Undergraduate Catalog

2010-11 Academic Year

Public Service

Community Service, COMS

COMS 3000. Community and Public Service. 3 hours. Designed for individuals preparing for a career in community, public, or human service professions. Promotes understanding of self in relation to philosophy and practice of community and public service. Students examine social issues, study and discuss concepts in community service disciplines, learn professional skills, explore service careers and organizations appropriate for their unique interests and abilities, and apply their base of knowledge to further the purpose of civic involvement. Community service professionals offer real-world viewpoints and experiences contributing to the decision-making process. (Same as HSML 3000.)

COMS 3300. Introduction to Philanthropy and Fundraising. 3 hours. Provides an overview of financial planning and fundraising practices in nonprofit organizations from the perspective of the giver. Students learn to assess the financial health of organizations, understand the duty of fiscal responsibility and develop and implement fundraising strategies.

COMS 4100. Social Evolution of Contemporary Volunteerism. 3 hours. Analysis and review of the social evolution of contemporary volunteerism from revolutionary times to the present. Study of the current issues, definitions, and trends in the field of professional management. Introduction to social systems supporting or limiting volunteerism and volunteerism resources on the Internet. May not be repeated at the graduate level as COMS 5100.

COMS 4200. Leadership Theory and Practice for Volunteer Managers. 3 hours. Overview of organizational leadership theory and practice for volunteer managers and community leaders. Students examine and develop a range of skills in a number of interpersonal areas: group dynamics, decision-making, managing differences, and leadership and influence as they pertain to primarily nonprofit organizations and their ability to lead a volunteer workforce. May not be repeated if credit has been received for it at the graduate level.

COMS 4300. Proposal Writing and Grants Administration. 3 hours. Basic steps in researching funding ideas, including how to use the Internet as a fundamental tool and the detailed steps required for preparing funding applications. Focus on the skills and tools needed to monitor funds once grants have been awarded.

COMS 4400. Volunteer Management Concepts and Applications. 3 hours. Analysis and review of day-to-day applications of management principles to the administrative and operating practices of contemporary volunteer programs in the public, not-for-profit, and for-profit sectors. Focuses on volunteer program management and organization, including targeting, recruiting, training, supervising, motivating, counseling, retaining and recognizing volunteer workforces. May not be repeated if credit has been received for it at the graduate level.

COMS 4500. Community Resource Mapping and Collaboration. 3 hours. Analyzes systems that measure community assets and resources. Explores the means of identifying and approaching potential collaborative community partners, and focuses on the development of joint proposals and/or business plans. Provides an overview of the role of volunteer managers and agency leadership of community organizations that provide resources in the development of a collaborative, capacity building community. An ecological approach is used to analyze the full range of human service agency services: health, social, educational, diagnostic, enrichment, religious, civic and legal. Students have an opportunity to do field work with agency staff on assigned community projects.

COMS 4600. Volunteer Program Planning and Evaluation. 3 hours. Seminar designed to provide students with the basic skills necessary to systematically design and plan volunteer programs, and evaluate their effectiveness. Special emphasis is given to measuring program outcomes. May not be repeated if credit has been received for it at the graduate level. (Same as HSML 4700.)

COMS 4610. Topics in Community Service. 3 hours. Study of various topics in community service. Possible topics include service-learning, volunteer management, and others. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

COMS 4750. Nonprofit Leadership Capstone. 3 hours. Designed to crystallize the competencies covered in the COMS nonprofit leadership minor program and to promote critical thinking and effective writing on those topics. Format includes exchange between students and nonprofit professionals on leadership and management issues to expand individual competencies, build leadership confidence and affirm learning acquired during program. Serves as a final preparation for internship/employment in a nonprofit agency. Satisfies one of the course requirements for students pursuing American Humanics certification. Prerequisite(s): consent of human service coordinator.

COMS 4800. Community Service Internship. 3 hours. (0;0;8) Supervised work in a community agency that is directly related to the student’s major, professional field or career objective. Duties, learning objectives, reporting and supervisory functions are agreed on beforehand by the agency and the student. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): meet the employer’s requirements and consent of program director. (Same as HSML 4850.)

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Public Affairs and Community Service Courses

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