Graduate Catalog

2010-11 Academic Year


Journalism, JOUR

JOUR 5010. Reporting Practices. 3 hours. A concentrated study of the principles, practices and ethics of reporting and writing news under the pressure of deadlines to develop news judgment, craftsmanship and ability to handle complex news stories. Student work is subject to classroom analysis and criticism. This course prepares students lacking strong journalistic backgrounds for advanced professional courses and may be counted as part of a graduate program in fields other than journalism.

JOUR 5020. Editing Practices. 3 hours. A concentrated study of the principles and practices of handling copy for print news media, including copy editing, headline writing, design and layout of newspapers and other printed materials, newspaper style, photo editing, the news wire services, and electronic and cabletext editing. Students receive practical experience in the functions of a copy editor. This course prepares students lacking strong journalistic backgrounds for advanced professional courses and may be counted as part of a graduate program in other fields. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 5010 or consent of school.

JOUR 5030. Visual Journalism. 3 hours. Comprehensive look at visual communication theory, Gestalt design theory and applied uses of multimedia, particularly in online visual journalism. Activities include publishable projects on CD-ROM and for the web. Legal issues in producing multimedia packages, including copyright law, are addressed.

JOUR 5040. Media Studies and Theories. 3 hours. This course is designed to introduce the students to enduring issues and problems of American mass media and to the body of knowledge concerning theories on the function, nature, audience and effects of mass communication. The course examines mass communication as a social system and the contributions of social scientists to the study of mass communication by putting emphasis on political, economic, technological, legal and historical factors that have shaped American mass media. Prerequisite(s): consent of school.

JOUR 5050. Readings in Mass Communication. 3 hours. Study of leading bibliographical tools in mass communication, reading of biographies and analysis of the field. Chief aim of the course is becoming acquainted with a large number of books related to mass communication. Three hours per week given to book reports.

JOUR 5100. Case Problems in Public Relations. 3 hours. Study of public relations trends and principles and how they relate to cases involving organizations and institutions in the profit and non-profit sectors. Attention to the use of proper public relations tools in meeting the needs of each organization’s public.

JOUR 5150. International Mass Communication. 3 hours. Study of mass communication media throughout the world, with special attention to press and broadcast systems, the sources and flow of international news, and problems of world communication. Course is 50 percent web-based when offered in the summer term. (Same as RTVF 5460.)

JOUR 5200. Public Opinion and Propaganda. 3 hours. Public opinion and its role in modern society. The significance of propaganda in politics and war during the current century.

JOUR 5210. Race, Gender and the Media. 3 hours. Interdisciplinary readings seminar examining how social constructions of ethnicity and gender are involved in the production, distribution and consumption of the mass media in the United States. Course lectures, assigned readings, diversity interviews, family genograms and a term research project comprise the basis for graded work.

JOUR 5250. Research Methods I (Quantitative). 3 hours. Quantitative study of audiences, contents and effects in mass communication by using tools and techniques of social science research. Emphasis on statistical analysis, survey research, content analysis and experimental studies.

JOUR 5260. Research Methods II (Qualitative). 3 hours. Study of the foundations, research methods, practices, theoretical approaches to qualitative research. These methods and approaches include ethnography, literary theory, rhetorical analysis, discourse analysis, gender and race theories, phenomenology, semiotics and others as applied to journalism. Students practice designing well-focused studies, as well as engaging in research practices related to the media.

JOUR 5270. Advanced Reporting Techniques. 3 hours. Equips current and future journalists with the skills to do responsible reporting that includes getting information that is often difficult to obtain from government and private sources. This hands-on advanced reporting class focuses on “sunshine laws” and other freedom of information laws that are helpful in obtaining information legally available to the public; mining online databases of public records that pertain to stories journalists pursue for the public’s need to know about the institutions, public figures and other entities that affect our daily lives. Prerequisite(s): consent of school.

JOUR 5280. Media Management. 3 hours. Explores the various skills and resources required to lead and manage effectively in newspaper, magazine, public relations and advertising organizations. Case studies and guest speakers with specific expertise are included to illustrate various principles and concepts throughout the course. Prerequisite(s): consent of school.

JOUR 5290. Science and Environmental Reporting. 3 hours. Explores science and environmental reporting as a valuable newsroom specialty blending science, politics, public health and business to encourage public discussion, to educate and to contribute to a public understanding of these challenging problems. Discusses aspects of television, radio and print reporting. Emphasis is on content and storytelling, not basic newswriting. Prerequisite(s): reporting experience or JOUR 5010 and JOUR 5020.

JOUR 5300. Theories of Mass Communication. 3 hours. Theoretical approaches to communication; examination of the developing literature in this field, including the contributions of social scientists and others; special problems in communications research.

JOUR 5310. Media Ethics. 3 hours. Promotes the development of critical thinking and reasoning skills necessary in the mass and hyper media. It examines the relationship between professional ethics and social philosophy and between media practice and a democratic society. Course is 50 percent web-based when offered in the summer term.

JOUR 5320. New Technologies of Mass Communication. 3 hours. Theoretical and practical approaches to new technologies. Build and maintain weblogs (or “blogs”); analyze existing, mature blogs; discuss theories relating to internet discourse of all sorts. Explores new technologies from the professional perspectives of working journalists and scrutinizes these same technologies from the perspectives of cultural critics who see not only a technology’s utility, but also its impact on society, its workers and its media content. Study of communications technology from historical perspectives in order to learn the broader lessons of intervention and diffusion; utopianism and dystopianism; literacy, orality (second orality) and electracy; identity, property, politics, economics; and other issues. Prerequisite(s): consent of school.

JOUR 5350. Seminar in Journalism and Mass Communication. 3 hours. Extensive readings, analysis and discussion of significant topics not covered by course offerings. Topics include impact of new technology on the mass media, ethical problems in the mass media, economic problems in media development. Prerequisite(s): consent of school. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

JOUR 5370. Criticism of Mass Media. 3 hours. Facilitates thought and discussion about some of the major issues facing contemporary mass media, their messages, their audiences and the industry.

JOUR 5500. Integrated Communications. 3 hours. Teaches students how to design the strategic planning of a comprehensive communications plan that evaluates the roles of a variety of disciplines including advertising, direct response, public relations and promotions. Such tactics are shown to provide clarity, consistency and maximum efficiency in all communication programs. Prerequisite(s): consent of school.

JOUR 5510. Direct Response. 3 hours. Provides a review of general principles of direct response as introduced in undergraduate and graduate courses; develops a working understanding of the applications of direct response principles and practices to all functions of the communications field; helps each student understand, question and accept the general subject of direct response, utilizes true-life examples, develops an awareness of the new technology available to everyone who might use direct response techniques or want to work in the industry. Prerequisite(s): consent of school.

JOUR 5700. Advanced Feature Writing. 3 hours. Focuses on the art and craft of long-form feature writing, using extensive research and interviews; equips students with the skills to construct a feature series. Prerequisite(s): consent of school.

JOUR 5710. Narrative Journalism. 3 hours. Explores the art of narrative journalism. Study of short- and long-form narratives for newspapers, magazines and web-based publications. Prerequisite(s): consent of school.

JOUR 5720. Magazine Writing and Publishing. 3 hours. Study and practice of magazine production, including photography, editing, advertising and design. Explores production schedules, advertising and marketing promotions. Covers composition, printing methods and cost-quality issues to rewriting, copy reading and fitting galleys into layouts and resulting in the production of a magazine. Prerequisite(s): consent of school.

JOUR 5730. Writing, Editing and Publishing for the Narrative Journalism Market. 3 hours. Advanced editing practices and story-telling devices used to create and edit book-length manuscripts and other forms of literary nonfiction. Explores the careers of literary journalists and their work. Prerequisite(s): consent of school.

JOUR 5740. Literary Journalism. 3 hours. Explores the application of literary techniques to journalism projects involving real world experiences. Employs setting, dialogue, sensory detail and other techniques used by literary journalists. Teaches immersion journalism techniques. Linked to The Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference and other off-campus opportunities. Prerequisite(s): consent of school.

JOUR 5800. Professional Internship. 3 hours. Practical experience in areas of journalism through an arranged internship under the instruction and supervision of the major professor and a designated professional of the office involved. Different sections scheduled for each of the following internships: advertising, news-editorial, photojournalism and public relations. Prerequisite(s): consent of school. Normally, no more than 3 hours may apply toward the master’s degree.

JOUR 5900-JOUR 5910. Advanced Problems in Journalism. 1–3 hours each. Maximum of 6 hours credit. Individual investigations of current problems in such areas as ethics of mass communication, reporting, editing, international communication, newspaper or magazine publishing, advertising, photojournalism and journalism education.

JOUR 5950. Master’s Thesis. 3 or 6 hours. To be scheduled only with consent of school. 6 hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun. May be repeated for credit.

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