Undergraduate Catalog

2008-09 Academic Year


Psychology, PSYC

1000. Psychology of Learning and Success. 3 hours. Examines psychological factors that underlie learning and success in higher education, with an emphasis on introducing students to applicable strategies and theories. Topics covered include information processing and memory, strategic learning, self-regulation, goal setting and motivation, multiple intelligences and learning styles, and critical thinking. This course does not apply toward the major or minor.

1630 (PSYC 2301). General Psychology I. 3 hours. Nature of psychology with emphases on the study of personality development, decision making, reactions to frustration, mental health, and how the individual interacts with and is influenced by others. Satisfies the Social and Behavioral Sciences requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

1650. General Psychology II. 3 hours. Nature of psychology with emphases on the physiological basis of behavior and psychological processes, including learning, motivation, perception and emotion. Satisfies the Social and Behavioral Sciences requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2317. Quantitative Methods in Psychology. 4 hours. (3;1) Techniques appropriate for treatment of psychological data; frequency distributions, percentiles, measures of central tendency and variability, normal curve function, simple correlational analyses, and applications of sampling theory. Laboratory offers practice in quantitative methodology and an introduction to the computer statistical program SPSS. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1100.

2480 (PSYC 2315). Psychology of Adjustment. 3 hours. Processes involved in adjustment of individuals to their personal and social environments; role of conflict, frustration and healthy and pathological strategies of adjustment.

2580. Health Psychology. 3 hours. Examines psychological, physiological, social and behavioral factors as they influence and are influenced by physical health. Health psychology is concerned with the acquisition and maintenance of health through behavior change strategies, the prevention and/or treatment of illnesses, the role of psychosocial and stress factors in the development of physical illness, and the formulation of health care policy. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2600 (PSYC 2302). Psychology of Interpersonal Behavior. 3 hours. (2;2) Relevant variables underlying interpersonal relationships, and current research methods and findings. Skills in developing effective interpersonal relationships in such contexts as friendships, dating, marriage, family, business and industry. Includes the use of recording devices, role playing and self-observation procedures.

2650 (PSYC 2319). Group Psychology. 3 hours. Psychological factors in propaganda, social control, mob action, leadership, group functioning, measurement of public opinion, social status, sources of attitudes.

2900. Special Problems. 1-3 hours.

2950. Experimental Methods in Psychology. 4 hours. (4;3) Basic experimental procedures and designs, laboratory apparatus, and treatment of experimental data. Experiments and experimental reports required of each student. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2317 or consent of department.

3480. Psychology of Adult Development and Aging. 3 hours. Personality, cognitive, social and sensory-perceptual aspects of development from early adulthood through death. Emphasis on the development of a comprehensive understanding of the adult portion of the life span. (Same as AGER 3480.)

3490. Psychological Dynamics of Women. 3 hours. Comparison of personality and cultural factors associated with gender. (Same as WMST 3520.)

3520. Introduction to Industrial Organizational Psychology. 3 hours. Personnel and organizational psychology; selection and testing procedures, test validation, and theories of organization, leadership and job performance. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2317 or equivalent.

3530. Psychology of the Offender. 3 hours. Psychological processes related to the legal offender; dynamics involved in such activities as sexual deviancy, drug abuse, personal assault, including murder, and non-assaultive crimes; meaning of classification from courtroom to prisons and in release.

3620. Developmental Psychology. 3 hours. Basic theories and research in life-span developmental psychology; parent-child relations, identification, peer relations, self-concept, language learning, perceptual and cognitive development.

3630. Introduction to Psychological Measurement. 3 hours. Fundamental approaches, theories of psychological tests and testing; correlation, reliability, validity and methods of test construction. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2317 or equivalent.

3640. Psychological Factors in Marital Adjustment. 3 hours. Physiological, psychological and economic factors involved in marital adjustment; practical education for marriage and parenthood.

3700. Ecological Psychology. 3 hours. Effects of changing ecological conditions, such as the increased use of chemicals, the processing of foods, and the contamination of water and air on human behavior.

4000. Abuse in Adult Relationships. 3 hours. A general survey of current research on psychological, interpersonal and situational factors involved in physical and emotional abuse in dating, cohabiting and marital relationships. The interdisciplinary body of research is covered from a psychological perspective. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2950 or equivalent.

4020. Psychology of Death and Dying. 3 hours. Concepts and attitudes concerning death and dying from a psychological perspective; current research on death and dying; development of insights and understanding to prepare the student to interact effectively with people who are terminally ill and their family members. Prerequisite(s): advanced standing and consent of department. (Same as AGER 4020.)

4110. Interviewing for Paraprofessionals in Psychology. 3 hours. Introduction to the interviewing process in mental health service settings. Includes purposes, objectives, goals, types and skills of interviewing via lectures, plus taped and live demonstrations. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 4610.

4300. Psychosocial Issues in HIV/AIDS. 3 hours. Examination of the psychosocial factors that are related to health-related behaviors in both healthy people and people living with HIV/AIDS. Prepares students who expect to pursue careers in health service fields (e.g. psychologists, physicians, biologists, dentists, etc.) to be conscious of issues that HIV-positive people face daily. Students interested in HIV/AIDS as a social phenomenon are encouraged to enroll. Prerequisite(s): upper-level standing or consent of department.

4470. Psychology and Sexual Behavior. 3 hours. Impact of psychosocial factors on development and expression of human sexuality.

4480. Contemporary Directions in Psychology. 3 hours. In-depth study of traditional roles and interests versus current roles and interests of psychologists designed to keep students abreast of the rapidly expanding and changing field of psychology. Topics include changes of duties in schools, legal systems, law enforcement, business and industry, government, biology and medicine, as well as other areas.

4510. Psychology Practicum. 1-3 hours. In-depth study of areas of specific interest. Practical experience in supervised settings. Prerequisite(s): senior standing and consent of department. May be repeated for credit.

4520. Psychology of Personality. 3 hours. Major approaches to conceptualization of personality; psychodynamic, phenomenological and trait-type learning models.

4600. History and Systems of Psychology. 3 hours. Principal historical antecedents of modern psychology, relevance to major contemporary systematic positions; philosophy of science, associationism, structuralism, behaviorism, functionalism, Gestalt and psychoanalysis; recent psychological theories.

4610. Abnormal Psychology. 3 hours. Major psychoses, neuroses and other types of maladaptive behavior patterns that are common problems in society; descriptions of symptomatology, theoretical approaches and epidemiological variables. Prerequisite(s): junior standing and 12 hours of psychology, or consent of department.

4620. Abnormal Child Psychology. 3 hours. A survey of the symptomatology, theoretical perspectives and treatment approaches of psychological disorders seen in infants, children and adolescents. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 3620 or PSYC 4610.

4640. Physiological Psychology. 3 hours. Physiological processes of the body and relationships to behavior. Sensory and motor processes, learning and memory, and physiological problems of motivation and emotion.

4690. Introduction to Learning and Memory. 3 hours. Explores the processes of acquiring and using knowledge. Basic principles in conditioning, concept learning and human behavior are taught as a foundation to the understanding of learning. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2950 or consent of department.

4800. Introduction to Perception and Cognition. 3 hours. A general survey of current data in perception and cognition. Perception topics covered are psychophysics, sensory psychology, perceptual constancies and the development of perception. Cognition topics include short- and long-term memory, problem solving, concept formation and the acquisition of knowledge. The information processing approach is emphasized as a means of interpreting perception and cognition.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each.

4950. Honors Thesis. 3 hours. Research project for outstanding psychology students. The project must involve planning, conducting and defending an actual project. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2317, 2950 and 3630. For psychology majors with a minimum of 18 hours in psychology and a minimum grade point average of 3.5 in psychology and 3.0 overall.

4951. Honors College Capstone Thesis. 3 hours. Major research project prepared by the student under the supervision of a faculty member and presented in standard thesis format. An oral defense is required of each student for successful completion of the thesis. Prerequisite(s): completion of at least 6 hours in honors courses; completion of at least 12 hours in the major department in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the department chair and the dean of the school or college in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the dean of the Honors College. May be substituted for HNRS 4000.

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Psychology Courses

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