Undergraduate Catalog

2010-11 Academic Year

Special Programs

The College of Arts and Sciences administers the offering of courses in the Department of Aerospace Studies, the Military Science Program and University Courses.

Department of Aerospace Studies

Departmental Office
AFROTC Building, Room 101
AFROTC-Det 835
Mailing address:
1155 Union Circle #305400
Denton, TX 76203-5017

Web site: afrotc.unt.edu

Lt Col Richard Elkins, Chair


Drotos, Elkins, Fowler


The Air Force ROTC program (aerospace studies) recruits, educates and commissions officer candidates as an integral part of the UNT curriculum. The Air Force ROTC program consists of three parts: the General Military Course (first two years); Summer Field Training Encampment; and the Professional Officer Course (last two years). Students enroll in AERO classes at the same time and in the same manner as for other UNT courses. AERO courses normally receive academic credit as part of a student’s electives. Each instructor is an active duty Air Force officer.

Four-Year Program

The first two years of the Air Force ROTC four-year program—the General Military Course (GMC)—consist of one hour of classroom work and two hours of leadership laboratory each week. Cadets who wish to compete for an enrollment allocation and entry into the last two years of the program—the Professional Officer Course (POC)—must do so under the requirements of the Professional Officer Course Selection System. This system uses qualitative factors such as grade point average, unit commander evaluation and aptitude test scores to determine a student’s officer potential. After POC selection, students must complete a four-week field training encampment at an assigned Air Force base. Cadets enrolled in the POC attend class three hours a week and participate in a weekly leadership laboratory lasting two hours. All GMC and POC cadets must participate in weekly physical training.

In the POC, cadets apply what they have learned in the GMC and at field training. The AFROTC detachment at UNT has a cadet corps based on the Air Force organizational pattern of flight, squadron, group and wing. POC cadets are assigned to leadership positions, conduct the leadership laboratories and manage the unit’s cadet corps.

Once enrolled in the POC, cadets are enlisted in the Air Force Reserve and assigned to the obligated reserve section. This entitles them to a monthly, non-taxable allowance during the academic year.

Two- and Three-Year Programs

The last two years of the AFROTC program consist of the Professional Officer Course (POC). Students with at least two undergraduate academic years remaining at UNT may apply for a two- or three-year program, sign up for GMC courses, and compete for an enrollment allocation for entry into the POC. Entrance into the POC is highly competitive; two- and three-year applicants must be selected through the selection system described above.

Two- and three-year applicants must also complete a six-week field training encampment. The additional two weeks of field training prepare them for entry into the POC.

Leadership Laboratory

Cadets must take a required Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) approximately two hours per week throughout their enrollment in AFROTC. LLAB is conducted within the framework of the cadet organization with a progression of experiences designed to develop each student’s leadership potential. The curriculum involves study of Air Force customs and courtesies, drill and ceremony, career opportunities in the Air Force, and the life and work of an Air Force junior officer. Students develop leadership in a wide variety of practical, supervised environments.

Physical Training (PT)

Each cadet must attend two one-hour Physical Training (PT) sessions per week. PT is designed to motivate cadets to pursue an active, physically fit lifestyle. Cadets must meet Air Force physical fitness requirements to enter into the POC and to be commissioned.

Uniforms and Textbooks

Uniforms and textbooks for AFROTC courses are issued at no cost to the cadets.


Current emphasis in the Air Force ROTC college scholarship program is to award scholarships to candidates pursuing undergraduate engineering or other scientific and technical disciplines. Nearly 90 percent of Air Force ROTC scholarships are awarded in these disciplines. However, students in every degree program enjoy scholarship opportunities as the Air Force seeks to engage students who excel both academically and militarily. Scholarships are awarded at various amounts in increments of four, three and two years.

Eligibility Requirements

Air Force ROTC is open to male and female UNT students completing any undergraduate academic degree.

GMC entry requirements include:

1. full-time student status (minimum 12 hours);

2. good physical condition;

3. being of good moral character; and

4. being able to compete for POC before reaching 29 years if programmed for flying training or 30 years if programmed for non-flying training.

POC entry requirements include:

1. requirements 1–4 above;

2. U.S. citizenship;

3. at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average; 2.5 if awarded an Air Force scholarship;

4. at least two undergraduate academic years remaining at UNT;

5. passing score on the Air Force Officer Qualification Test (AFOQT);

6. passing score on the Air Force Physical Fitness Test;

7. pass Air Force medical examination; and

8. completion of Summer Field Training encampment.

Contact the aerospace studies department at 940-565-2074 for additional information on how to join.

Active-Duty Service Commitments

Cadets in the POC and second-year Air Force scholarship cadets are contract cadets who agree to accept a commission as a second lieutenant in the Air Force after completing all Air Force ROTC and academic degree requirements. Most cadets incur a four-year, active-duty commitment which begins after commissioning.

Credit for Core Curriculum

With written approval from the student’s major department, completion of upper-division AERO courses may be substituted for up to 3 hours credit toward the Political Science requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

Minor in Aerospace Studies

A minor in aerospace studies requires 18 hours, including two semesters of GMC or applicable cooperative education class approved by department chair, AERO 3310, AERO 3320, AERO 4310 and AERO 4320.

Courses of Instruction

All Courses of Instruction are located in one section at the back of this catalog.

The GMC curriculum includes 1000- and 2000-level AERO lecture courses with associated lab and recitation hours. The POC curriculum includes 3000- and 4000-level AERO lecture courses with associated lab and recitation hours.

Course and Subject Guide

The “Course and Subject Guide,” found in the Courses of Instruction section of this book, serves as a table of contents and provides quick access to subject areas and prefixes.

Military Science Program

Program Office
Wooten Hall, Suite 325
Mailing address:
1155 Union Circle #310977
Denton, TX 76203-5017

Web site: www.armyrotc.unt.edu

Maj. Herman Troy, Director


Link, Lowry, Troy, Yoffe


The Army ROTC Program develops leadership skills and provides military education vital to a career as an Army officer as an integral part of the UNT curriculum. Active-duty Army personnel provide all classroom instruction and program administration.

The program is open to male and female students. Freshmen may enroll in the four-year program, and sophomores through graduate students with at least two undergraduate or graduate academic years remaining at UNT may apply for a two- or three-year program. Deviations from these programs must be approved by the director of the Military Science program. Students who complete any program with at least a bachelor’s degree are awarded commissions as U.S. Army officers.

At the time this catalog went to press, plans were under way for creating a Department of Military Science. Visit www.armyrotc.unt.edu for more information regarding the program.

Programs of Study

Three- and Four-Year Program Eligibility Requirements

1. Full-time student.

2. Good physical condition.

3. Good moral character.

4. Able to complete the Basic/Advanced Course prior to the age of 31 years (year of commissioning). Non-scholarship students can be granted waivers up to 39 years of age.

5. Able to meet eligibility requirements 2–5 of the two-year program below after the first two years of Army ROTC training (Basic Course).

Enrollment procedures for the first two years of Army ROTC, known as the Basic Course, are the same as for any other course at UNT. In the last semester of the Basic Course, students who wish to enroll for the last two years of the program, known as the Advanced Course, must contract with the U.S. Army.

Requirements for contracting (non-scholarship) are a 2.5 GPA, approved medical screening, and a passing score on the Army Physical Fitness Test. As a Contracted cadet, each student receives a tax-free stipend for the duration of the school year. Juniors receive $450 per month and seniors receive $500 per month.

Two-Year Program Eligibility Requirements

1. Meet eligibility requirements 1–4 of the four-year program.

2. U.S. citizen.

3. Have at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average to be awarded an Army scholarship.

4. Have at least two undergraduate or graduate academic years remaining at UNT.

5. Pass a physical fitness test and pass a Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DODMERB) medical examination.

6. Complete a paid four-week summer training course at Fort Knox, Ky.

Once students in the two-year program compete successfully for a slot and enter into the Advance Course, they will receive the same stipend as the cadets in the three- and four-year program. Each student accepted into the two-year program must contract with the U.S. Army.

Credit for Required Courses

Completion of 12 semester hours of upper division ROTC courses can be substituted for PSCI 1050 with prior written approval from the student’s major department.

Leadership Laboratory

A required corresponding level leadership laboratory is taken an average of two hours per week throughout the student’s enrollment in AROTC. Instruction is conducted within the framework of an organized cadet corps with a progression of experiences designed to develop each student’s leadership potential.

Leadership laboratory involves a study of Army customs and courtesies, tactics and techniques, drill and ceremonies, career opportunities in the Army, and the life and work of an Army junior officer. Students develop their leadership potential in a practical, supervised laboratory, which typically includes scenario-driven activities.

Army ROTC Physical Training (PT) Program

This required program includes two mandatory one-hour PT sessions each week. PT involves enhancing the fitness level of cadets and prepares them to meet AROTC and Army standards. The program is designed to motivate cadets to pursue a physically fit and active lifestyle and to improve both safety and efficiency of physical training within AROTC. Cadets must meet physical fitness requirements in order to be commissioned.

Special Consideration to Veterans

Students with at least six months of active military service may be granted waivers on a portion of the Basic Course. For information, consult the Military Science office.

Minor in Military Science

To be eligible for a minor in military science, the student must meet the following requirements.

1. Be enrolled in the University of North Texas ROTC program (see above).

2. Have military science accepted as a minor by the student’s major degree department.

3. Successfully complete, with a grade of B or better, four of the following classes: MILS 3341, MILS 3342, MILS 4341, MILS 4342 or MILS 4391.

4. Successfully complete 6 additional military science hours with a grade of B or better (MILS 1180 can be repeated for credit to meet this requirement).

5. Successfully complete the Army’s Leader Development and Assessment course offered annually in the summer.

6. Meet all U.S. Army prerequisites to earn a commission as an Army officer upon graduation.


Uniforms and textbooks for Army ROTC courses are issued at no cost to cadets.

Scholarship Programs

Scholarships, available to qualified students in the four-year, three-year and two-year programs, provide full tuition, fees, a textbook allowance ($1,200) and a tax-free subsistence allowance between $300 and $500 per month. Competition is based on SAT or ACT results, high school or college academic record, and extracurricular and athletic activities. For information, contact the Military Science office.

Courses of Instruction

All Courses of Instruction are located in one section at the back of this catalog.

Course and Subject Guide

The “Course and Subject Guide,” found in the Courses of Instruction section of this book, serves as a table of contents and provides quick access to subject areas and prefixes.

Undergraduate Working Catalog

Special Programs

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