Undergraduate Catalog

2008-09 Academic Year

Financial Information

In the Financial Information section, you will find estimated tuition and fees listed by the number of hours you are enrolled in. Other fees required to enroll at UNT are also listed and explained.

Tuition and Mandatory Fees
(Fees are Subject to Change)

The amounts shown below are provided to better assist students and parents in assessing the cost of enrolling at the University of North Texas (UNT). While this information is intended to be comprehensive, tuition, fees, room and board are subject to increase or decrease without notice by action of the Texas Legislature and/or the Board of Regents of UNT. Students are responsible for any additional amounts due UNT resulting from post audits and corrections, including all fees and waivers; i.e., registration assessing errors, changing from off-campus to on-campus classes, invalid employment waivers, etc. For current information on tuition and fees, visit the Student Accounting and University Cashiering Services web site (essc.unt.edu/saucs). Student Accounting and University Cashiering Services is open from 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Students are responsible for payment of the following charges.

The UNT Board of Regents has been granted the authority, within established guidelines, to set graduate tuition rates by program.

Graduate tuition for all graduate level courses (5000- and 6000-level courses) at UNT is $50 per hour above the undergraduate rate.

Please visit the Student Accounting and University Cashiering Services web site (www.unt.edu/tuition) for the most current tuition and fee rates.

Estimated Tuition and Fees - Texas Resident*

All Locations Except UNT Dallas Campus

Fall 2008 and Spring 2009

Tuition columns include state mandated tuition and board designated tuition; graduate student tuition column includes additional $50 per hour graduate tuition.
Instructional Fees vary by course and are not included in the total.

Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 - Texas Resident
Hours Undergraduate Total** Undergraduate Tuition*** Undergraduate Mandatory Fees****
1.0 $427.02 $160.92 $266.10
1.5 $532.61 $241.38 $291.23
2.0 $638.19 $321.84 $316.35
2.5 $743.78 $402.30 $341.48
3.0 $849.36 $482.76 $366.60
3.5 $954.95 $536.22 $391.73
4.0 $1,060.53 $643.68 $416.85
4.5 $1,166.12 $724.14 $441.98
5.0 $1,271.70 $804.60 $467.10
5.5 $1,377.29 $885.06 $492.23
6.0 $1,482.87 $965.52 $517.35
6.5 $1,588.46 $1,045.98 $542.48
7.0 $1,694.04 $1,126.44 $567.60
7.5 $1,799.63 $1,206.90 $592.73
8.0 $1,905.21 $1,287.36 $617.85
8.5 $2,010.80 $1,367.82 $642.98
9.0 $2,116.38 $1,448.28 $668.10
9.5 $2,221.97 $1,528.74 $693.23
10.0 $2,327.55 $1,609.20 $718.35
10.5 $2,433.14 $1,689.66 $743.48
11.0 $2,538.72 $1,770.12 $768.60
11.5 $2,644.31 $1,850.58 $793.73
12.0 $3,233.40 $2,263.80 $969.60
12.5 $3,258.40 $2,288.80 $969.60
13.0 $3,283.40 $2,313.80 $969.60
13.5 $3,308.40 $2,338.80 $969.60
14.0 $3,333.40 $2,363.80 $969.60
14.5 $3,358.40 $2,388.80 $969.60
15.0 $3,383.40 $2,413.80 $969.60
15.5 $3,408.40 $2,438.80 $969.60
16.0 $3,433.40 $2,463.80 $969.60
16.5 $3,458.40 $2,488.80 $969.60
17.0 $3,483.40 $2,513.80 $969.60
17.5 $3,508.40 $2,538.80 $969.60
18.0 $3,533.40 $2,563.80 $969.60
18.5 $3,558.40 $2,588.80 $969.60
19.0 $3,583.40 $2,613.80 $969.60
19.5 $3,608.40 $2,638.80 $969.60
20.0 $3,633.40 $2,663.80 $969.60
Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 - Texas Resident
Hours Graduate Student Total** Graduate Student Tuition*** Graduate Mandatory Fees****
1.0 $473.77 $210.92 $262.85
1.5 $602.73 $316.38 $286.35
2.0 $731.69 $421.84 $309.85
2.5 $860.65 $527.30 $333.35
3.0 $989.61 $632.76 $356.85
3.5 $1,118.57 $738.22 $380.35
4.0 $1,247.53 $843.68 $403.85
4.5 $1,376.49 $949.14 $427.35
5.0 $1,505.45 $1,054.60 $450.85
5.5 $1,634.41 $1,160.06 $474.35
6.0 $1,763.37 $1,265.52 $497.85
6.5 $1,892.33 $1,370.98 $521.35
7.0 $2,021.29 $1,476.44 $544.85
7.5 $2,150.25 $1,581.90 $568.35
8.0 $2,279.21 $1,687.36 $591.85
8.5 $2,408.17 $1,792.82 $615.35
9.0 $2,537.13 $1,898.28 $638.85
9.5 $2,666.09 $2,003.74 $662.35
10.0 $2,795.05 $2,109.20 $685.85
10.5 $2,924.01 $2,214.66 $709.35
11.0 $3,052.97 $2,320.12 $732.85
11.5 $3,181.93 $2,425.58 $756.35
12.0 $3,310.89 $2,531.04 $779.85
12.5 $3,439.85 $2,636.50 $803.35
13.0 $3,568.81 $2,741.96 $826.85
13.5 $3,697.77 $2,847.42 $850.35
14.0 $3,826.73 $2,952.88 $873.85
14.5 $3,955.69 $3,058.34 $897.35
15.0 $4,084.65 $3,163.80 $920.85
15.5 $4,206.61 $3,269.26 $937.35
16.0 $4,328.57 $3,374.72 $953.85
16.5 $4,450.53 $3,480.18 $970.35
17.0 $4,572.49 $3,585.64 $986.85
17.5 $4,694.45 $3,691.10 $1,003.35
18.0 $4,816.41 $3,796.56 $1,019.85
18.5 $4,938.37 $3,902.02 $1,036.35
19.0 $5,060.33 $4,007.48 $1,052.85
19.5 $5,182.29 $4,112.94 $1,069.35
20.0 $5,304.25 $4,218.40 $1,085.85

All Fees Subject To Change

The following fees are waived for students taking all of their courses at locations other than the Denton campus: Student Union Fee, Medical Service Fee, Transportation Fee and Recreational Facilities Fee.

* Because 2008-09 tuition and fee rates are subject to change by action of the Texas Legislature and/or the UNT Board of Regents, the above listed fees should be used for estimation purposes only.

** Fees vary by course and are not included in the totals above.

*** Includes state-mandated tuition of $50 per hour (or $331 per hour for non-residents), plus additional tuition, formerly listed as the general use fee, at $110.92 per hour.

**** “Explanation of Fees,” below, lists mandatory fees. Additional information is available at www.unt.edu/tuition.

Estimated Tuition and Fees - Nonresident*

All Locations Except UNT Dallas Campus

Fall 2008 and Spring 2009

Tuition columns include state mandated tuition and board designated tuition; graduate student tuition column includes additional $50 per hour graduate tuition.

Instructional Fees vary by course and are not included in the total.

Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 - Nonresident
Hours Undergraduate Total** Undergraduate Tuition*** Undergraduate Mandatory Fees****
1.0 $708.02 $441.92 $266.10
1.5 $954.11 $662.88 $291.23
2.0 $1,200.19 $883.84 $316.35
2.5 $1,446.28 $1,104.80 $341.48
3.0 $1,692.36 $1,325.76 $366.60
3.5 $1,938.45 $1,546.72 $391.73
4.0 $2,184.53 $1,767.68 $416.85
4.5 $2,430.62 $1,988.64 $441.98
5.0 $2,676.70 $2,209.60 $467.10
5.5 $2,922.79 $2,430.56 $492.23
6.0 $3,168.87 $2,651.52 $517.35
6.5 $3,414.96 $2,872.48 $542.48
7.0 $3,661.04 $3,093.44 $567.60
7.5 $3,907.13 $3,314.40 $592.73
8.0 $4,153.21 $3,535.36 $617.85
8.5 $4,399.30 $3,756.32 $642.98
9.0 $4,645.38 $3,977.28 $668.10
9.5 $4,891.47 $4,198.24 $693.23
10.0 $5,137.55 $4,419.20 $718.35
10.5 $5,383.64 $4,640.16 $743.48
11.0 $5,629.72 $4,861.12 $768.60
11.5 $5,875.81 $5,082.08 $793.73
12.0 $6,605.40 $5,635.80 $969.60
12.5 $6,770.90 $5,801.30 $969.60
13.0 $6,936.40 $5,966.80 $969.60
13.5 $7,101.90 $6,132.30 $969.60
14.0 $7,267.40 $6,297.80 $969.60
14.5 $7,432.90 $6,463.30 $969.60
15.0 $7,598.40 $6,628.80 $969.60
15.5 $7,763.90 $6,794.30 $969.60
16.0 $7,929.40 $6,959.80 $969.60
16.5 $8,094.90 $7,125.30 $969.60
17.0 $8,260.40 $7,290.80 $969.60
17.5 $8,425.90 $7,456.30 $969.60
18.0 $8,591.40 $7,621.80 $969.60
18.5 $8,756.90 $7,787.30 $969.60
19.0 $8,922.40 $7,952.80 $969.60
19.5 $9,087.90 $8,118.30 $969.60
20.0 $9,253.40 $8,283.80 $969.60
Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 - Nonresident
Hours Graduate Student Total** Graduate Student Tuition*** Graduate Mandatory Fees****
1.0 $754.77 $491.92 $262.85
1.5 $1,024.23 $737.88 $286.35
2.0 $1,293.69 $983.84 $309.85
2.5 $1,563.15 $1,229.80 $333.35
3.0 $1,832.61 $1,475.76 $356.85
3.5 $2,102.07 $1,721.72 $380.35
4.0 $2,371.53 $1,967.68 $403.85
4.5 $2,640.99 $2,213.64 $427.35
5.0 $2,910.45 $2,459.60 $450.85
5.5 $3,179.91 $2,705.56 $474.35
6.0 $3,449.37 $2,951.52 $497.85
6.5 $3,718.83 $3,197.48 $521.35
7.0 $3,988.29 $3,443.44 $544.85
7.5 $4,257.75 $3,689.40 $568.35
8.0 $4,527.21 $3,935.36 $591.85
8.5 $4,796.67 $4,181.32 $615.35
9.0 $5,066.13 $4,427.28 $638.85
9.5 $5,335.59 $4,673.24 $662.35
10.0 $5,605.05 $4,919.20 $685.85
10.5 $5,874.51 $5,165.16 $709.35
11.0 $6,143.97 $5,411.12 $732.85
11.5 $6,413.43 $5,657.08 $756.35
12.0 $6,682.89 $5,903.04 $779.85
12.5 $6,952.35 $6,149.00 $803.35
13.0 $7,221.81 $6,394.96 $826.85
13.5 $7,491.27 $6,640.92 $850.35
14.0 $7,760.73 $6,886.88 $873.85
14.5 $8,030.19 $7,132.84 $897.35
15.0 $8,299.65 $7,378.80 $920.85
15.5 $8,562.11 $7,624.76 $937.35
16.0 $8,824.57 $7,870.72 $953.85
16.5 $9,087.03 $8,116.68 $970.35
17.0 $9,349.49 $8,362.64 $986.85
17.5 $9,611.95 $8,608.60 $1,003.35
18.0 $9,874.41 $8,854.56 $1,019.85
18.5 $10,136.87 $9,100.52 $1,036.35
19.0 $10,399.33 $9,346.48 $1,052.85
19.5 $10,661.79 $9,592.44 $1,069.35
20.0 $10,924.25 $9,838.40 $1,085.85

All Fees Subject To Change

The following fees are waived for students taking all of their courses at locations other than the Denton campus: Student Union Fee, Medical Service Fee, Transportation Fee and Recreational Facilities Fee.

* Because 2008-09 tuition and fee rates are subject to change by action of the Texas Legislature and/or the UNT Board of Regents, the above listed fees should be used for estimation purposes only.

** Fees vary by course and are not included in the totals above.

*** Includes state-mandated tuition of $50 per hour (or $331 per hour for non-residents), plus additional tuition, formerly listed as the general use fee, at $110.92 per hour.

**** “Explanation of Fees,” below, lists mandatory fees. Additional information is available at www.unt.edu/tuition.

Estimated Tuition and Fees - Texas Resident*

UNT Dallas Campus Only

Fall 2008 and Spring 2009

Tuition columns include state mandated tuition and board designated tuition; graduate student tuition column includes additional $50 per hour graduate tuition.

Instructional Fees vary by course and are not included in the total.

Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 - Texas Resident
Hours Undergraduate Total** Undergraduate Tuition*** Undergraduate Mandatory Fees****
1.0 $211.25 $140.50 $70.75
1.5 $304.88 $210.75 $94.13
2.0 $398.50 $281.00 $117.50
2.5 $492.13 $351.25 $140.88
3.0 $585.75 $421.50 $164.25
3.5 $679.38 $491.75 $187.63
4.0 $773.00 $562.00 $211.00
4.5 $866.63 $632.25 $234.38
5.0 $960.25 $702.50 $257.75
5.5 $1,053.88 $772.75 $281.13
6.0 $1,147.50 $843.00 $304.50
6.5 $1,241.13 $913.25 $327.88
7.0 $1,334.75 $983.50 $351.25
7.5 $1,428.38 $1,053.75 $374.63
8.0 $1,522.00 $1,124.00 $398.00
8.5 $1,615.63 $1,194.25 $421.38
9.0 $1,709.25 $1,264.50 $444.75
9.5 $1,802.88 $1,334.75 $468.13
10.0 $1,896.50 $1,405.00 $491.50
10.5 $1,990.13 $1,475.25 $514.88
11.0 $2,083.75 $1,545.50 $538.25
11.5 $2,177.38 $1,615.75 $561.63
12.0 $2,682.75 $1,957.50 $725.25
12.5 $2,707.75 $1,982.50 $725.25
13.0 $2,732.75 $2,007.50 $725.25
13.5 $2,757.75 $2,032.50 $725.25
14.0 $2,782.75 $2,057.50 $725.25
14.5 $2,807.75 $2,082.50 $725.25
15.0 $2,832.75 $2,107.50 $725.25
15.5 $2,857.75 $2,132.50 $725.25
16.0 $2,882.75 $2,157.50 $725.25
16.5 $2,907.75 $2,182.50 $725.25
17.0 $2,932.75 $2,207.50 $725.25
17.5 $2,957.75 $2,232.50 $725.25
18.0 $2,982.75 $2,257.50 $725.25
18.5 $3,007.75 $2,282.50 $725.25
19.0 $3,032.75 $2,307.50 $725.25
19.5 $3,057.75 $2,332.50 $725.25
20.0 $3,082.75 $2,357.50 $725.25
Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 - Texas Resident
Hours Graduate Student Total** Graduate Student Tuition*** Graduate Mandatory Fees****
1.0 $258.00 $190.50 $67.50
1.5 $375.00 $285.75 $89.25
2.0 $492.00 $381.00 $111.00
2.5 $609.00 $476.25 $132.75
3.0 $726.00 $571.50 $154.50
3.5 $843.00 $666.75 $176.25
4.0 $960.00 $762.00 $198.00
4.5 $1,077.00 $857.25 $219.75
5.0 $1,194.00 $952.50 $241.50
5.5 $1,311.00 $1,047.75 $263.25
6.0 $1,428.00 $1,143.00 $285.00
6.5 $1,545.00 $1,238.25 $306.75
7.0 $1,662.00 $1,33.50 $328.50
7.5 $1,779.00 $1,428.75 $350.25
8.0 $1,896.00 $1,524.00 $372.00
8.5 $2,013.00 $1,619.25 $393.75
9.0 $2,130.00 $1,714.50 $415.50
9.5 $2,247.00 $1,809.75 $437.25
10.0 $2,364.00 $1,905.00 $459.00
10.5 $2,481.00 $2,000.25 $480.75
11.0 $2,598.00 $2,095.50 $502.50
11.5 $2,715.00 $2,190.75 $524.25
12.0 $2,832.00 $2,286.00 $546.00
12.5 $2,949.00 $2,381.25 $567.75
13.0 $3,066.00 $2,476.50 $589.50
13.5 $3,183.00 $2,571.75 $611.25
14.0 $3,300.00 $2,667.00 $633.00
14.5 $3,417.00 $2,762.25 $654.75
15.0 $3,534.00 $2,857.50 $676.50
15.5 $3,644.00 $2,952.75 $691.25
16.0 $3,754.00 $3,048.00 $706.00
16.5 $3,864.00 $3,143.25 $720.75
17.0 $3,974.00 $3,238.50 $735.50
17.5 $4,084.00 $3,333.75 $750.25
18.0 $4,194.00 $3,429.00 $765.00
18.5 $4,304.00 $3,524.25 $779.75
19.0 $4,414.00 $3,619.50 $794.50
19.5 $4,524.00 $3,714.75 $809.25
20.0 $4,634.00 $3,810.00 $824.00

All Fees Subject To Change

The following fees are waived for students taking all of their courses at locations other than the Denton campus: Student Union Fee, Medical Service Fee, Transportation Fee and Recreational Facilities Fee.

* Because 2008-09 tuition and fee rates are subject to change by action of the Texas Legislature and/or the UNT Board of Regents, the above listed fees should be used for estimation purposes only.

** Fees vary by course and are not included in the totals above.

*** Includes state-mandated tuition of $50 per hour (or $331 per hour for non-residents), plus additional tuition, formerly listed as the general use fee, at $90.50 per hour.

**** “Explanation of Fees,” below, lists mandatory fees. Additional information is available at www.unt.edu/tuition.

Estimated Tuition and Fees - Nonresident*

UNT Dallas Campus Only

Fall 2008 and Spring 2009

Tuition columns include state mandated tuition and board designated tuition; graduate student tuition column includes additional $50 per hour graduate tuition.

Instructional Fees vary by course and are not included in the total.

Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 - Nonresident
Hours Undergraduate Total** Undergraduate Tuition*** Undergraduate Mandatory Fees****
1.0 $492.25 $421.50 $70.75
1.5 $726.38 $632.25 $94.13
2.0 $960.50 $843.00 $117.50
2.5 $1,194.63 $1,053.75 $140.88
3.0 $1,428.75 $1,264.50 $164.25
3.5 $1,662.88 $1,475.25 $187.63
4.0 $1,897.00 $1,686.00 $211.00
4.5 $2,131.13 $1,896.75 $234.38
5.0 $2,365.25 $2,107.50 $257.75
5.5 $2,599.38 $2,318.25 $281.13
6.0 $2,833.50 $2,529.00 $304.50
6.5 $3,067.63 $2,739.75 $327.88
7.0 $3,301.75 $2,950.50 $351.25
7.5 $3,535.88 $3,161.25 $374.63
8.0 $3,770.00 $3,372.00 $398.00
8.5 $4,004.13 $3,582.75 $421.38
9.0 $4,238.25 $3,793.50 $444.75
9.5 $4,472.38 $4,004.25 $468.13
10.0 $4,706.50 $4,215.00 $491.50
10.5 $4,940.63 $4,425.75 $514.88
11.0 $5,174.75 $4,636.50 $538.25
11.5 $5,408.88 $4,847.25 $561.63
12.0 $6,054.75 $5,329.50 $725.25
12.5 $6,220.25 $5,495.00 $725.25
13.0 $6,385.75 $5,660.50 $725.25
13.5 $6,551.25 $5,826.00 $725.25
14.0 $6,716.75 $5,991.50 $725.25
14.5 $6,882.25 $6,157.00 $725.25
15.0 $7,047.75 $6,322.50 $725.25
15.5 $7,213.25 $6,488.00 $725.25
16.0 $7,378.75 $6,653.50 $725.25
16.5 $7,544.25 $6,819.00 $725.25
17.0 $7,709.75 $6,984.50 $725.25
17.5 $7,875.25 $7,150.00 $725.25
18.0 $8,040.75 $7,315.50 $725.25
18.5 $8,206.25 $7,481.00 $725.25
19.0 $8,371.75 $7,646.50 $725.25
19.5 $8,537.25 $7,812.00 $725.25
20.0 $8,702.75 $7,977.50 $725.25
Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 - Texas Nonresident
Hours Graduate Student Total** Graduate Student Tuition*** Graduate Mandatory Fees****
1.0 $539.00 $471.50 $67.50
1.5 $796.50 $707.25 $89.25
2.0 $1,054.00 $943.00 $111.00
2.5 $1,311.50 $1,178.75 $132.75
3.0 $1,569.00 $1,414.50 $154.50
3.5 $1,826.50 $1,650.25 $176.25
4.0 $2,084.00 $1,886.00 $198.00
4.5 $2,341.50 $2,121.75 $219.75
5.0 $2,599.00 $2,357.50 $241.50
5.5 $2,856.50 $2,593.25 $263.25
6.0 $3,114.00 $2,829.00 $285.00
6.5 $3,371.50 $3,064.75 $306.75
7.0 $3,629.00 $3,300.50 $328.50
7.5 $3,886.50 $3,536.25 $350.25
8.0 $4,144.00 $3,772.00 $372.00
8.5 $4,401.50 $4,007.75 $393.75
9.0 $4,659.00 $4,243.50 $415.50
9.5 $4,916.50 $4,479.25 $437.25
10.0 $5,174.00 $4,715.00 $459.00
10.5 $5,431.50 $4,950.75 $480.75
11.0 $5,689.00 $5,186.50 $502.50
11.5 $5,946.50 $5,422.25 $524.25
12.0 $6,204.00 $5,658.00 $546.00
12.5 $6,461.50 $5,893.75 $567.75
13.0 $6,719.00 $6,129.50 $589.50
13.5 $6,976.50 $6,365.25 $611.25
14.0 $7,234.00 $6,601.00 $633.00
14.5 $7,491.50 $6,836.75 $654.75
15.0 $7,749.00 $7,072.50 $676.50
15.5 $7,999.50 $7,308.25 $691.25
16.0 $8,250.00 $7,544.00 $706.00
16.5 $8,500.50 $7,779.75 $720.75
17.0 $8,751.00 $8,015.50 $735.50
17.5 $9,001.50 $8,251.25 $750.25
18.0 $9,252.00 $8,487.00 $765.00
18.5 $9,502.50 $8,722.75 $779.75
19.0 $9,753.00 $8,958.50 $794.50
19.5 $10,003.50 $9,194.25 $809.25
20.0 $10,254.00 $9,430.00 $824.00

All Fees Subject To Change

The following fees are waived for students taking all of their courses at locations other than the Denton campus: Student Union Fee, Medical Service Fee, Transportation Fee and Recreational Facilities Fee.

* Because 2008-09 tuition and fee rates are subject to change by action of the Texas Legislature and/or the UNT Board of Regents, the above listed fees should be used for estimation purposes only.

** Fees vary by course and are not included in the totals above.

*** Includes state-mandated tuition of $50 per hour (or $331 per hour for non-residents), plus additional tuition, formerly listed as the general use fee, at $90.50 per hour.

**** “Explanation of Fees,” below, lists mandatory fees. Additional information is available at www.unt.edu/tuition.

Check www.unt.edu/tuition for Summer tuition costs.

Undergraduate Tuition Rates

(Fees are Subject to Change)

Undergraduate students who attempt 30 or more semester credit hours beyond the minimum number of hours required for completion of their degree program will be charged additional tuition amounts. Hours attempted by students who initially enrolled as undergraduates prior to the 1999 Fall Semester are exempt. Please refer to essc.unt.edu/registrar/Excesshours.htm for specific information.

Undergraduate students who enroll in certain courses more than twice will be charged additional tuition amounts. Please refer to essc.unt.edu/registrar/Repeated_Courses.htm for specific information.

Graduate Tuition Rates

(Fees are Subject to Change)

The UNT Board of Regents has been granted the authority, within established guidelines, to set graduate tuition rates by program. Graduate tuition for all graduate-level courses (5000- and 6000-level courses) at UNT is $50 per hour above the undergraduate rate.

Explanation of Fees

(Fees are Subject to Change)

Visit the Student Accounting and University Cashiering Services web site (www.unt.edu/tuition) for current fees.

Student Service Fees

Student service fees are assessed in proportion to the number of semester credit hours for which a student registers to cover the cost of student services that directly involve or benefit students, including, but not limited to, recreational activities, artist and lecture series, cultural entertainment series, debating and oratorical activities and student government.

Student Union Fee

A fixed student union fee is collected from each enrolled student for the purpose of operating, maintaining, improving and equipping the University Union. Activities financed by the student union fee are limited to those in which the entire student body is eligible to participate.

Technology Use Fee

The technology use fee is collected in proportion to the number of credit hours for which a student registers to defray costs associated with the addition of instructional equipment in classrooms and student computer laboratories, development of the degree audit system and instruction-related activities in the Computing Center.

Library Use Fee

The library use fee is collected in proportion to the number of credit hours for which a student registers to support the development and maintenance of library collections and to provide expanded operating hours and other services to meet student needs.

Medical Services Fee

The fixed medical services fee is used solely to provide medical services to students enrolled at the university.

International Education Fee

A fixed international education fee is collected from each enrolled student to be used in support of an international education financial aid fund. This fund allows an equal opportunity for all students to participate in student exchange and study abroad programs.

Publication Fee

A fixed publication fee is collected from each enrolled student to defray costs associated with publication and distribution of schedules of classes, catalogs and other publications available to all students.

Recreational Facility Fee

A fixed recreational facility fee is collected from each enrolled student for the purpose of operating the Pohl Recreation Center.

Transportation Fee

The transportation fee supports the shuttle bus system that transports students to, and around, various locations on campus.

Undergraduate Advising Fee

The undergraduate advising fee supports the advising process for undergraduate students.

International Student Fee

A fixed international student fee is charged to all non-immigrant visa students for each term in which they enroll in UNT. The fee is billed with tuition and other fees and is in addition to totals listed above.

Property Damage Deposit

Each student who enrolls pays a property damage deposit that is refundable upon final withdrawal or graduation.

Fees Related to Instruction

Instructional fees fall into three fee categories: course fees, laboratory fees and special service fees. Please note that for billing purposes, these fee categories are grouped together and billed as one instructional fee.

Instructional fees are due at the time of registration or the payment deadline for early registered students. These fees are refundable according to the university refund policy. If a student desires to know what portion of an instructional fee falls into each category listed below, they may contact Student Accounting and University Cashiering Services at 940-565-3225.

Course Fees

Course fees are charged to cover consumable supplies, syllabi, tests, salaries and wages of employees who assist in the preparation, distribution and supply of classroom materials and some equipment purchases related directly to student participation in the classroom or laboratory. Course fees can, in some instances, save students money by bulk purchasing of goods and services. These fees are set at the minimum cost of services that all students in the department or division receive.

Laboratory Fees

Laboratory fees are only applicable to courses that require students to register for a laboratory section. Laboratory fees are collected to cover the cost of materials and supplies used by students in the laboratory. The laboratory fee may not be less than $2 nor more than $30 for any one term/semester or summer session.

Special Service Fees

Special service fees are collected to help offset the cost of materials and services a student is eligible to receive while enrolled in a course. These fees are directly related to classroom, laboratory or practicum activity and may cover the wages of employees who assist in the instructional process such as models, tutors, proctors or laboratory assistants.

The chart below shows the typical breakdown of course fees charged by UNT. Fees are subject to change. Visit www.unt.edu/tuition for current fee information.

Special Service Course Fees*
Amount Number of Courses
$0 – $30 2,740
$30.01 – $50 663
$50.01 – $100 1,129
$100.01 – $150 150
$150.01 – $200 28
$200.01 – $250 25
$250.01 – $300 20
$300.01 – $350 12
$351.01 – $400 20
Over $400 10

*Fees based on information available for Fall 2007. Fees for Fall 2008 are expected to be comparable. Fees are subject to change.

Admission Application Fee

All applicants new to the University of North Texas must pay a $40 (U.S. residents and permanent resident aliens) or $75 (all others, i.e., international students) non-refundable admission application fee. The fee must be paid in U.S. dollars.

Credit by Exam Fee

UNT awards undergraduate college credit on the basis of local and national examinations, subject to general limitations. Examinations are offered by several UNT departments. A $53.00 fee is collected from those students who take credit by examination at UNT.

National Student Exchange Fee

A fee of $125 is paid by students from UNT who apply for an exchange to another university through National Student Exchange.

NSE Incoming Student Fee

A fee of $25 is paid by students coming to UNT on exchange from another university though National Student Exchange.

Universities Center at Dallas Fee

Students enrolling for upper-division undergraduate courses or graduate courses offered by the partner universities of the Universities Center at Dallas may enroll at their home institution for courses offered by the other UCD universities. UCD is located in downtown Dallas. A $15.00 per hour fee is collected from students who are enrolled at UCD.

Option to Pay Tuition by Installment

The Texas Legislature has the authority to modify or eliminate installment payment of tuition at each regular or called legislative session.

UNT provides for the payment of tuition and fees during the fall and spring terms/semesters through the following alternatives:

1. full payment of tuition and fees upon registration or by the payment deadline for early registration; or

2. one-half payment of tuition and fees upon registration, or by the payment deadline for early registration, with separate one-fourth payments prior to the start of the sixth and 11th class weeks. Note: All course-related or optional fees are paid with the initial installment payment.

Tuition and fees must be paid in full for each summer term upon registration or by the payment deadline for early registration. Tuition payment by installment is not offered during the summer.

Non-Refundable Fee for Tuition by Installment

Handling fee: $15.00

Note: All instructional fees and optional fees are paid with the initial installment payment including the non-refundable handling fee of $15.00. Students who choose the installment plan option recognize they are in a contractual relationship and accept the terms of the installment plan contract.

A student who fails to make payment of tuition and fees (including any incidental fees) by the due date may be prohibited from registering for classes until full payment is made. A student who fails to make payment prior to the end of the term/semester may be denied credit for the work done that term/semester.

See Schedule of Classes for procedures and policies concerning installment payment of tuition.

Tuition and Fee Payments

Credit card payments (MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover) and check payments may be made through self-service at my.unt.edu. Tuition and fee payments also may be made by personal check, money order, cashier's check, or cash at the Eagle Student Services Center on the Denton campus. Tuition and fee payments also may be made by personal check, money order, or cashier's check at the Dallas Campus. Student Accounting and University Cashiering Services requires the student identification number to be recorded on all check and money order payments made in person.

Bills are not mailed for registration. Account balances and schedule information may be obtained through self-service at my.unt.edu.

Cash Payments

Cash payments are accepted only at Student Accounting and University Cashiering Services in the Eagle Student Services Center. Please do not mail cash payments.

Tuition and Fee Policies

Tuition covers undergraduate and graduate work. Tuition and the various fees provide limited health services and admission to university-sponsored fine arts and athletic events. Instructional fees, materials fees and private instruction fees are additional. Students must purchase their own textbooks and supplies.

Fees charged for late registration, duplication of records, graduation and regalia, late filing for graduation, replacement diplomas and miscellaneous items are noted at www.unt.edu/tuition.

Tuition Charged for Excess and Repeated Credit Hours

Undergraduate students who attempt 30 or more semester credit hours beyond the minimum number of hours required for completion of their degree program will be charged additional tuition amounts. Students initially enrolled prior to the 1999 Fall Semester are exempt. Please refer to essc.unt.edu/registrar/Excesshours.htm for specific information.

Undergraduate students who enroll in the same course more than twice will be charged additional tuition amounts. Please refer to essc.unt.edu/registrar/Repeated_Courses.htm for specific information.

Residency Regulations for Tuition Purposes

Rules and regulations for determining residence status are specified under Title 3 of the Texas Education Code and are available at the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, College For Texans web site at www.collegefortexans.com. In general, students must domicile and physically reside in Texas for the 12-month period immediately preceding their initial registration in an educational institution in Texas. Other factors may be considered for residency determination for tuition.

Students who are not legal residents of Texas must pay nonresident tuition, including the statutory tuition charges and standard university fees approved by the Board of Regents. Admission requirements for nonresidents are the same as for resident students.

Certain residency exceptions do not affect actual residency status but do allow for a nonresident tuition exemption. Refer to “Tuition and Fee Waivers” in this section for further information.

Responsibility of the Student

The student is responsible for knowing residence status and for registering under the proper status. Any questions concerning residence must be discussed with the proper authority in the Office of Admissions and/or Registrar's Office prior to registration.

Any student erroneously classified as a resident will be reclassified and required to pay all out-of-state tuition due. Attempts to evade nonresident fees may subject the student to the statute penalty and to possible disciplinary action.

Change of Status Nonresident to Resident

A student who is at any time classified as a nonresident retains nonresident status until reclassification as a resident is applied for and officially approved by the Registrar.

Change of Status Resident to Nonresident

Students who are classified as residents but become nonresidents by virtue of any change of domicile must notify the Registrar of such change immediately. Students who believe they have been erroneously classified have the opportunity for appeal. The appeal is to be made to the authority by whom the original classification was assigned, either in the Office of Admissions or Registrar's Office.

Tuition and Fee Waivers

Several exemptions and waivers are available to qualifying students. Brief descriptions of these are listed below. Waiver refunds must be requested during the term/semester application is made. Such requests must be made prior to the 12th class day in long terms/semesters, the 4th class day in the summer sessions (except 3W1), 2nd class day in 3W1. Requests for retroactive refunds cannot be honored. Information regarding waivers and exemptions is available at Student Accounting and University Cashiering Services or at essc.unt.edu/saucs/payment.htm. Posted waivers are subject to post audit and correction.

Exemptions and Waivers

1. Certain Texas veterans and dependents of deceased Texas veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States are exempted from payment of tuition. State application and other documents required. This exemption pays all tuition and fees except for the Student Service Fee and Property Deposit. The student must pay the Student Service Fee each term/semester.

2. Certain orphans of members of the Armed Forces, Texas National Guard and Texas Air National Guard are exempted from payment of tuition. Documentation required. This exemption pays all tuition and fees.

3. Certain students from other nations of the American hemisphere are exempted from payment of tuition. This waiver waives out-of-state tuition. The student pays in-state tuition rates.

4. Deaf or blind Texas residents are exempted from payment of tuition. Official letter required. This exemption pays all tuition and fees.

5. Certain disabled peace officers are exempted from payment of tuition and fees. Official letter required. This exemption pays all tuition and fees.

6. Children of disabled or deceased firemen, peace officers, employees of the Texas Department of Corrections and game wardens are exempted from the payment of tuition. Official letter required. This exemption pays all tuition and fees.

7. Children of U.S. prisoners of war or persons missing in action are granted exemption of tuition. Documentation required. This exemption pays all tuition and fees.

8. Resident rather than non-resident tuition is applied to out-of-state students enrolled through the Academic Common Market Program. This waiver waives out-of-state tuition. The student pays in-state tuition rates.

9. Resident rather than non-resident tuition is applied to U.S. military personnel, their spouses and dependents if they meet designated criteria. (Certificate must be approved by the Registrar prior to registration.) Form submitted by the Registrar's office. This waiver waives out-of-state tuition. The student pays in-state tuition rates.

10. Resident rather than non-resident tuition is applied to teachers and professors of Texas state institutions of higher education, their spouses and children. Requires official application approved by hiring department. This waiver waives out-of-state tuition. The student pays in-state tuition rates.

11. Resident rather than non-resident tuition is applied to a teaching or research assistant provided the student is employed at least one-half time by UNT in a position that relates to the degree sought. Requires official application approved by hiring department. This waiver waives out-of-state tuition. The student pays in-state tuition rates.

12. Resident rather than non-resident tuition is applied to a non-resident holding a UNT competitive scholarship of at least $1,000.00 for the academic year or summer for which the student is enrolled. Requires official approval from the department awarding the scholarship. This waiver waives out-of-state tuition. The student pays in-state tuition rates.

13. Certain university fees are waived for students enrolled only in courses designated as off-campus or internships. Students enrolled in all classes that are held off-campus automatically receive the off-campus waiver that waives the Student Union Fee, Medical Service Fee, Transportation Fee, Student Recreational Center Fee and Property Deposit.

14. Highest ranking graduates (valedictorians) of accredited Texas high schools are exempted from payment of tuition for the first two long semesters after graduation from high school. Student must pay mandatory fees and course fees. Official letter and UNT application required. This exempts the student from paying tuition.

15. Certain Texas residents who are or have been in foster care or other residential care are exempted from the payment of tuition and mandatory fees. Copy of official letter required. This exemption pays all tuition and fees.

16. Certain Texas residents who have received financial assistance under Ch. 31 of the Human Resources Code (AFDC) qualify for a resident tuition and fee waiver for one year. Official letter and UNT application required. This exemption pays all tuition and fees.

17. Resident rather than non-resident tuition is applied to individuals and dependents relocating to Texas as part of the program of state economic development and diversification. A list of companies participating in the Economic Diversification Program can be found at www.collegefortexans.com/cfbin/EcoDevDiv.cfm. This waiver waives out-of-state tuition. The student pays in-state tuition rates.

18. Certain Early High School Graduates from Texas are exempt from the payment of tuition. Student must pay mandatory fees and course fees. Official letter and UNT application required. The application can be found at essc.unt.edu/saucs/saucsforms.htm. This exempts the student from paying tuition up to a designated dollar amount during their first semesters of enrollment.

19. Students 65 years of age or older are exempt from paying tuition and graduate tuition up to 6 credit hours each semester. Students must pay mandatory fees and course fees. UNT application and copy of driver's license required. This exempts the student from paying tuition up to 6 hours each semester.

20. Certain educational aides who are employed in the State of Texas may be exempted from payment of tuition and fees. This exemption pays all tuition and mandatory fees. The student must pay the course fees.

21. Certain Texas residents who have been adopted and were formerly in foster or other residential care are exempted from the payment of tuition and mandatory fees. Copy of official letter required. This exemption pays all tuition and fees.

22. Certain paid firefighters employed in the State of Texas may be exempted from payment of tuition and fees for designated degree programs.

23. Certain clinical preceptors and their children are exempted from payment of up to $500 in tuition per semester. Completed application and current documentation required. This exemption pays up to $500 in tuition each semester for a total of ten semesters.

Tuition and Fee Refunds

A student who drops a course or withdraws from the university within certain time periods may be entitled to a partial refund of tuition and fees. These refunds are calculated according to the category and time schedule listed below. Delinquent payment fees, late registration charges, publication fees and installment handling fees are non-refundable. Any financial obligation to UNT must be resolved before any refunds will be made.

Class Drop Refunds

Refunds are made for any course dropped through the 12th class day for the long semester. Corresponding dates are set for summer terms/sessions. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates. The semester's first class day is always the first official university day of classes and not the first day of an individual's class.

Refunds for dropped classes are processed after the midsemester. Note: If all classes for the semester are dropped, see “Schedule of Withdrawal Refunds” in this section.

Students applying for financial aid are required to notify Student Financial Aid and Scholarships before dropping any class to learn how it will affect current or future financial aid eligibility.

Withdrawal from the University

Withdrawal refunds are determined by the number of enrolled semester credit hours at the time of withdrawal. Withdrawal percentages are applied to the total amount of tuition and fees as prescribed by state law, not the amount paid. The withdrawal schedule and percentages of refund shown below pertain to total withdrawal from the term/semester and are mandated by the state legislature. The term/semester's first class day is always the first official university day of classes and not the first day the individual attends class. A withdrawal refund is based on the day of withdrawal, regardless of the date the class first meets.

Additional information may be found at www.unt.edu/tuition or by contacting Student Accounting and University Cashiering Services.

The withdrawal schedule and percentage of a pro-rata refund pertain to total withdrawal from the term/semester and are mandated by federal law. Please contact Student Financial Aid and Scholarships regarding pro-rata refund schedules and percentages.

Refund of Property Damage Deposit

A student who does not return to the university because of graduation or withdrawal from school will receive a refund of the property damage deposit.

Schedule of Withdrawal Refunds, 2008-2009

Withdrawal Dates Percent of Refund (less non-refundable fees*)

Fall 2008
Withdrawal Dates Refund
Through 8/23/2008 100%
8/25/08–9/1/08 80%
9/2/08–9/8/08 70%
9/9/08–9/15/08 50%
9/16/08–9/22/08 25%
Spring 2009
Withdrawal Dates Refund
Through 1/17/2009 100%
1/20/09-1/26/09 80%
1/27/09-2/2/09 70%
2/3/09-2/9/09 50%
2/10/09-2/16/09 25%

*Note: Some fees are non-refundable.

Delinquent payment fees, late registration charges, publication fees and installment handling fee are non-refundable.

Tuition Rebates for Certain Undergraduates

Section 54.0065 of the Texas Education Code provides up to a $1,000 tuition rebate to students. To be eligible for a rebate under this program, a student must:

1. have enrolled for the first time in an institution of higher education in the Fall 1997 semester or later;

2. request a rebate for course work related to a first baccalaureate degree received from a general academic teaching institution;

3. have been a resident of Texas and have been entitled to pay resident tuition at all times while pursuing the degree;

4. if enrolled for the first time in Fall 2005 or later, graduate within four calendar years for a four-year degree or within five calendar years for a five-year degree if the degree is in a program determined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to require more than four years to complete; and

5. have attempted no more than 3 hours in excess of the minimum number of semester credit hours required to complete the degree under the catalog under which the student will graduate.

Hours attempted include transfer credits, course credit earned exclusively by examination (except that, for the purpose of this program, only the number of semester credit hours earned exclusively by examination in excess of 9 semester credit hours is treated as hours attempted), courses dropped after the official census date, for-credit developmental courses, optional internship and cooperative education courses and repeated courses. Courses dropped for reasons that are determined by the institution to be totally beyond the control of the student shall not be counted.

For students concurrently earning a baccalaureate degree and a Texas teaching certificate, required teacher education courses shall not be counted to the extent that they are over and above the free electives allowed in the baccalaureate degree program.

Any student with more than 3 hours of F, W, WF, NP or I is ineligible to receive the $1,000 tuition rebate.

Effective for students who enroll for the first time in Fall 2005 or later, an otherwise eligible student may be eligible for a tuition rebate without satisfying the requirements of item 4 above if the student is awarded a baccalaureate degree and the institution determines that the student's failure to comply was caused by a demonstrated hardship condition.

For additional information concerning tuition rebates, contact the Registrar's Office or your academic advisor.

General Financial Policies

UNT is a state-assisted institution subject to state laws. Extension of credit is prohibited and all financial obligations to the university must be paid when due. Tuition, fees, and room and board are subject to change by action of the Texas Legislature or the Board of Regents of UNT.

Correction of Errors

Students are responsible for any additional amounts due UNT resulting from auditing and correction of records after registration fees have been paid including all registration assessment errors, change from off-campus to on-campus classes, invalid employment waivers, etc.

Payments by Third Party

Checks issued by a third party in payment of a student's tuition, fees or other charges made by UNT should be made payable to the student rather than solely to the university or jointly to the student and UNT.

Returned Checks

A returned check is defined as any check, similar sight order or electronic bank draft returned to the university unpaid due to no fault of the bank or the university.

Upon receipt of a returned check, notification is mailed to the issuing party or the individual in whose behalf the check was issued. The address on the check and/or the address in the official university records is used. The check is payable on or before 10 working days from the date of the notice. Only cash, cashier's check or money order is accepted for payment of the returned check and service charge ($25 per check).

A student may be withdrawn immediately from the university if payment is not made within the stated time period. DO NOT, however, stop attending classes unless you receive official notification of your withdrawal. Notification of withdrawal is made to the address on the check and/or the address in the official university records.

Check-issuing privileges are suspended while any returned check and/or service charge are outstanding.

If the university receives three or more returned checks during an academic year, the check-issuing privileges of the individual are revoked.

If all attempts to collect a returned check have failed, civil or criminal legal action may be taken in accordance with Texas state law (Sections 31.06 and 32.41 of the Texas Penal Code).

Stop-Payment on Tuition Checks

A student who has not already done so will be withdrawn from UNT on the date the returned stop-payment check is received by UNT. A returned check service charge ($25 per check) will be assessed. Tuition refund charges are based on normal refund policy.

If a student wishes to be withdrawn, the Registrar's Office should always be contacted as soon as possible.

Financial Aid

UNT provides several methods of assisting students in financing their education. Applications and complete descriptions of all programs, requirements and qualifications are available at Student Financial Aid and Scholarships, Eagle Student Services Center. You may also call 877-881-1014.

Application Period and Deadlines

The application period begins January 1 of each year for the following academic year (fall, spring, summer). The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Renewal Application is available each January for the upcoming academic year and should be completed as early as possible. Students may apply online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Students whose application files are completed by the priority dates are ensured first consideration for awards. Application data is received electronically from the Central Processing System (Federal Student Aid Programs) through which applications are processed. It includes the data from the FAFSA or Renewal Application. The application data must reach our office before a file can be processed.

Priority Dates:

A separate UNT summer application must be completed for summer financial aid. This application is available online (my.unt.edu) in February for the following summer term. The FAFSA for the year preceding the summer is also required.

General Eligibility Requirements

Before any assistance is granted (Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal Work-Study, Federal Perkins Loan or loans from the Federal Stafford Loan Program), general eligibility and program requirements must be met. To be eligible for financial aid you must:

1. establish eligibility by completing and filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Renewal Application;

2. not be in default on any Title IV loan (Federal Perkins or Federal Stafford), or owe a refund or repayment on educational funds received at any institution;

3. be a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen;

4. be registered with the Selective Service if you are a male at least 18 years old born after December 31, 1959 (most males between the ages of 18 and 25, including permanent residents and other eligible noncitizens, are required to register with Selective Service);

5. enroll in and maintain at least a half-time class load for most programs;

6. use all funds received through financial aid for educational purposes;

7. be accepted for admission by the university and enrolled in a degree program;

8. be making satisfactory academic progress;

9. have a valid Social Security Number; and

10. have a high school diploma or a GED (general equivalency diploma).

Note: Transient students and summer visiting students are not eligible for financial aid.

Special Conditions for Financial Aid Applicants

1. Students who withdraw from all classes must first go to the UNT Registrar's Office, and then proceed to Student Financial Aid and Scholarships for official clearance before leaving the university.

2. Refunds and Repayments. If you officially withdraw, cease attendance, or are administratively withdrawn from UNT, any refund of tuition and fees and other university charges will be assessed for return to programs from which you (or your parents if they received a Federal Parent Loan) were originally paid. An additional “repayment” calculation will be performed to determine if you must repay a portion of the assistance paid directly to you for living expenses.

Student Financial Aid and Scholarships personnel will apply the federally mandated formula for the return of financial aid funds. Funds will be returned to the programs from which the money was paid to you in the following order:

In addition, it is possible you will owe a repayment of unearned financial aid funds if you cease enrollment prior to the 60 percent completion point of any enrollment period for which you received financial aid funds. The completion point is based on the total number of class days in an enrollment period.

3. Official transcripts are not issued to any student who has an unpaid account or owes a defaulted federal student loan received from any university.

4. Federal and state regulations require that each student must maintain satisfactory academic progress to be eligible for financial aid programs. Minimum standards must be achieved by the end of any given enrollment period at UNT. Satisfactory academic progress (SAP) is defined in both quantitative and qualitative measures. The quantitative measure requires an undergraduate to:

a. complete all course degree requirements within a maximum of 186 semester credit hours of enrollment; and

b. complete a minimum number of hours by the end of each academic year based on each student's registered hours.

Using the following chart to determine the number of hours that must be completed, the student should locate the total number of registered hours. The student must then complete, pass and earn credit in the number of hours listed below.

Hours Required
Current number of registered hours Minimum number of current earned hours and pass/no pass hours
1 1
2 2
3–5 3
6–11 6
12–15 9
16–19 12
20–23 15
24+ 18
Status Undergraduate Fall/Spring Undergraduate Summer
Full-time 12 or more hours 12 or more hours
3/4-time 9–11 hours 9–11 hours
1/2-time 6–8 hours 6–8 hours

All academic requirements are effective whether or not financial aid has ever been applied for or received. For students not meeting satisfactory academic progress (SAP) at the end of an enrollment period, the academic progress will be reevaluated at the end of the next term/semester attended at UNT to determine student eligibility for financial aid.

The qualitative measure requires an undergraduate to maintain the minimum cumulative UNT grade point average of 2.0.

Students in an academic program under the undergraduate career (major or concentration) are required to enroll in at least 6 undergraduate hours per term to be considered for financial aid.

Financial aid recipients must notify Student Financial Aid and Scholarships before dropping courses or withdrawing from the university. Current award year or future aid eligibility may be affected. Enrollment hours for loan deferment and financial aid eligibility may differ from those published in this catalog. Also see “Enrollment Certification” in the Enrollment section of this catalog.

You may review additional and specific financial aid and scholarship information at www.unt.edu/finaid.


UNT offers a variety of competitive scholarships. Awards are open for competition on a university wide basis. Contact individual colleges, schools or departments for subject-specific scholarships.

Scholarships are awarded on the basis of a student's academic qualifications. Generally, UNT scholarships range in value from $200 to $5,000. The most prestigious is the Board of Regents Excellence scholarship for $5,000 per year. This award is renewable for three years based on continued academic performance. Out-of-state and international students who are recipients of university competitive academic scholarships in the amount of $1,000 or more may also receive a waiver of out-of-state tuition.

Applications and deadline information for general academic scholarships and most special scholarships are available through www.unt.edu/finaid. Some special scholarship applications can be found in the Scholarship Library located on the second level of the Eagle Student Services Center in Student Financial Aid and Scholarships. Early applications will be given priority consideration for the upcoming academic year. Application forms for departmental scholarships as well as deadline information are available from the individual departments and schools of the university.

Emerald Eagle Scholars Program

The Emerald Eagle Scholars program provides access to higher education for academically talented students with high financial need, and connects them to campus resources while engaging them in activities that facilitate their intellectual engagement, academic success and, ultimately, the timely completion of their bachelor's degrees.

There are three program pillars that make the Emerald Eagle Scholars Program a great benefit to new students. The Financial Support Pillar enables all Emerald Eagles to have their tuition and fees paid for the next eight long semesters through a combination of federal, state and institutional aid. The Academic Success Pillar sets high expectations for all Emerald Eagles requiring that all students complete 30 hours and maintain a 2.5 GPA, all while being supported by various academic readiness programs on campus. The University Engagement Pillar, including on-campus work study, allows students to connect and take part in the richness of university life, while being guided by both a peer and/or a faculty/staff mentor.

To be eligible for the Emerald Eagle Scholars Program, a student must be a Texas resident and an incoming freshman from a household with an adjusted family income that does not exceed $40,000 per year. For additional information, please visit UNT Student Financial Aid and Scholarships at www.unt.edu/finaid and select the Emerald Eagle link.

Grant Programs

Federal Pell Grant

Actual eligibility levels are determined by federal standards through the Central Processing System (Federal Student Aid Programs). To receive funds after eligibility is determined, a student must maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards as defined by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships and be classified as an undergraduate. Pell grant awards are based on the student's actual enrollment.

Federal Academic Competitiveness Grant / National SMART Grant

Eligibility levels are determined by federal standards through the Central Processing System (Federal Student Aid Programs). A student must be classified as an undergraduate and must be Pell Grant eligible. To receive funds after eligibility is determined, a student must maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards as defined by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

Funds are awarded based upon the availability of monies, expected family contribution, established financial need, and maintaining satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards as defined by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.

University of North Texas Grant

Funds are awarded based upon the availability of monies, expected family contribution, established financial need, at least half-time enrollment, and maintaining satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards as defined by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Texas Public Education Grant

Funds are awarded based upon availability of monies, established financial need, at least half-time enrollment, and maintaining satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards as defined by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (LEAP)

This is a federal grant program for Texas residents. Eligibility is based upon at least half-time enrollment, availability of funds, established financial need, and maintaining satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards as defined by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Texas Grant Program

This is a state grant program for undergraduate Texas residents. Eligibility is based on at least three-quarter time enrollment; established financial need; graduation from a public or accredited private high school in Texas; completion of the recommended, advanced, or distinguished high school curriculum; no felony conviction or crime involving a controlled substance; and the availability of funds. The student must enroll in an eligible institution within 16 months of high school graduation, or within 12 months of receiving an associate's degree (associate's degree must have been conferred after May 1, 2001).

Partial Tuition Awards

Funds are awarded based on availability of monies, established financial need, at least half-time enrollment, and maintaining satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards as defined by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Benefits for Veterans

Students who have served on active duty may be eligible for educational benefits from the federal Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

The Department of Veterans Affairs also provides educational assistance to children and spouses of:

Forms and information concerning certification for VA benefit purposes are available in the Registrar's Office. Veterans with specific questions concerning the administration of benefits should contact the Regional VA Office at 1-888-442-4551.

Hazelwood Act for Texas Veterans

Application forms and information on tuition waivers for qualified veterans are available online at www.unt.edu/tuition or at Student Accounting and University Cashiering Services, first floor, Eagle Student Services Center.


Federal Work-Study Program

Eligibility for the Federal Work-Study Program is determined by established financial need and availability of monies to make awards, at least half-time enrollment and maintaining satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards as defined by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships. Students awarded the Federal Work-Study Program are eligible to earn the financial aid amount awarded through a work-study job. Students may begin the job search process by visiting the Career Center web site at careercenter.unt.edu. Most positions require 15-20 hours of work per week. Students apply directly to the department with the open position listed on the web site. The employing department will select students for interviews based on availability of funds, student work skills, educational background and interest. Eligibility must be determined each term/semester to continue in the Federal Work-Study Program.

Career Center

The Career Center, located in Room 103 of Chestnut Hall, provides a variety of employment opportunities on and off campus to currently enrolled students in order to help them offset their college expenses and develop good work records. For information, call 940-565-2105. Information regarding on- and off-campus jobs can be accessed on the web site (careercenter.unt.edu).

Loan Programs

Federal Perkins Student Loan

The Federal Perkins Student Loan is federally funded. Awards are based upon available funds, established financial need, at least half-time enrollment, and maintaining satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards as defined by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships. Annual and aggregate limits are imposed based upon classification status.

Repayment begins nine months after termination of at least half-time enrollment, and general repayment criteria vary depending upon the time the funds are borrowed from the program.

Family Federal Educational Loan Program (FFELP)

All family federal educational loans (subsidized, unsubsidized, Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students [PLUS]) are awarded based upon established financial need, at least half-time enrollment and maintaining satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards as defined by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be submitted before an award will be determined. Maximum and aggregate limits are imposed based upon classification status. Repayment criteria vary depending upon the time the funds are borrowed.

Room and Board

Room and board fees are subject to increase and decrease by action of the Texas Legislature and/or the Board of Regents of the University of North Texas. During 2007-2008, room and board based upon an air-conditioned, standard double occupancy room with a seven-day meal plan cost $5,924.86 per year. In addition, a reduced standard rate will be offered to residents of College Inn and West Hall. Six newer hall choices are also offered. Room and board based upon an air-conditioned, newer hall single occupancy room with a seven-day meal plan cost $7,333.06 per year during 2007-08.

For information concerning fees charged for residence hall living, consult the UNT Tuition, Fees and Other Charges brochure printed for the particular academic year in which enrollment is planned or write to the Housing Department, 1155 Union Circle #311310, Denton, TX 76203-1310, or visit www.unt.edu/housing.

Undergraduate Working Catalog

Financial Information

Undergraduate Admissions

(800) UNT-8211
(868-8211) (toll-free)

UNT Switchboard

(940) 565-2000

Campus Tours

Schedule a tour online
(940) 565-4104