Undergraduate Catalog

2008-09 Academic Year

Speech and Hearing Sciences

Speech and Hearing Sciences, SPHS

1040 (SGNL 1301 or 1401 or 1501). American Sign Language I. 3 hours. Introduction to American Sign Language. Development of a beginning vocabulary of approximately 600-plus signs. Principles of linguistics and grammatical structures. History and current trends of ASL. Development of basic expressive skills using the manual alphabet, numbers and signs.

1050 (SGNL 1302 or 1402 or 1502). American Sign Language II. 3 hours. Expansion of basic vocabulary to approximately 1200-plus signs. Practical application of the linguistics and grammar of ASL. Introduction to deaf culture. Development of expressive fluency in finger-spelling and signing. Primary focus upon receptive recognition and comprehension of simple situational conversations in ASL. Prerequisite(s): SPHS 1040 or equivalent.

2040 (SGNL 2301). American Sign Language III. 3 hours. Expansion of vocabulary to approximately 1800-plus signs. Provide and receive natural conversational information in ASL in a variety of contextual settings. Exposure to deaf community events and interaction with deaf adults. Prerequisite(s): SPHS 1050 or equivalent.

2050 (SGNL 2302). American Sign Language IV. 3 hours. Development of receptive and expressive vocabulary to approximately 2400-plus signs. Spontaneous utilization of ASL at conversational rates with fluent signers. Translation of ASL idiomatic expressions into English. Signing of English idioms into conceptually based ASL. The deaf perspective of bilingual and bi-cultural issues. Prerequisite(s): SPHS 2040 or equivalent.

2900. Special Problems. 1-3 hours.

3020. Phonetics. 3 hours. The international phonetic alphabet, basic articulatory acoustic phonetic principles, pronunciation rules, segemental and suprasegemental features, and in-class practice of phonetic transcription.

3050. Introduction to Disorders of Articulation and Phonology. 3 hours. Introduction to the nature, causes and characteristics of articulation and phonological disorders; principles of evaluation and remediation. Prerequisite(s): SPHS 3020 or equivalent.

3070. Introduction to Audiology. 3 hours. Overview of the field with emphasis on disorders of the auditory system and assessment of hearing sensitivity.

3080. Nature of Communication Disorders. 3 hours. Nature and characteristics of speech-language and hearing impairments, including disorders prevalent in multicultural populations. Emphasis on recognition of symptoms, referral sources and suggested treatment programs.

4010. Normal Speech and Language Development. 3 hours. Normal language development from birth through adolescence, with consideration of current theories of acquisition, pertinent research and issues related to cultural diversity.

4060. Clinical Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. 1-3 hours. Experience in Speech and Hearing Center. Requirements: All undergraduate majors must enroll for no fewer than two separate terms/semesters for a total minimum of 6 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): 9 hours of major courses to include SPHS 3020. Students must have and maintain a GPA of no less than 3.0 for all departmental courses 3000-level and above, a degree audit on file in SPHS and/or departmental approval. Pass/no pass only.

4090. Basic Rehabilitative Audiology. 3 hours. Methods of improving communication skills of the hearing impaired through speech and language training, amplification, speech reading, auditory training and counseling. Prerequisite(s): SPHS 3070 or equivalent.

4120. Neurological Bases of Speech and Hearing. 3 hours. Structure and function of the human nervous system as related to speech and language learning and usage. Emphasis on the reception and integration of sensation and the production of verbal and non-verbal responses. Prerequisite(s): SPHS 4130 or consent of instructor.

4130. Anatomical Bases of Speech and Hearing. 3 hours. Anatomy and physiology of the articulatory, phonatory, respiratory and auditory systems involved in speech production and perception.

4140. Introduction to Language Disorders. 3 hours. Nature, causes and characteristics of language disorders in children and adults. Principles of evaluation and remediation of language problems. Prerequisite(s): SPHS 4010 or equivalent.

4150. Speech and Hearing Sciences. 3 hours. Fundamental processes underlying the production and perception of speech, and the physical and psychological aspects of sound and their measurement. Prerequisite(s): SPHS 3020 or consent of instructor.

4210. Clinical Methods in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. 3 hours. Introduction to the processes involved in the assessment, diagnosis, and remediation of speech, language, and hearing disorders. Factors affecting these processes, such as service delivery, work settings, cultural and linguistic diversity, and public policy are addressed.

4900. Special Problems. 1-3 hours. Problem must be approved by department director.

4951. Honors College Capstone Thesis. 3 hours. Major research project prepared by the student under the supervision of a faculty member and presented in standard thesis format. An oral defense is required of each student for successful completion of the thesis. Prerequisite(s): completion of at least 6 hours in honors courses; completion of at least 12 hours in the major department in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the department chair and the dean of the school or college in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the dean of the Honors College. May be substituted for HNRS 4000.

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Speech and Hearing Sciences Courses

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