Undergraduate Catalog

2008-09 Academic Year

Foreign Languages and Literatures

Students with no previous training in their desired language must enroll in 1010-numbered language courses. Students with one, two, three or four high school credits must take the departmentally administered placement exam. Students must place out of the 2050 level to satisfy the language requirement.

Arabic, ARBC

1010-1020. Elementary Arabic. 4 hours each. (4;1)

1010 (ARAB 1311 or 1411 or 1511). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

1020 (ARAB 1312 or 1412 or 1512). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): ARBC 1010 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2040-2050. Intermediate Arabic. 3 hours each.

2040 (ARAB 2311). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): ARBC 1020 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2050 (ARAB 2312). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): ARBC 2040 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2900-2910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours. Prerequisite(s): consent of department.

3040. Advanced Topics in the Culture of the Middle East. 3 hours Explores the history and culture of the Near East, from the time of Muhammad to the present. Examines the rise and definition of Islamic civilization and the spread of Islam. Topics include major political figures and historical events, institutions, economic developments, social issues (education, family, women), history of ideas, literary movements, art history, and music history. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite(s): ARBC 2050 or equivalent.

3060. Advanced Topics in Arabic Language. 3 hours. Study of authentic materials in classical prose to create a foundation for the mastery of classical Arabic. Also involves more extended readings and discussions of contemporary and historical cultural topics. In addition to a review of syntax and morphology, the course intends to increase the range and accuracy of oral and written expression and aural comprehension. Classes are conducted entirely in Arabic. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite(s): ARBC 2050 or equivalent.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours. Prerequisite(s): consent of department.

Chinese, CHIN

1010-1020. Elementary Chinese. 4 hours each. (4;1)

1010 (CHIN 1311 or 1411 or 1511). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

1020 (CHIN 1312 or 1412 or 1512). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 1010 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2040-2050. Intermediate Chinese. 3 hours each.

2040 (CHIN 2311). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 1020 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2050 (CHIN 2312). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 2040 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

3040. Advanced Topics in Culture. 3 hours. Focus on deepening students' understanding of Chinese culture and society today through a study of Chinese history, social dynamics, business practices and advanced readings from sources in contemporary and mainstream Chinese media. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 2050 or equivalent. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

3060. Advanced Topics in Language. 3 hours. Focus on Chinese grammar and intense practice to develop fluency in reading, writing and comprehension of modern Chinese beyond the intermediate level. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 2050 or equivalent. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours.

French, FREN

1010-1020. Elementary French. 4 hours each. (4;1)

1010 (FREN 1311 or 1411 or 1511). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

1020 (FREN 1312 or 1412 or 1512). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): FREN 1010 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2040-2050. Intermediate French. 3 hours each.

2040 (FREN 2311). Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): FREN 1020 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2050 (FREN 2312). Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): FREN 2040 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2900. Special Problems. 1-3 hours.

3100. French for Tourism. 3 hours. Major facets of tourism in France and French overseas territories: overview of French regions with their characteristics, landmarks for visits and excursions, transportation, types of accomodation available to tourists, and cuisine. The tourism industry and the organization of guided tours. Prerequisite(s): FREN 2050 or equivalent.

3040. Advanced Readings in French Culture. 3 hours. Selected readings in contemporary French culture and literature with emphasis on conversational and written practice. Prerequisite(s): FREN 2050 or equivalent.

3050. Advanced Readings in French Literature. 3 hours. Selected readings in contemporary French literature with emphasis on conversational and written practice. Prerequisite(s): FREN 2050 or equivalent.

3060. French Phonetics and Pronunciation. 3 hours. Focus on French phonetic system and pronunciation practice. Prerequisite(s): FREN 2050 or equivalent.

3070. Advanced French Grammar and Composition. 3 hours. Focus on French grammar and intensive practice through various composition assignments and grammar exercises. Prerequisite(s): FREN 2050 or equivalent.

3075. Writing in French: Style and Technique. 3 hours. Perfection of writing skills and strategies through various forms of composition. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3070.

3080. Advanced French Conversation. 3 hours. Study of themes related to contemporary French experience and heavily oriented toward conversation on topics of interest to contemporary youth. Prerequisite(s): FREN 2050 or equivalent.

4000. French Literature before 1800. 3 hours. Close study of the poetry, fiction and drama of 17th- and 18th-century France. Extensive readings and discussion opportunities, illustrated by music and painting of the period. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3050 and 3 additional hours of advanced French.

4030. Survey of French Literature I. 3 hours. French Literature to 1600. Readings, lectures, discussions and term projects. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of advanced French, at least 3 hours of which must be FREN 3040 or FREN 3050, or departmental equivalent.

4040. Survey of French Literature II. 3 hours. French Literature from 1600 to 1800. Readings, lectures, discussions and term projects. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of advanced French, at least 3 hours of which must be FREN 3040 or FREN 3050, or departmental equivalent.

4050. Survey of French Literature III. 3 hours. French Literature since 1800. Readings, lectures, discussions and term projects. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of advanced French, at least 3 hours of which must be FREN 3040 or FREN 3050, or departmental equivalent.

4070. French Culture and Literature through Film. 3 hours. The thematic and chronological study of French literature and culture through films. Relations between literature/culture and film are explored. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3040 or 3050.

4080. Business French. 3 hours. Students become familiar with business terminology in French. They also learn to function in a French business environment, including writing business letters, conducting telephone conversations and business meetings. This course serves as preparation for the exam leading to the Certificat Pratique of the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of advanced French.

4100. The Nineteenth-Century French Novel. 3 hours. Readings, lectures and term projects. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of advanced French.

4200. 20th-Century French Novel. 3 hours. Readings, lectures and discussions of 20th-century French novels. Prerequisite (s): FREN 3050 and 3 additional hours of advanced French.

4310. Contemporary French Civilization. 3 hours. A survey of contemporary French society including institutions, the value system and current issues. Readings, discussions and audiovisual materials. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of advanced French or consent of department.

4400. French Written Expression. 3 hours. Study of French grammar, semantics, stylistics and syntax through writing exercises and translation of literary and non-literary texts from English to French and vice versa. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of advanced French.

4500. The French Short Story. 3 hours. Close study of the French short story, with emphasis on oral discussion and oral testing as preparation for the Texas Oral Proficiency Test (TOPT) required for teacher certification in French. Required for teaching majors. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3060 and 3070.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each.

4920. Cooperative Education in French. 1-3 hours. Supervised work in a job directly related to the student's major, professional field of study or career objective. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of credit in French; student must meet the employer's requirements and have consent of the department chair. May be repeated for credit.

4951. Honors College Capstone Thesis. 3 hours. Major research project prepared by the student under the supervision of a faculty member and presented in standard thesis format. An oral defense is required of each student for successful completion of the thesis. Prerequisite(s): completion of at least 6 hours in honors courses; completion of at least 12 hours in the major department in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the department chair and the dean of the school or college in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the dean of the Honors College. May be substituted for HNRS 4000.

German, GERM

1010-1020. Elementary German. 4 hours each. (4;1)

1010 (GERM 1311 or 1411 or 1511). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

1020 (GERM 1312 or 1412 or 1512). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): GERM 1010 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2040-2050. Intermediate German. 3 hours each.

2040 (GERM 2311). Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): GERM 1020 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2050 (GERM 2312). Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): GERM 2040 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2900. Special Problems. 1-3 hours.

3020. Topics in German Studies. 3 hours. Continued general studies with varying emphasis on readings, conversation, aural and written practice. Prerequisite(s): GERM 2050 or equivalent. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

3040. Topics in German Culture. 3 hours. Readings in Austrian, German and Swiss culture with emphasis on conversational practice. Prerequisite(s): GERM 2050 or equivalent. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

3050. Topics in German Literature. 3 hours. Readings in contemporary German-language literature with emphasis on conversational practice. Prerequisite(s): GERM 2050 or equivalent. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

3060-3070. Advanced German Composition and Oral Practice. 3 hours each. Composition, oral reports and discussions of German civilization topics. Prerequisite(s): GERM 2050 or equivalent.

3180. Introduction to Business German. 3 hours. Oral, written and reading skills in German for business purposes, as well as cultural understanding of how business transactions are conducted in the German speaking business environment. Prerequisite(s): GERM 2050 or equivalent. No prior knowledge of business is necessary.

4180. Advanced German for Business. 3 hours. Advanced listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural skills with an emphasis on German for business in German-speaking business environments. Prerequisite(s): GERM 2050 and one upper-level German course. GERM 3180 (Introduction to Business German) is recommended. No prior knowledge in the field of business is necessary.

4310. Topics in Advanced German Culture. 3 hours. Topics include German-language literature, music, art, literature as film, philosophy and historical developments. Prerequisite(s): 3 hours of advanced German, or GERM 2050 or equivalent and consent of department. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4330. Topics in Advanced German Language. 3 hours. Topics include German grammar, syntax, language history, dialects and linguistics. Prerequisite(s): GERM 2050 or equivalent. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4350. Topics in Advanced German Literature. 3 hours. Topics include study of a period, movement, theme, genre or author. Prerequisite(s): 3 hours of advanced German, or GERM 2050 or equivalent and consent of department. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each.

4951. Honors College Capstone Thesis. 3 hours. Major research project prepared by the student under the supervision of a faculty member and presented in standard thesis format. An oral defense is required of each student for successful completion of the thesis. Prerequisite(s): completion of at least 6 hours in honors courses; completion of at least 12 hours in the major department in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the department chair and the dean of the school or college in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the dean of the Honors College. May be substituted for HNRS 4000.

Hebrew, HEBR

1010-1020. Elementary Hebrew. 4 hours each. (4;1)

1010. Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

1020. Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): HEBR 1010 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2040-2050. Intermediate Hebrew. 3 hours each.

2040. Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): HEBR 1020 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2050. Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): HEBR 2040 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

Italian, ITAL

1010-1020. Elementary Italian. 4 hours each. (4;1)

1010 (ITAL 1311 or 1411 or 1511). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

1020 (ITAL 1312 or 1412 or 1512). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): ITAL 1010 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2040-2050. Intermediate Italian. 3 hours each.

2040 (ITAL 2311). Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): ITAL 1020 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2050 (ITAL 2312). Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): ITAL 2040 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2900-2910. Special Problems. 1-4 hours each.

3040. Topics in Italian Culture. 3 hours. Readings in Italian culture with emphasis on conversational and written practice. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite(s): ITAL 2050.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each.

Japanese, JAPN

1010-1020. Elementary Japanese. 4 hours each. (4;1)

1010 (JAPN 1311 or 1411 or 1511). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

1020 (JAPN 1312 or 1412 or 1512). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): JAPN 1010 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2040-2050. Intermediate Japanese. 3 hours each.

2040 (JAPN 2311). Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): JAPN 1020 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2050 (JAPN 2312). Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): JAPN 2040 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2900-2910. Special Problems. 1-4 hours each.

3040. Advanced Topics in Culture. 3 hours. Focus on deepening students' understanding of Japanese culture and society today through a study of Japanese history, social dynamics, business practices and advanced readings from sources in contemporary and mainstream Japanese media. Prerequisite(s): JAPN 2050 or equivalent.

3060. Advanced Topics in Language. 3 hours. Focus on Japanese grammar and intensive practice to develop fluency in reading, writing and comprehension of modern Japanese beyond the intermediate level. Prerequisite(s): JAPN 2050 or equivalent.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each.

Language, LANG

1010-1020. Elementary Language. 4 hours each. (4;1)

1010. Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice.

1020. Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): foreign language course 1010 in same language, or equivalent.

2040-2050. Intermediate Language. 3 hours each.

2040. Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): foreign language course 1020 in same language, or equivalent.

2050. Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): foreign language course 2040 in same language, or equivalent.

2900-2910. Special Problems. 1-4 hours each.

4000. Foreign Language Teaching Methods. 3 hours. Study of foreign language curriculum, instruction and assessment for future and current teachers of French, German and Spanish. Designed for students in a teacher preparation program. Prerequisite(s): enrollment in a teacher preparation program and 6 advanced hours of the language to be taught. Other students require consent of department.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each.

Latin, LATI

1010-1020. Elementary Latin. 4 hours each. (4;1)

1010 (LATI 1311 or 1411 or 1511). Grammar and basic vocabulary.

1020 (LATI 1312 or 1412 or 1512). Grammar and basic vocabulary. Prerequisite(s): LATI 1010 or equivalent.

2040-2050. Intermediate Latin. 3 hours each.

2040 (LATI 2311). Grammar principles and readings from representative Roman authors; Vergil. Prerequisite(s): LATI 1020 or equivalent.

2050 (LATI 1312). Grammar principles and readings from representative Roman authors; Livy. Prerequisite(s): LATI 2040 or equivalent.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each.

Portuguese, PORT

1010-1020. Elementary Portuguese. 4 hours each. (4;1)

1010 (PORT 1311 or 1411 or 1511). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

1020 (PORT 1312 or 1412 or 1512). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): PORT 1010 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2040-2050. Intermediate Portuguese. 3 hours each.

2040 (PORT 2311). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): PORT 1020 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2050 (PORT 2312). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): PORT 2040 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each. Prerequisite(s): consent of department.

Russian, RUSS

1010-1020. Elementary Russian. 4 hours each. (4;1)

1010 (RUSS 1311 or 1411 or 1511). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

1020 (RUSS 1312 or 1412 or 1512). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): RUSS 1010 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2040-2050. Intermediate Russian. 3 hours each.

2040 (RUSS 2311). Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): RUSS 1020 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2050 (RUSS 2312). Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): RUSS 2040 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2900-2910. Special Problems. 1-4 hours each.

3070. Russian Composition and Conversation. 3 hours. Focuses on writing, grammar and conversation skills through a review of Russian syntax and the use of authentic Russian readings to build vocabulary, develop writing skills, and increase conversational fluency. Prerequisite(s): RUSS 2050 or equivalent.

3080. Russian Through Music and Film. 3 hours. Focuses on listening and conversation skills, using authentic Russian films, music and television programs to build vocabulary, enhance listening comprehension and develop discussion skills. Prerequisite(s): RUSS 2050 or equivalent.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each.

Spanish, SPAN

1010-1020. Elementary Spanish. 4 hours each. (4;1)

1010 (SPAN 1311 or 1411 or 1511). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

1020 (SPAN 1312 or 1412 or 1512). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 1010 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2040-2050. Intermediate Spanish. 3 hours each.

2040 (SPAN 2311). Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 1020 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2050 (SPAN 2312). Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2040 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2900. Special Problems. 1-3 hours.

3030. Readings in Spanish-American Short Story. 3 hours. Selected readings in Spanish-American short stories with emphasis on techniques for gaining reading fluency in Spanish. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or equivalent.

3040. Mexican Culture and Civilization. 3 hours. Study of the politics, social structures and traditions of the Mexican world from the pre-Columbian period until today, with a special focus on their contemporary life in order to build a foundation for a more in-depth study of the life, literature and culture of Mexico. Taught entirely in Spanish. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or equivalent.

3050. Readings in Hispanic Literature. 3 hours. Selected readings in modern Spanish and Spanish-American literature with emphasis on conversational and written practice. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or equivalent.

3060-3070. Advanced Spanish Composition and Oral Practice. 3 hours each. Composition, oral reports, and Spanish and Spanish-American topics. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or equivalent.

3080. Advanced Spanish Composition and Grammar for Bilinguals. 3 hours. Principles of academic writing, spelling and grammar in Spanish, directed specifically toward bilinguals (Spanish heritage and native speakers). Taught in Spanish. Prerequisite(s): demonstrate native or near-native language ability as defined by results of departmental proficiency exam and/or consent of department.

3110. Introduction to Hispanic Literature. 3 hours. Literary terminology, analysis of text, and differences among the genres. Readings include writings from a wide variety of Hispanic authors (both traditional and contemporary, from Spain and Latin America). Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or consent of department.

3150. Spanish Culture and Civilization. 3 hours. Study of the politics, social structures and traditions of the Spanish world from the Paleolithic period until today, with a special focus on their contemporary life in order to build a foundation for a more in-depth study of their life, literature and culture. Taught entirely in Spanish. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or equivalent.

3160. Latin American Culture and Civilization. 3 hours. Study of the politics, social structures and traditions of Latin America from the indigenous period until today, with a special focus on their contemporary life in order to build a foundation for a more in-depth study of Latin American culture. Taught entirely in Spanish. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or equivalent.

4010. Aspects of Contemporary Mexican Culture. 3 hours. Study of topics in Mexican culture, including historical, literary, political and economic arenas. May be offered at UNT or in Mexico as part of a total-immersion study abroad experience, including field trips to cultural sites. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or consent of department. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4020. Aspects of Contemporary Spanish Culture. 3 hours. Study of topics in Spanish culture, including historical, literary, artistic, political and economic arenas. May be offered at UNT or in Spain as part of a total-immersion study abroad experience, including field trips to sites of cultural importance. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or consent of department. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4030. Spanish for Law Enforcement. 3 hours. Emphasizes the Spanish language capabilities needed in the law enforcement field to communicate with the Spanish speaking population. Specialized vocabulary, scenarios, sample dialogues and information on Hispanic culture as they relate to law enforcement. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or equivalent.

4040. Spanish Writing for the Mass Media Professions. 3 hours. Emphasizes the writing skills needed in the mass media profession to communicate with a wider Hispanic community. Cultural differences and writing styles are addressed through authentic oral and written ads. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or equivalent.

4070. Spanish for Hotel and Restaurant Management. 3 hours. Emphasizes the Spanish language capabilities needed in the hotel and restaurant management fields to communicate with Hispanic customers and staff. Includes specialized vocabulary, hotel and restaurant scenarios, sample dialogues and information on Hispanic culture related to these two industries. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or equivalent.

4080. Business Spanish. 3 hours. Oral, written and reading skills in Spanish for business purposes, as well as a cultural understanding of how business transactions are conducted in the Hispanic world. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of advanced Spanish or consent of department.

4090. Spanish for the Medical Professions I. 3 hours. Emphasizes the Spanish language capabilities needed in the medical field to communicate with Hispanic patients. Includes specialized medical vocabulary, medical scenarios, sample dialogues and information on Hispanic culture related to health care. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or equivalent.

4091. Spanish for the Medical Professions II. 3 hours. Extension of Spanish for the Medical Professions I, further building the Spanish language skills needed in the medical field to communicate with Hispanic patients and/or employees. Focuses on specialized medical vocabulary, medical scenarios, sample medical dialogues and information on Hispanic culture as it relates to health care. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or equivalent.

4120. Advanced Spanish Grammar. 3 hours. Pronunciation principles, orthography and punctuation; syntactical, lexical and stylistic aspects. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or consent of department.

4210. Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation. 3 hours. Study of the Spanish sound system and how it corresponds to Spanish orthography and pronunciation. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or equivalent.

4310-4320. Survey of Spanish Literature. 3 hours each. Readings, lectures, discussions and term projects. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3030 or 3050 or 3110, or equivalent.

4310. Spanish literature to 1700.

4320. Spanish literature since 1700.

4330. Post-Franco Spain: Literature and Culture. 3 hours. Study of the literature, culture and lifestyle of the Spanish people since the death of Franco and the country's return to democracy. Readings, discussions and audiovisual materials. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of advanced Spanish or consent of department.

4360-4370. Survey of Spanish-American Literature. 3 hours each. Readings, lectures, discussions and term projects. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3030 or 3050 or 3110, or equivalent.

4360. Spanish-American literature from the colonial period to 1888.

4370. Spanish-American literature since 1888.

4380. Latin American and Spanish Film for Advanced Oral and Written Practice. 3 hours. Spanish-language films are used as a platform for advanced oral, written and listening comprehension, with an emphasis on critical thinking skills through analysis of linguistic and cultural variety in the Spanish-speaking world. Prerequisite(s): one of the following: SPAN 3030, 3050, 3060, 3070, or 3160.

4430. Sexualities in Contemporary Spanish Cinema. 3 hours. Study of sexualities in contemporary Spanish cinema in the light of the socio-political and historical context of Spain, carried out in relation to topics such as gender, identity, class, politics, feminism. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of advanced Spanish or native proficiency.

4500. Spanish for Teachers. 3 hours. Emphasizes the Spanish language skills needed in the teaching field to communicate with Spanish speaking students and their parents/guardians. Includes specialized vocabulary, scenarios, sample dialogues and information related to a variety of school-related settings. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2050 or equivalent.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each.

4951. Honors College Capstone Thesis. 3 hours. Major research project prepared by the student under the supervision of a faculty member and presented in standard thesis format. An oral defense is required of each student for successful completion of the thesis. Prerequisite(s): completion of at least 6 hours in honors courses; completion of at least 12 hours in the major department in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the department chair and the dean of the school or college in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the dean of the Honors College. May be substituted for HNRS 4000.

4970. Contemporary Spanish Culture Through Cinema. 3 hours. Study of different cultural topics relevant in contemporary Spain. Topics include women in contemporary Spanish cinema, religion and Spain in contemporary Spanish cinema, globalization, Spain and Spanish cinema. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours at Spanish 3000 level (advanced Spanish) or Spanish native speaker. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

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