Undergraduate Catalog

2008-09 Academic Year

Radio, Television and Film

Radio/Television/Film, RTVF

Aural competency in distinguishing discrete sounds, and visual competency in distinguishing shapes, forms, colors and movements are required to complete RTVF critical studies courses. Additional visual competency to utilize studio and location equipment and manual dexterity to operate equipment are required to complete RTVF production courses. Articulation competency to achieve broadcast industry standards may be required. Specific competency requirements for internship, seminar and special problems courses are available from the RTVF advisor.

1310 (COMM 1335). Perspectives on Radio and Television. 3 hours. Introduction to the historical, programming, physical, legal, social, and economic aspects of broadcasting and cable. Prerequisite(s): pre-majors in radio, television and film (PRTF) or acceptance into the Television News Producing Certificate Program.

1320. Introduction to Film Studies. 3 hours. A survey of film history, theory, economics, production and censorship. Prerequisite(s): pre-majors in radio, television and film (PRTF) only.

2010. Introduction to RTVF Writing. 3 hours. Introduction to media writing and study of the basic theories, methodologies, techniques, principles and formats for the scripting of narrative and non-narrative media, including “New Media.” Related software for screenplay, television, industrial and multi-media writing is explored. Required writing course for all RTVF majors. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status.

2210. Introduction to RTVF Production. 3 hours. (3;3) An introduction to basic techniques. Audio, television (studio and location) and single-camera video and film methods are investigated. Includes production exercises and experiments. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 1310 and 1320, or consent of department.

2900. Special Problems. 1-3 hours.

3100. Broadcast Copywriting. 3 hours. Methods, formats and terminology of writing and producing commercials and public service announcements for both radio and television. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status, RTVF 2010.

3210. Audio Production. 3 hours. (2;3) Audio production concepts and techniques using audio laboratory studio equipment. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status.

3220. Video Production. 3 hours. (2;4) Video production concepts and techniques using television studio equipment. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status.

3230. Film Style Production. 3 hours. (3;3) Basic single-camera production concepts and techniques using small format video cameras and editing equipment. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status.

3300. Radio and Television Announcing. 3 hours. (2;3) Announcer qualifications, techniques and professional standards. Practice in delivery for all program and commercial announcing situations. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status.

3325. Advanced Electronic Writing and Reporting. 3 hours. Advanced news writing, reporting and storytelling for radio, television and web. Includes information gathering, editing copy, interviewing, writing, recording actualities and “sound bites,” learning specific formats, plus recording voice tracks for radio and television. Hands-on experience writing, producing and editing news pieces for NTTV, KNTU-FM and associated student web sites. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2340 and JOUR/RTVF major status. Taken concurrently with JOUR 3430 or RTVF 3430 (formerly JOUR/RTVF 4330).

3330. Sports Broadcasting I. 3 hours. Production techniques for radio and television involved in the broadcasting of sports events. Topics include pre-production, producing sports for radio and television, sports announcing, and evaluating sports programming. Course may involve covering sports events through KNTU-FM and NTTV. Focuses on covering football, men and women's basketball, and other fall sports. Prerequisite(s): RTVF or JOUR major or minor status, and junior standing.

3340. Sports Broadcasting II. 3 hours. Production techniques involved in the broadcasting of sports events for radio and television. Topics include preproduction, producing sports for radio and television, sports announcing and evaluating sports programming. Course may involve covering sports events through KNTU-FM and NTTV. Focuses on covering men's and women's basketball, baseball and other spring sports. Prerequisite(s): junior standing or consent of department.

3430. Electronic News Gathering. 3 hours. Focus on shooting and editing for television, with information about how to select and edit audio for radio news, plus audio and video for the web. Extensive hands-on experience with camera and editing equipment. Production of multiple packages and news pieces for student media, including NTTV, KNTU-FM, NTDaily and their web sites. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2340 and JOUR/RTVF major status. Take concurrently with JOUR 3325 or RTVF 3325 (formerly JOUR/RTVF 4325.)

3450. Art of the Film. 3 hours. (3;2) Stylistic analysis of filmmaking emphasizing technical and creative processes.

3470. Film History to 1945. 3 hours. (3;0;3) Aesthetic, technological and industrial development of film from 1896 to 1945. Concentrates on the narrative film.

3475. Film History from 1945. 3 hours. (3;0;3) Aesthetic, technological and industrial development of film from 1945 to present. Concentrates on the narrative film.

3482. Radio Practicum. 1-3 hours. Supervised work in the on-campus radio broadcasting activities of the Department of Radio, Television and Film's radio station, KNTU-FM 88.1 MHz. Students learn various production techniques and the operations of a broadcast radio station. Prerequisite(s): consent of department and junior standing. May be repeated for credit; however, no more than 6 hours of total credit for RTVF 3482, 3483, 3501, 3502, 4480, 4900 and 4910 may be applied to the 45 hours of RTVF credit required for the degree. Pass/no pass only.

3483. Film Practicum. 1-3 hours. Supervised field and studio work in the Department of Radio, Television and Film's studios. Prerequisite(s): consent of department and junior standing. May be repeated for credit; however, no more than 6 hours of total credit for RTVF 3482, 3483, 3501, 3502, 4480, 4900 and 4910 may be applied to the 45 hours of RTVF credit required for the degree. Pass/no pass only.

3501. Television Practicum. 1 hour. Supervised work in the on-campus television activities of the Department of Radio, Television and Film, such as NTTV (North Texas Television). Students learn various production techniques and the operations of a television station but do not check out production equipment or reserve television studio time without specific approval from the practicum instructor. Prerequisite(s): RTVF/JOUR major status, consent of department and junior standing. May be repeated for credit; however, no more than 6 hours of total credit for RTVF 3482, 3483, 3501, 3502, 4480, 4900 and 4910 may be applied to the 45 hours of RTVF credit required for the degree. Pass/no pass only.

3502. Advanced Television Practicum. 2 hours. Supervised work in the on-campus television activities of the Department of Radio, Television and Film, such as NTTV (North Texas Television). Students are designated as “producers” and have the primary responsibility of originating programs, supervising and performing day-to-day production activities, checking out equipment and working with the instructor on special projects and assignments. Students participate in developing Internet-based news, sports and entertainment programming based on original work. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major standing, consent of department and junior standing. May be repeated for credit; however, no more than 6 hours of total credit for RTVF 3482, 3483, 3501, 3502, 4480, 4900 and 4910 may be applied to the 45 hours of RTVF credit required for the degree. Pass/no pass only.

3560. Interviewing and Performance for Electronic News. 3 hours. Theory of broadcast communication as applied to television and radio news and public affairs. Focus on interviewing skills with emphasis on researching topics, developing interview format and streaming Internet interviews. Teaches voice and on-camera performance for radio and television, including live in studio and from the field, for use in both news and public affairs environment. Extensive hands-on experience. Prerequisite(s): RTVF/JOUR major status.

3610. Film and Television Analysis. 3 hours. (2;4) Structure, composition, design and effect are studied through close frame-by-frame examination of motion pictures and television. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status, and RTVF 1320 or junior standing.

3650. Advanced Audio Production. 3 hours. (2;3) Advanced training in the art and technique of audio production in radio and other media. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status and RTVF 3210.

3750. Television Production. 3 hours. (2;3) Theory and practice in production procedures for dramatic and non-dramatic programs. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status and RTVF 3220.

4110. U.S. Radio History. 3 hours. (2;3) Overview of the technical, economic, regulatory, and social factors influencing the development of U.S. radio broadcasting from its inception to the present. Critical analysis of radio program forms and strategies. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status.

4120. U.S. Television History. 3 hours. (2;3) Overview of the technical, economic, regulatory, and social factors influencing the development of U.S. television broadcasting from its inception to the present. Critical analysis of television program forms and strategies. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status.

4130. Convergence Practicum. 1-3 hours. Extensive hands-on experience turning a daily product for converged student media. Daily experience with interviewing, shooting, editing and writing news stories for KNTU-FM, NTTV, The NTDaily, and their web sites. Experience in the craft of journalism as practiced in a modern day converged electronic news environment. Prerequisite(s): RTVF/JOUR major status and consent of department. May be repeated for credit; however, no more than 6 hours of total credit for RTVF 3482, 3483, 3501, 3502, 4130, 4480, 4900, and 4910 may be applied to the 45 hours of RTVF credit required for the degree. Pass/no pass only.

4140. Intermediate Film Production. 3 hours. (3;2) Scripting, preproduction, cinematography, directing, editing and using 16mm equipment. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status, RTVF 3210 and 3230 with a grade of B or better and consent of instructor.

4200. Applied Multimedia Aesthetics. 3 hours. Exploration of aesthetic dimensions of television, film, and other visual media. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status and RTVF 3230.

4320. Electronic Media Law and Regulations. 3 hours. Laws and regulations affecting broadcasting, cable, film and related areas. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status or consent of department.

4340. History of the Documentary. 3 hours. (3;2) Overview of the history of the documentary film from 1895 to the present in context of historical and political events of the time. Examination of the evolution of the style and form, including the impact of production technology on the process. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status and junior standing.

4350. Film Authors. 3 hours. (3;0;3) Examines film art from the point of its authorial creation. Rotating topics may include the work of specific film directors, screenwriters or producers. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status, RTVF 1320. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4360. International Communication. 3 hours. Study of mass communication throughout the world, with special attention to press and media systems, the sources and flow of international news, and problems of world communication. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status or consent of department.

4400. Advanced Film Production. 3 hours. (2;3) Techniques of planning and production; production of a film project. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 4140 and RTVF major status.

4410. Media Studies Topics. 3 hours. Rotating topics. Representative topics include silent films, ethnicity and American film, and contemporary TV. Prerequisite(s): vary with topic but include RTVF major status and consent of department. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4411. Video Production Topics. 3 hours. Rotating topics in video production. Representative topics include documentary production and music for television production. Prerequisite(s): vary with topic, but include RTVF major status and consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4412. Film Production Topics. 3 hours. Rotating topics in film production. Representative topics include lighting for cinematography and directing for film. Prerequisite(s): vary with topic, but include RTVF major status and consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4413. Audio Production Topics. 3 hours. Rotating topics in audio production. Representative topics include music for film and television and digital audio effects. Prerequisite(s): vary with topic, but include RTVF major status and consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4415. Topics in Film and Television Genres. 3 hours. Rotating topics such as the western, the television sitcom, science fiction and horror films, Hollywood musicals and others. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status and junior standing. May be repeated for credit.

4420. Electronic Media Programming. 3 hours. Theories and strategies of program selection, scheduling and evaluation for electronic media. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status.

4430. Electronic Media Management. 3 hours. Provides an understanding of the many tasks and duties involved in electronic media management by focusing on the broadcast, cable and telecommunication industries. Includes classroom lectures/discussions, guest speakers and individual case study assignments and projects. Prerequisite(s): RTVF/JOUR major status.

4440. Electronic Media Sales. 3 hours. (3;2) Economics, standards and ethics of advertising in the electronic media, including the use of broadcast research to develop an advertising campaign. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status and consent of department.

4445. Media in the 21st Century. 3 hours. Examines the concept of human communication, broadcast communication, media consumption, media and news in the 21st century, including global media styles, propaganda and blogging. Also an analysis of how widespread mistrust of the media influences the manner in which journalists do their jobs, with a focus on First Amendment rights, freedom of information, and access to government and business. Prerequisite(s): RTVF/JOUR major status.

4450. Topics in Industry Studies. 3 hours. Rotating topics in media industry studies. Prerequisite(s): vary with topic, but include RTVF major status and consent of department. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4455. Ethical Decision-Making in the Media. 3 hours. Examines ethical questions and dilemmas faced by today's journalists and other media practitioners, with a strong emphasis on how to implement and use an effective ethical decision-making process in the newsroom. Includes extensive use of case studies, class discussions, role playing, research and writing. Prerequisite(s): RTVF/JOUR major status or consent of department.

4460. Intermediate Screenwriting. 3 hours. An intermediate-level study of the methodologies, theories, principles, formats, skills and techniques of writing scripts for narrative features from concept to completed script using formatting-relevant software. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status and RTVF 2010.

4470. Topics in RTVF Writing. 3 hours. Rotating topics in RTVF writing. Topics include science-fiction screenwriting, critical studies writing and RTVF report writing. Prerequisite(s): vary with topic, but include RTVF major status and consent of department, and may include RTVF 2010. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4480. Internship in Radio/Television/Film. 1-3 hours. Supervised off-campus work experience in a job that relates to student's career objective. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status, minimum GPA of 2.8, senior classification, meet employer's requirements, and consent of department. May be repeated for credit; however, no more than 6 hours of total credit for RTVF 3482, 3483, 3501, 3502, 4480, 4900 and 4910 may be applied to the 45 hours of RTVF credit required for the degree. Pass/no pass only.

4500. Advanced Screenwriting. 3 hours. Creation, treatment, writing, and revision of a full-length motion picture screenplay or teleplay. Students are expected to complete a 90- to 120-minute script. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status, RTVF 2010 and consent of department.

4510. Corporate Media. 3 hours. Theory and uses of film, video and multimedia in business and industry. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status and RTVF 3220 or 3230, or consent of department.

4520. African-American Film. 3 hours. Examines the representations of African-American characters and concerns throughout the history of American film. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status or consent of department.

4530. Gender and Sexuality in the Horror Film. 3 hours. Examines the history of the horror film, focusing on issues related to how the genre configures gender and sexuality. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status or consent of department.

4540. Lesbian, Gay and Queer Film and Video. 3 hours. Examines the representation of lesbian, gay and queer characters and concerns throughout the history of American film. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status or consent of department.

4550. Cinema and Video Verite. 3 hours. Examines the development of this major style in documentary film and video, from its introduction in 1960 to its present use in nonfiction film and television. Outlines its history in detail and explores its employment in reality television, fiction film and television drama. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 1320 or 3450, and junior standing. May not be repeated at graduate level as RTVF 5450.

4650. Location Recording and Post Sound Production. 3 hours. Concepts and practices of location sound recording and post sound mixing as they relate to the overall film production concept. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 3210; RTVF 3650 preferred.

4670. Media Economics. 3 hours. Analysis of the economic aspects of the media industries, particularly film, television and other industries; accomplished through readings, in-class discussions and individual projects. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status.

4740. Theories and Techniques of Visual Editing. 3 hours. Overview of some of the most useful editing techniques, theories and trends in the history and current practice of film and television. The craft of editing will be introduced using digital nonlinear editing systems. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status and RTVF 3230.

4750. Advanced Video Production. 3 hours. (2;3) Advanced directing, postproduction editing, producer responsibilities and creative programs. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status and RTVF 3220.

4760. Documentary Preproduction. 3 hours. The design of documentary productions of all types, in both film and video. Topics include the selection of subjects, research techniques, proposal writing, location scouting, funding and budgeting. Several case histories are examined and excerpts from a variety of documentary productions are screened. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status and RTVF 3230.

4810. Directing Narrative Media. 3 hours. Major theories and skills needed to direct narrative film and video. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status and RTVF 3220, 3230, and consent of instructor.

4820. Producing and Managing Narrative Media. 3 hours. Major theories and skills needed for the producing and production management of narrative media from concept through exhibition. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status and RTVF 1320, 3220 and 3230.

4850. Television News Producing. 3 hours. (3;3) Theory and practice of producing television newscasts in a station environment. Designed for students admitted to the Television News Producing Interdepartmental Certificate program. Also provides basic information on broadcast news management. Students have the opportunity to produce newscasts for North Texas Television (NTTV), UNT's cable access station. Students also learn how to convert their news content for the web. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2340, 3430. RTVF/JOUR major status or consent of department.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each. Problem must be approved by department chair. May be repeated for credit; however, no more than 6 hours of total credit for RTVF 3482, 3483, 3501, 3502, 4480, 4900 and 4910 may be applied to the 45 hours of RTVF credit required for the degree. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status.

4911. Special Problems in Video Production. 1-3 hours. Individual study topics to be proposed by the student and approved by RTVF faculty and Production Committee prior to commencing work. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status, consent of faculty member, consent of department. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours total credit for RTVF 3482, 3483, 3501, 3502, 4480, 4900, 4910, 4911, 4912, 4913.

4912. Special Problems in Film Production. 1-3 hours. Individual study topics to be proposed by the student and approved by RTVF faculty and Production Committee prior to commencing work. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status, consent of faculty member, consent of department. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours total credit for RTVF 3482, 3483, 3501, 3502, 4480, 4900, 4910, 4911, 4912, 4913.

4913. Special Problems in Audio Production. 1-3 hours. Individual study topics to be proposed by the student and approved by RTVF faculty and Production Committee prior to commencing work. Prerequisite(s): consent of faculty member, consent of department. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours total credit for RTVF 3482, 3483, 3501, 3502, 4480, 4900, 4910, 4911, 4912, 4913.

4914. Special Problems in Advanced Film Production. 3 hours. Individual study topics in advanced film production. Designed for students who have previously completed RTVF 4400. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 4400 and consent of department.

4951. Honors College Capstone Thesis. 3 hours. Major research project prepared by the student under the supervision of a faculty member and presented in standard thesis format. An oral defense is required of each student for successful completion of the thesis. Prerequisite(s): completion of at least 6 hours in honors courses; completion of at least 12 hours in the major department in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the department chair and the dean of the school or college in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the dean of the Honors College. May be substituted for HNRS 4000.

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Radio, Television and Film Courses

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