Graduate Catalog

2010-11 Academic Year


Applied Gerontology, AGER

AGER 5200. Seminar on Research Methods and Design. 1–3 hours. Focuses on policy research and its implications for programs in aging and on techniques of evaluation of programs for the elderly.

AGER 5250. Topics in Gerontology. 1–3 hours. In-depth analysis and discussion of significant subjects in aging. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

AGER 5300. Computer Applications in Long-Term Care and Community-Based Services for the Aging. 4 hours. Overview of entire subject of small computers, including terminology, how computers work and capabilities of computers; effective application of computers in the field of aging, including laboratory experience with hardware and software commonly used by professionals delivering health and social services to the aged.

AGER 5350. Basic Mediation Skills in Aging. 3 hours. This course, which utilizes negotiation and mediation principles and techniques, meets the dispute resolution training needs of individuals serving the elderly and their families. Included are such professionals as social workers, counselors, discharge planners, home health administrators, care managers, nursing home staff, adult protective service workers, ombudsmen, health and human services staff, and anyone else contracted to serve the elderly and their family members.

AGER 5400. Health Delivery Systems. 3 hours. A cross-cultural overview of health delivery systems followed by an extensive consideration of all aspects of the health delivery system in the United States; government and private sector involvement in delivery of health services to the aged is emphasized. (Same as SOCI 5400.)

AGER 5420. Introduction to Health Services Research. 3 hours. Survey of the history of the development of the field of health services research; the interdisciplinary contributions of the disciplines of sociology, economics, anthropology, gerontology, political science and public health to the field; and the use of survey research to collect information on health status and health services utilization. (Same as ANTH 5220.)

AGER 5500. Retirement and Retirement Preparation. 1–3 hours. Investigation of retirement as a social institution with emphasis upon the implications for the individual and society. Includes rationale, content and methods involved in retirement planning programs.

AGER 5560. Seminar on Minority Aging. 3 hours. An examination of the current state of gerontological knowledge with regard to each of the federally designated minority groups in the United States: African-Americans, Asians/Pacific Islanders, Hispanics and Native Americans. Each student will have the opportunity to explore the state of knowledge about a particular group or a research issue across populations.

AGER 5600. Housing for the Elderly: Planning, Public Policy and Research. 1–3 hours. Theoretical, research and practical literature concerning housing alternatives is considered. Emphasis is on the four housing development stages: need assessment, financing, physical design and management of a housing site; and how theory, research and public policy relate to each of these issues.

AGER 5700. Social Gerontology. 1–3 hours. Demographic, social and cultural aspects of aging, with particular emphasis upon American society and the types of problems encountered by older people. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. (Same as SOCI 5700.)

AGER 5710. Health Aspects of Human Aging. 1–3 hours. Examination of general and cellular theories of aging and general age-related changes in various body systems. Issues covered include myths and facts about physical health and aging, normal age-related changes and common chronic illnesses associated with old age. Students will become familiar with medical terminology to facilitate effective communication with health care professionals who work with the elderly in both institutional and community settings.

AGER 5740. Financial Issues in Aging Administration. 3 hours. Addresses the need of the administrator/manager who is not a financial expert to understand, identify and experience some applications of practical information related to financial/management issues in residential and community-based programs for the elderly.

AGER 5750. Processes of Aging. 1–3 hours. Advanced seminar in social gerontology with emphasis upon psychosocial changes associated with aging.

AGER 5770. Program Evaluation in Aging Services. 3 hours. This seminar is designed to provide students with the basic skills and perspectives required to undertake evaluations of health and social programs for the aged, and to assess the merits of program evaluations conducted by others. Emphasis is placed on the unique service needs of older persons; the distinctive character of the facilities, agencies and programs that serve them; and special challenges faced by those who attempt to assess the benefits of such efforts.

AGER 5780. Federal, State and Local Programs in Aging. 1–3 hours. History of social policy in aging; derivations and directions of public policy, interrelationships of agencies; discussion of selected programs and services for the aged.

AGER 5790. Needs Assessment, Program Planning and Evaluation in the Services for the Elderly. 3 hours. Principles, techniques and skills used to identify the needs of elders at the community level and to design and evaluate programs individually tailored to meet those needs in such areas as access, health, nutrition, housing, income maintenance, employment, personal support, and training and education.

AGER 5800. Grant Proposal Writing for Aging Services. 1–3 hours. Today’s health, social and housing programs for older persons are rarely self-supporting. Government funding, insurance payments and client fees cover only a portion of the cost of delivering needed services. As a result, a program’s success depends on its ability to secure other types of income. This course provides the skills needed to conceive, prepare and submit successful proposals for external funding of innovative human service projects for the elderly. As part of the course, each student will develop a proposal designed to help a community program respond to a specific problem facing the aged.

AGER 5810. Seminar on Administration of Programs in Aging. 3 hours. Management of residential and community-based programs for the elderly, focusing on employment and personnel issues; provision and oversight of services to clients; government regulation; marketing and fundraising; relations with families, volunteers and the public; and other topics pertinent to the administration of these programs.

AGER 5840. Internship in Administration of Programs in Aging. 3 hours. Five-hundred-clock-hour practicum in approved agency serving the aged. Credit awarded only upon completion of internship. Pass/no pass only.

AGER 5850. Internship in Administration of Programs in Aging. 3 hours. Five-hundred-clock-hour practicum in approved agency serving the aged. Credit awarded only upon completion of internship. Pass/no pass only.

AGER 5860. Seminar on the Psychology of Aging. 1–3 hours. Theoretical and research literature concerned with the psychological aspects of aging. Age-related changes in physical, perceptual and cognitive processes are considered with regard to their effects on the occupational, social and personal adjustments and motivations of the aging adult. (Same as PSYC 5860.)

AGER 5880. Ethical Issues in an Aging Society. 3 hours. An exploration of the moral, ethical and legal issues that population aging poses at the individual, family, service provider and societal levels. Illustrative topics include the elderly’s access to health care, self-determination and advance directives in old age, and filial responsibility to aging parents.

AGER 5890. Psychological Counseling for Late Maturity and Old Age. 1–3 hours. Study of the predictable and normal dependencies of aging; techniques of individual, family and group counseling applied to later life with emphasis on problems of retirement, health and bereavement. (Same as PSYC 5890.)

AGER 5900-5910. Special Problems. 1–3 hours each. Individual study assigned with consent of major professor and instructor.

AGER 5940. Proseminar on Applications in Practice. 3 hours. The focus of this capstone seminar is the application of gerontological theory to practice issues in the field of aging. Students demonstrate their ability to apply theory to practice through class discussion and the submission of a major written project. Continuous enrollment required once work on project has begun.

AGER 5960-5970. Studies in Aging Institute. 1–3 hours each. Scheduled regularly for participants in institutes. May be repeated for credit. No more than 6 hours allowed for regular students.

AGER 6150. Theories of Aging. 3 hours. An intensive analysis of the theories of aging that have been advanced by researchers in the social and behavioral sciences from 1950 to the present. Prerequisite(s): a minimum of 12 hours in gerontology, including AGER 4550 or AGER 5700, or equivalent.

AGER 6500. Regulatory Strategies. 3 hours. Introduction to current issues and strategies in the regulation of health care service delivery and other benefits to older Americans; development of a general awareness of the intended and unintended impacts of regulations governing benefits to older adults and their families. Prerequisite(s): admission to the doctoral program in applied gerontology, or consent of instructor.

AGER 6700. Formal Organization of Aging Services. 3 hours. Provides students with an understanding of the nature, structure and functioning of large-scale organizations in the field of aging. Rational and conflict models from the social and managerial sciences are used to analyze the creation, operation, growth, transformation and decline of governmental agencies, and for-profit and not-for-profit service providers, including federal institutes, regulatory agencies, advocacy organizations, foundations, long-term care facilities and companies, home care programs and continuing care retirement communities. Prerequisite(s): admission to the doctoral program in applied gerontology, or consent of instructor.

AGER 6750. Global Perspectives on the Future of Aging. 3 hours. The growing proportion of older persons worldwide, in both high-income and low-income societies, is redefining what it means to be old, the relationship between young and old, and the place of the aged in society. Our expectations about what older people can and should expect from society and, in turn, what society may expect from them, are changing. These changes are evident in the institutions of work, family, education and politics. This course explores current trends in individual and population aging and their implications for future societies in which even larger numbers of individuals will live to an even more advanced age. Prerequisite(s): admission to the doctoral program in applied gerontology, or consent of instructor.

AGER 6770. Program Evaluation in Aging Services. 3 hours. Methods of evaluation in aging services, emphasizing the special issues associated with defining, measuring and determining program impacts for older patients and clients. Evaluation techniques and examples drawn from the aging services network encompass needs assessment, setting objectives, selecting and implementing programs and interventions, determining program outcomes and making recommendations for improved program functioning. Each student is involved in evaluating a program in the field of aging. Prerequisite(s): admission to the doctoral program in applied gerontology, or consent of instructor.

AGER 6800. Social Policy and Aging. 3 hours. Examination of the impact of public policies related to an aging society in the U.S. as well as in other nations. Policies related to income security, support services, access to health care, institutional services and housing access are reviewed. Prerequisite(s): admission to the doctoral program in applied gerontology or related doctoral program.

AGER 6840. Practicum in Applied Gerontology. 1–6 hours. Field experience in an agency or facility servicing the aging population or dealing with aging issues, allowing the doctoral candidate to contribute to program operation or the formulation of policy through the conduct of systematic inquiry.

AGER 6850. Special Topics in Applied Gerontology. 3 hours. Organized classes specially designed to accommodate needs of students and the demands of program development that are not met by regular offerings. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. Limited-offering basis; may be repeated for credit.

AGER 6900-6910. Special Problems. 1–9 hours each. Research by doctoral students in a field of special interest. Includes projects, research studies and intensive reading programs.

AGER 6950. Doctoral Dissertation. 3–9 hours. Twelve credit hours required. No credit assigned until dissertation has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Doctoral students must maintain continuous enrollment in this course subsequent to passing the qualifying examination for admission to candidacy. May be repeated for credit.

Applied Gerontology, Related Courses

The following courses are taught in related departments:

ACCT 5020. Accumulation and Analysis of Accounting Data. 3 hours. Provides an understanding of accounting procedures and concepts utilized by management in making decisions. Basic concepts and techniques of accounting; the role of an accounting system in business operations management; preparation and interpretation of financial reports. Meets the deficiency requirement in accounting for MBA candidates and may be counted as part of a graduate program in a field other than business administration. Prerequisite(s): may not be taken for credit if ACCT 2010 and ACCT 2020 or the equivalent have been taken and a grade of C or better was earned.

BLAW 5050. Legal, Regulatory and Ethical Environment of Business. 1.5 hours. Introduction to the legal environment of business, with particular emphasis on managerial decision-making. Includes a study of the litigation process and constitutional law; selected areas of private and public law, including government regulation; international dimensions of the legal environment of business, business ethics and the social responsibility of business organizations. Business context is emphasized with a focus on individual and managerial decision-making in response to legal and ethical issues.

Sociology, SOCI

Only courses at UNT are listed. For information concerning sociology course offerings at Texas Woman’s University, please consult their Graduate Catalog.

SOCI 5010. Social and Cultural Foundations of Human Behavior. 3 hours. Intensive study of the conceptual framework of sociology and its application to contemporary society. Topics include social change, ethnic groups, sex roles, urban and rural societies, population patterns, culture, differing lifestyles and the role of sociology in influencing individual and group behavior. Prerequisite(s): consent of department or instructor.

SOCI 5030. Seminar on Complex Organizations. 3 hours. Structure and process in large-scale organizations; theories of bureaucracy and related types of organizations; interrelationships of formal and informal organizations. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of advanced sociology or consent of department or instructor.

SOCI 5050. The Development of Sociology. 3 hours. A survey of the development of social thought from the Greek philosophers to the emergence of modern sociology, with particular emphasis on analysis and evaluation of social theories of the 18th and 19th centuries. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of advanced sociology.

SOCI 5100. Seminar on Social Psychology. 3 hours. A comparative analysis of the major sociological theories of social psychology.

SOCI 5150. Contemporary Sociological Theory. 3 hours. The development of a body of theory and method in contemporary sociology; a critical analysis and interpretation of the contributions of recent American and European sociologists; trends in modern theory. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of advanced sociology.

SOCI 5200. Seminar on Research Methods and Design. 3 hours. Research designs; techniques of sampling and scaling; problems of reliability and validity; consideration of appropriate tests of association and significance. Prerequisite(s): SOCI 4870 or equivalent, or consent of program chair or instructor.

SOCI 5210. Introduction to Social Statistics. 3 hours. Probability theory, descriptive statistics, nonparametric statistics and the general linear model, including multiple regression analysis, and their application in sociological research. Prerequisite(s): SOCI 4880 or equivalent.

SOCI 5260. Topics in Sociology. 3 hours. Graduate seminar devoted to investigation, analysis and discussion of significant problems in contemporary sociology. May be repeated for credit.

SOCI 5300. Seminar on Social Stratification. 3 hours. Types of stratification; theories of stratification and its function in society; the methodology of stratification studies.

SOCI 5310. Seminar on Occupations and Professions. 3 hours. Hierarchies of occupational status; work roles in relation to other social identities, power configurations and cultural norms; problems in measurement and theory of professionalization.

SOCI 5320. Seminar on the Family. 3 hours. Advanced studies of family roles, structures and cycles. Prerequisite(s): SOCI 3000 or consent of department or instructor.

SOCI 5330. Seminar on Race and Ethnicity. 3 hours. Historical and institutional theories of race relations; contemporary forms of racism; and exploration into possible social, institutional and policy solutions to the social problems linked to racism.

SOCI 5350. Seminar on Urbanization. 3 hours. Application of ecological and demographic methods to the study of urban and metropolitan development; sociological aspects of urban and metropolitan problems and planning. Prerequisite(s): SOCI 3300 or consent of department or instructor.

SOCI 5400. Health Delivery Systems. 3 hours. A cross-cultural overview of the health delivery system followed by an extensive consideration of all aspects of the health delivery system in the United States; government and private sector involvement in delivery of health services to the aged is emphasized. (Same as AGER 5400.)

SOCI 5410. Seminar in the Sociology of Health. 3 hours. Analysis of social factors in health and illness focusing on children and non-aged adults; organization of health care and the health professions for children and non-aged adults.

SOCI 5420. Introduction to Health Services Research. 3 hours. Survey of the history of the development of the field of health services research; the interdisciplinary contributions of the disciplines of sociology, economics, anthropology, gerontology, political science, and public health to the field; and the use of survey research to collect information on health status and health services utilization.

SOCI 5450. Population and Society. 3 hours. Evaluation of demographic concepts and methods for the study of society; comparative analysis of population characteristics in various stages of socioeconomic development. Prerequisite(s): consent of department or instructor.

SOCI 5470. Seminar on Juvenile Delinquency. 3 hours. Problems of definition and measurement, etiological theories, processing of delinquents, and treatment and prevention. (Same as CJUS 5470.)

SOCI 5600. Advanced Criminological Theory. 3 hours. An examination of the major theoretical explanations of criminality, the distribution of crime and the behavior of justice agencies. (Same as CJUS 5600.)

SOCI 5620. Seminar in Victimology. 3 hours. The role of the victim in various types of crime, predictors and treatment of trauma, and the treatment of victims by criminal justice agencies. Political impact of the victims movement on the justice system and the distribution of victims across demographic and behavioral groups. (Same as CJUS 5620.)

SOCI 5650. Sociology of Education. 3 hours. Interrelationships of schools and communities in American society; application of sociological concepts to the study of schools as social systems.

SOCI 5700. Seminar on Social Gerontology. 3 hours. An analysis of sociological and sociopsychological approaches to the study of aging with emphasis on consideration of current research. Prerequisite(s): SOCI 4550 or consent of program chair. May be repeated for credit. (Same as AGER 5700.)

SOCI 5900-SOCI 5910. Special Problems. 1–3 hours each. Open to advanced students capable of doing independent research under the direction of the instructor. To be registered for only on recommendation of the instructor and with the consent of department.

SOCI 5940. Sociology Internship. 1–6 hours. Supervised work in an approved setting designed to maximize student’s learning and application of professional skills. Prerequisite(s): consent of department or instructor.

SOCI 5950. Master’s Thesis. 3 or 6 hours. To be scheduled only with consent of department. 6 hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun. May be repeated for credit.

SOCI 6100. Seminar on Sociological Theory. 3 hours. Selected topics in sociological theory. Prerequisite(s): a minimum of 18 hours in sociology, including at least one course in sociological theory, or equivalent. May be repeated for credit.

SOCI 6200. Seminar on Research Methods. 3 hours. Theory and application of quantitative and non-quantitative methods to sociological data. Prerequisite(s): a minimum of 18 semester hours in sociology, including 4880 or equivalent. May be repeated for credit.

SOCI 6300. Seminar on the Life Cycle. 3 hours. An intensive analysis of selected topics in the area of the family and life cycle. Prerequisite(s): a minimum of 18 hours in sociology, including 6 hours in the area of family, or equivalent. May be repeated for credit.

SOCI 6400. Seminar on the Metropolitan Community. 3 hours. An intensive analysis of selected topics in the area of the metropolitan community. Prerequisite(s): a minimum of 18 hours in sociology, including SOCI 3300 and SOCI 4350, or equivalent. May be repeated for credit.

SOCI 6500. Seminar on Social Organization and Disorganization. 3 hours. An intensive analysis of selected topics in such areas as social institutions and deviant behavior. Prerequisite(s): a minimum of 18 hours in sociology, or equivalent. May be repeated for credit.

SOCI 6900-SOCI 6910. Special Problems. 1–3 hours each.

SOCI 6940. Individual Research. 1–12 hours.

SOCI 6950. Doctoral Dissertation. 3, 6 or 9 hours. To be scheduled only with consent of department. 12 hours credit required. No credit assigned until dissertation has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Doctoral students must maintain continuous enrollment in this course subsequent to passing qualifying examination for admission to candidacy. May be repeated for credit.

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