Completion of two of the following course groups, in addition to the courses required for the Bachelor of Arts with a major in geography. The two course groups (four courses in total) can be substituted for the foreign language requirement of the Arts and Sciences degree requirements.

Group I – Computer Programming and Information Systems. Any two of the following: CSCE 1020, Program Development, 4 hours; BCIS 3610, Basic Information Systems, 3 hours; GEOG 4560, Geographic Information Systems Programming, 3 hours.

Group II – Mathematics. Two courses (excluding MATH 1350), each at least 3 hours, in addition to the college requirement for meeting the Arts and Sciences degree requirements.

Group III – Physical and Natural/Life Science. Two advanced level courses, each at least 3 hours, in physics, chemistry or biology, subject to approval by the geography undergraduate adviser. Group III courses may be from different departments (for example, one in physics and one in chemistry).

3. Other Course Requirements: None.

4. Minor: Optional.

5. Electives: See four-year plan.


Students who wish to concentrate in earth science should select three courses from Group A and two courses from Group B as listed under the BA with a Major in Geography, and students who wish to concentrate in regional science should select two courses from Group A and three courses from Group B.

BS with a Major in Geography

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see their adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment. Students are responsible for meeting all course prerequisites.

Freshman Year

Fall Semester
Course Hours
ENGL 1310, College Writing I* 3
GEOG 1170, Culture, Environment and Society, or GEOG 1200, World Regional Geography 3
PSCI 1040, American Government* 3
Communication** 3
Cross-Cultural, Diversity and Global Studies* (GEOG 1200, World Regional Geography, recommended) 3
Total 15
Spring Semester
Course Hours
ENGL 1320, College Writing II* 3
GEOG 1710, Earth Science, or GEOL 1610, Introductory Physical Geology 4
MATH 1400, College Math with Calculus 3
PSCI 1050, American Government* 3
Elective 3
Total 16

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester
Course Hours
HIST 2610, United States History to 1865* 3
BS Geography Course Group I, II, or III 3-4
Elective 4
Literature** 3
Physical Science** 4
Total 17-18
Spring Semester
Course Hours
HIST 2620, United States History Since 1865* 3
BS Geography Course Group I, II, or III 3-4
Geography Group A or B (advanced) 3
Humanities* 3
Laboratory Science** 4
Total 16-17

Junior Year

Fall Semester
Course Hours
GEOG 3190, Quantitative Methods in Geography 3
BS Geography Course Group I, II, or III 3
Geography Group A (advanced) 3
Elective 4
Wellness* 3
Total 16
Spring Semester
Course Hours
BS Geography Course Group I, II, or III 3
Geography Group A (advanced) 3
Geography Group B (advanced) 3
Elective 3
Social and Behavioral Sciences* (GEOG 1170, Culture, Environment and Society, recommended) 3
Visual and Performing Arts* 3
Total 18

Senior Year

Fall Semester
Course Hours
Geography Group B (advanced) 3
Geography Techniques (advanced) 3
Geography Techniques (advanced) 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Elective 3
Total 15
Spring Semester
Course Hours
GEOG 4800, Applied Geography 3
Geography Techniques (advanced) 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Elective (advanced) 3
Total 15

*See the University Core Curriculum section of this catalog for approved list of course options.
** See Arts and Sciences degree requirements section of this catalog for approved list of course options.

Actual degree plans/audits may vary depending on availability of courses in a given semester.
Some courses may require prerequisites not listed.
Students may wish to use opportunities for electives to complete a minor of their choice.

Minor in Archaeology

A minor in archaeology requires 19 hours, including ANTH 1010, ARCH 2500 and 2800; and a total of 9 hours selected from ARCH 3650, 4620 (multiple sections for separate credit) and ARCH 4810.

Minor in Geography

Students planning to minor in geography should consult the geography undergraduate adviser. A minor requires 19 hours, and usually includes GEOG 1170 or 1200, 1710, and 12 advanced hours.

Minor in Geology

A minor in geology requires 19–20 hours in geology and earth science, including GEOL 1610, 3000, 3020 and 4650, and two additional courses from GEOG 4350, GEOG 4750, GEOL 4630, 4710 and GEOL 4850. Geography majors may minor in geology, but none of the courses taken to satisfy the minor can also be applied to the major.

Certificate in Geographic Information Systems (15 hours)

The geography department offers a departmental certificate in geographic information systems (GIS). Fifteen hours of course work are required, including three core courses and two electives. Core courses include GEOG 4500, 4520 and 4550. Elective courses include GEOG 4050, 4060, 4120, 4170, 4220, 4400, 4410, 4560, 4900, 4920; BCIS 3610; or other approved courses.

Graduate Degrees

Students interested in advanced course work and research in water resources management, land use planning, urban environments or geographic information systems should consider the Master of Science with a major in Applied Geography and the graduate programs in environmental science. Faculty from the Department of Geography, in cooperation with the Department of Biological Sciences and the Institute of Applied Sciences, contribute to coordinating the environmental science degrees.

The Department of Geography, in conjunction with the departments of public administration and economics, offers studies in urban and regional planning within the Master of Public Administration degree program. Undergraduates who anticipate entering this program should take a minimum of 12 hours in public administration.

Students interested in archaeology should consider the MS with a major in applied geography or interdisciplinary studies. Faculty from the departments of geography and biological sciences and from the Center for Environmental Archaeology coordinate these degrees, which emphasize geoarchaeology, zooarchaeology and interdisciplinary techniques including GIS, remote sensing and quantitative/spatial analysis.

Courses of Instruction

All Courses of Instruction are located in one section at the back of this catalog.

Course and Subject Guide

The “Course and Subject Guide,” found in the Courses of Instruction section of this book, serves as a table of contents and provides quick access to subject areas and prefixes.

Undergraduate Working Catalog

Department of Geography

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